What’s unbelievable is that some corporate marketing head(s) actually thought this was a positive marketing idea. The creep factor is just off the charts!
We have the worst “elites” in recorded history. These ppl are reprobates.
I've had a few minutes to calm down from my initial horror and look at this commercial as a marketer.
It's going for virality.
That's literally all there is to it. I don't even believe there's weird subversive pro-transhumanist propaganda involved.
"Holy shit, look at this horrible commercial. I need to share this with 5 friends immediately."
It's outrage porn.
I actually don't think there's anything else going on now. That's literally it.
Look at a bio picture of the director with a prop robot and look at his facial expressions. He was fermented in this way of communicating from birth. Upsetting you makes you talk. The valence of it is utterly irrrelevant, and his brain probably doesn't even register the difference between positive and negative valence.
I think you could be right. I was thinking the same thing, transhumanism is the underlying current but the actual people making it might simply have no senses to feel that it could be creepy in a way that it makes it a bad commercial. An entire generation, or two my now, have been raised believing that "exposure" is all we need, and it could be the result of that!
Thanks for exploring this further, everybody. Tracey below posted that the commercial is from 2017, so 5 years ago it did not kill the business.
The ice-cream-product has artificial sweeteners, all of which, including Stevia, stimulate appetite by stimulating insulin production, making people gain MORE weight (lab rats, also).
To keep calories low, Halo Top uses the zero-calorie sweetener Stevia. For added sweetness, it also uses organic cane sugar — which is still sugar — and erythritol, which is a type of sugar alcohol."
5 years ago a lot of the people who might LIKE this commercial were seething that Donald Trump was president, and the economy was doing ok, meh, keeping the stock market bubble from popping, anyway...
This commercial may be "the most honest commercial" in the same way that Trump was "the most honest president" as Syria's president Assad remarked, not trying to hide the truth much at all...
There was safe-space for snark.
This video feeds into the western mental divorce from the realities of old age and death, and loneliness. The people watching it had mostly abandoned any elder who was suffering from dementia like this to some institution, or some other family members.
People had not yet been lonelyand fearful/anxious in COVID lockdowns, watching TV series and eating ice cream and chips.
Thank you John, this is a very interesting comment, and certainly requires human perceptive ability to dig the nuance! I appreciate the semantic nuance!!
Valence is irrelevant due to the generally true nature of the adage that there is no such thing as 'bad publicity'.
People who laugh at or 'get' the commercial will tend to buy the ice cream, at least compared to the mass of people who do not ever see the commercial.
People who are put off by the commercial will not necessarily impact sales negatively.
Some will share the clip with friends, not all of whom will have a negative reaction.
By reacting negatively, some parents will generate a positive interest in their kids, some of whom are motivated to do as much as possible to rebel (or if they're lucky, have been brought up to be positively contrarian or at least skeptical).
All of the above are on top of the pre-existing 200 million in the USA who are getting well conditioned to doing what they are told.
Not only is valence irrelevant, but (and I do have some experience here) industry people know that negative emotion is WAY easier to evoke than positive, because we're so cynical and unhappy now. Outrage and fear are extremely easy stories to tell; delight is way more work. It's simply amperage they want, because amperage drives shares drive virality.
As a marketer I absolutely do not get it. The woman is clearly miserable and afraid. I don't understand the psychology of this narrative as motivational.
I would have expected a commercial with a transhumanism-positive slant to show happy young immortals with permanent smiles on their faces gorging on the product while remaining slender and dancing around their improbably green urban domed landscape.
It could be that the creative director was so excited about the potential write-ups that he thought they did not actually need to sell the product! Because obviously this commercial is a repellent. Or they are trying to do something else. Impossible to know what's in their heads but a horrible commercial! It would be a great art project but a horrible commercial.
I did some quick research. My sampling of coverage of the artist tells me I'd find him pretty obnoxious.
Evidently this is "the most popular" ice cream in the United States with wild sales and company value.
Go figure.
P.S. I rewatched it with a critical eye and I think I figured it out: aren't old people gross and depressing and worthless? Look at that barely-alive bag of bones being unhappy about robots! Not YOU, purple-haired Zoomer- you know this is what paradise is- irony and dark humor instead of happiness- and you're cool enough to get it!
We've all talked a great deal about how powerful tribalism is. Changizi has frequently reported on how virtue signalling tribal affiliation requires the signal to be something unpleasant, weird, or alienating, or else non-true believers would have no problem with the shibboleth.
You get it... right? Robots are good. Tormenting old people is funny. YOU get it. You're not one of those rednecks that doesn't get it.
It's the most popular ice cream in the country, eaten by people who GET IT.
Sounds about right to me, Guttermouth. We are not above shamelessly stealing from Stanley Kubrick either to show everyone how cool we are.
Advertising (manipulation of humans via subconscious emotional drivers) these days has been refined to laser-like precision. These folks know precisely their target. Not only is it funny to torture old people, we are also lampooning human fear of a digitally-controlled, robot-oriented future. "As if this is ever going to happen, ha ha!"
On another level, if you are in a position of power to create the future of humanity it is extremely important to get the kids on board at every available opportunity. Why not whisper "Old is bad. Old people are useless & strain medical resources for little or no societal benefit" into their ears when they eat ice cream? Then when that day comes (human expiration dates), nobody will blink an eye.
My guess is we're not going to see any Haagen Dazs ads like this.
State civilization IS tribal life-- of a different order. Tribalism, as you describe it here, Peter d, will surely be used to paint corporate statism a pleasing shade of "Green". Tribal peoples own nothing, and they are happy.
Now imagine the exact same video, but with Morgan Freeman sitting in the chair instead.
Does that not change something? I'm quite certain the intended purple haired Zoomer (whatever a Zoomer is) would have a very different reaction from it.
So what does that tells us, that changing race, gender or similar factor (perhaps put a Holocaust survivor in the chair, or a thalidomide injured person?) changes the reaction? What about a middle aged white male convict with 'aryan nation'-style prison tattoos, or an inuit in full traditional garb?
All else is equal. Robots, interior decorations, voices, and ice cream. Maybe such a change would evoke something most people are no longer able to openly admit to, even to themselves? Becaue in my mental replay, having a thalidomide child seated in the chair makes me think there's some kind of sedative and neurotoxin mix in the ice cream... maybe that's just me though.
This must be a commercial for the needle worshipers LOL. Who would buy that brand? It sucks big time ! Thankfully I have ad blockers otherwise I might get nightmares !!! PS Guttermouth, your description makes me think of bulletins the Jehovah witnesses used to give out. A perfectly groomed family in a perfectly groomed garden with lions and tigers lying at their feet.
I agree wholeheartedly with the essence and content of this message.
The delusional transhumanists, technocrats and psychopaths are but fleeting shadows, projected onto the surface of this reality only though our allowing of the substance of fear into becoming prominent in our consciousness.
We will indeed prevail through remembering our innate radiant loving essence. We can become the healers of the bodies of humans and the body of the Earth. This does not require a degree or diploma. Myriad teachers, guides and luminous beings stand ready to assist us, they await our conscious choice to take the first step down the path with an open, honest and humble heart. Thank you for reminding us we are capable of embarking on this sacred path of serving as a conduit for love and divinity to make the more beautiful world we all know is possible made manifest.
Tessa you forget that the main power of these people is not delivering on actual things but to use these things to instill emotions in people, to believe that they are all powerful.
But they're no better than the wizard of oz, heck Whitney Webb and others point out that they cannot even get AI working because they're too dumb and run projects that lead to yes men releasing garbage.
Even this virus myth and genetics are intertwined in that they create an artificial weakness in people... They can't even cure the common "cold" or cancer, because they forget that it's caused by toxins and malnutrition. Even Russia gave up on bioweapon research years ago because it was not effective. Smallpox is the fear now, but even that was caused by lack of sanitation and lack of clean water.
That is why I am using the word "swindlers." :) I agree, they will have a hard time making it "work" but they can create a lot of havoc in the process of trying, as they already have with "COVID response."
In the case of the virus myth and the germ theory, since the covid scam many people who formerly accepted it credulously have done their homework and changed their view. So, all the scams, lies, manipulations and detours imposed on us throughout the decades do have the effect that we are forced to take recourse to our critical skills, that we have to inspect things ourselves, change our views, no longer to depend on authority, and that we have to take a stand against the flow, that we have to overcome our own credulity and laziness in some sense. So,in despite of the evil, this evolutionary process works at character building and intellectual independence, which will not be lost for the future, as it is the main thing of spiritual importance. And at some point there will be a critical part of humanity, and there will remain to be a growing critical part of humanity which no longer falls in the traps of the tyrannical ever more, so that at one point, these games no longer have an effect.
In that respect I do not like this idea of the awakened and the sleeping, divisional blue pill/red pill stuff which you see everywhere, we are all struggling to reach and maintain more autonomy of spirit, to gain more knowledge and perspectives, which is a costly and difficult process, to be ourselves, having our own mind in communion with others. It is the coming into adulthood of the human spirit and intellect on a scale, even if it looks minor, it is historically without precedent. It is a process which is easily overlooked in the current struggle of life, but considering the history of humanity, it is the most revolutionary process ever. All other revolutions are minor, and the revolutions and changes advocated by the contemporary clique of so called elites all around the world amount to nothing but the hot air of vanity.
I got bored of The Matrix already in the first twenty minutes. Psychologically I also prefer not to watch and focus on dystopian dehumanizing images. History knows so many examples, why should we anticipate on future ones? It is a theme that I have been contemplating, that it seems to me that imagination has a power of it's own, and that we should seek positive imagination.
Indeed much of robotics and AI is hype and sensations, the psychological trick of the AI/robotic toy boys and the corporations is to downplay human intelligence, and to hype their technology and 'intelligence'.
Here is a website, it is run by AI experts, or at least people who work in that field and keep up with the real state of affairs. The website is partly dedicated to attacking hypes.
Here is an article about the robot Sophia, one of the critics on this site called it 'a bandrecorder with a rubber head', or "Cargo Cult AI" or "Potemkin AI".
The fact that his tape recorder with a rubber head on top is given citizenship is a sign of the superstitious primitivism and inhumaneness of many people. Aside of the force of hype.
I also remember reading and extensive article about the hype of transhumanism, using nanotechnology in the body, of which as far as I know there is no proof at all that it can work. But research is difficult because you have to dig through all the hyping and sensation.
The tech cult is actually marked by relatively primitive intelligence, it is often about a lower type of intelligence which boasts about how wonderful it is.
Being a computer programmer myself, working on developing software which takes over a decade to fully develop, I feel that when I start working on it, I enter a lower practical type of intelligence, and also a very one sided type of intelligence. Because I felt that on the long run being so often in that mode had a restricting effect on myself, I decided to never work more hours than about twenty-five hours a month, and preferable even a maximum of twenty. The constant hyping in this area also started to annoy me, if I would have to find another job in this field, I'd probably would look for another type of job, as the hypes and trends in the world of IT are annoyingly infantile. My current client is a humane commonsensical person, but since a decade in a lot of other companies it feels like you are groomed to become part of a cult, and you are treated like some kind of infantile moron.
Another issue is that the first industrial revolutions provided an enormous gain to society, it improved the lives of many people in a gigantic way. But with the later 'revolution', the problem of complexity starts to kick in. Every engineer knows that the more complex a machine, the more problems can arise from it. It is a basic principle which engineers have to keep in mind.
With electronics in cars and other machines, we have already been entering into a situation where the disavantages of complexity start to become a bigger problem. The alleged fourth industrial revolution is actually a hyped revolution where which this idea of complexity and the risks involved is completely thrown overboard, for the sake of prestige, money and power.
Technology as it is developed the latest decades, while there is a bit of gain to it, the gain is by long not that large. Rather it costs huge amounts of money, also tax payer money, its has already made our lives overly complex, the risks of complexity is becoming huge, and it starts to become a slavery. The 'gain' of this ever more complex technology is largely a 'gain' for those in the top of the societal hierarchies. Common sense is thrown overboard, those who do not jump on the bandwagon of tech hypes are not cool, it doesn't allow for hype, sensation and prestige, and it doesn't fill your bank accounts.
"because I'm not all that stupid, I stopped programming"
In time that should be a creed for every programmer. Probably, when the time spent on programming per programmer is diminished, autist spectrum like traits will also diminish.
You can lean more from analysing the type and formulation of the questions, as they are ideologically defined.
" When I was a child, I enjoyed cutting up worms to see what would happen."
Children usually go through a phase of mild or more severe sadist tendencies, but ideologically that doesn't fit into the preferred view. Aside of that, there are many ways to do sadist things.
Perhaps it is good to know some insider knowledge from a world which is not known to outsiders (for other the readers here).
I built two applications, costing 85.000 euro in tax money (and assigned to me), both of them were dumped fairly shortly after they were finished. Now this is only a very very small fraction of tax money which is wasted on technology. Governments engage in huge failing projects, plus that the estimations of the costs often have to be changed, more money has to be added, sometimes the costs are doubled. The waste in this area is gigantic.
Programming is rational, technology is rational, but the way it is pushed, developed and used is highly irrational.
To tell that old is not any young thingy. Install aversion in the minds at the same time you install liking. Total gaslighting for the creation of confusion. Just right in time when bad is the new good.
And continue the path to wipe out traditional traditions when old/young mingled.
I have realized a few years ago that the so called "generation gap" was artificially created by various reformists, notably to support the industrial revolution and to lure the young to work at factories, but also before that, more violently, with religious reforms and missionary boarding schools. The wisdom of the elders is a backbone for the young, it is harder to confuse the young when they are connected to the wisdom of the elders, so breaking that connection is important for predatory reformers and invaders, and the more subtle kind of "disruptors." And then once they succeed, then some of the disconnected youth grown into confused elders, and generational trauma get passed on, and the new young have it harder in that sense they need to tap deep into the inside with less help from the elders.
I feel that this is the existential task of the people today, to tap deep into the inside and heal ourselves and love our elders, confused as some of them may be, and heal them, too, so that there is harmony at last.
Thank you for all the work and wisdom you put in to your writings. I am sure you are quite a bit younger than me, however, you appear to be very wise. I have, in the last decade, begun to wizen up.
I have always loved older people. And I have found them everywhere during travels, in shops, on the street, in the coffee places, at a concert. It has taught me the words of the past and the importance to not stay away from or give up as all to many have been inclined to as false leaders with deep pockets to buy off real sick policies and have it portrayed as a good thing to do.
A) The commercial is just creepy and bad form. I'd rather like it more to A Clockwork Orange and have her mouth forced open and ice cream poured in her mouth.
B) There is a ton of fiction out there about "transhumanism" and self aware AI, from Blade Runner, Westworld, I Robot, Upload, and an odd one to throw in, I know, but the new Lost in Space (Alien robots are self aware).
I personally like to watch the fictionalized versions or read new science fiction, but so glad I'm getting older and won't be alive when this stuff comes true in whatever form it takes.
But having people think and create stuff like this teaches us how the world may become, and that someone, somewhere, needs to safeguard humanity. Otherwise, I see McCarthy's The Road as the only result, sadly.
Thank you again!!! Perhaps always is a stretch but I have been writing about the philosophy of Big Tech and transhumanism for some years.. it's just that it was all on the background until 2020, and two years ago the reformers became direct!!
Thank you, Tessa Lena, for the Malidoma Some - shifted something really big for me, and opened my eyes to a new path to enter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you Jennie for your wonderful comment! Malidoma Some's work is really beautiful and meaningful. I am very grateful to him, he is doing a tremendously useful thing for many people, and words don't quite express how important and powerful his explanations are.
reaching your audience by acknowledging that most of us feel helpless, lonely and afraid. sad state of affairs indeed and they are just hoping for a tictoc flush. however i cant recall the brand so i think its a fail ;) far more appreciated was listening to a reminder of the huge amount of real work that we are all engaged in right now, meaningful relation and connection with not only ourselves, but the unseen, the prayers, the respect and the love that we send on the daily in our gratitude and gesture, the acknowledgement and love we carry with out guides, angels and ancestors within the mystical miracle of life
having had a longer think about it, i suggest that this is part of a disassociation campaign for the younger generations, you know the ones whos faces you never see because they are too busy staring into a phone that are growing up with no social skills, confused gender issues and are totally happy with tech mining their data. willing slaves to the system because they cant think for themselves. this is WEF territory
i cant imagine what was going through the minds of the directors of the ice cream company that thought this might help sales, i would imagine it'll hurt them badly, but then ive never been one of the tribe that Guttermouth mentioned
I kinda feel like the commercial is of a piece from when everyone was slavering over Westworld. I mean, that show and its creators were like, everywhere, for quite a while. and especially that idea of "We're on the side of the robots, b/c we humans are so BAD, whereas the (eventual) robots are going to be wise and have the potential to save us from ourselves." So here's an example of a 'classic' kindof robot dystopia (which really is already here, with those fake animal toys they say "help" elders), that makes the 'AI-enlightened' dystopia look more attractive. While this vision is creepier, because no "fun" theme park to distract from the artificiality, I also think that's part of the Predictive Programming type aspect. If you really pick it apart, that's the version of robot many think we're NOT gonna get. LOL LOL LOL
Besides, that ice-cream probably has some lipid nano-particles in it....
What’s unbelievable is that some corporate marketing head(s) actually thought this was a positive marketing idea. The creep factor is just off the charts!
We have the worst “elites” in recorded history. These ppl are reprobates.
I've had a few minutes to calm down from my initial horror and look at this commercial as a marketer.
It's going for virality.
That's literally all there is to it. I don't even believe there's weird subversive pro-transhumanist propaganda involved.
"Holy shit, look at this horrible commercial. I need to share this with 5 friends immediately."
It's outrage porn.
I actually don't think there's anything else going on now. That's literally it.
Look at a bio picture of the director with a prop robot and look at his facial expressions. He was fermented in this way of communicating from birth. Upsetting you makes you talk. The valence of it is utterly irrrelevant, and his brain probably doesn't even register the difference between positive and negative valence.
I think you could be right. I was thinking the same thing, transhumanism is the underlying current but the actual people making it might simply have no senses to feel that it could be creepy in a way that it makes it a bad commercial. An entire generation, or two my now, have been raised believing that "exposure" is all we need, and it could be the result of that!
It doesn't invalidate any of your broader insights about transhumanism- it indirectly bolsters some of them.
But it's worth remember that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. :)
Thanks for exploring this further, everybody. Tracey below posted that the commercial is from 2017, so 5 years ago it did not kill the business.
The ice-cream-product has artificial sweeteners, all of which, including Stevia, stimulate appetite by stimulating insulin production, making people gain MORE weight (lab rats, also).
To keep calories low, Halo Top uses the zero-calorie sweetener Stevia. For added sweetness, it also uses organic cane sugar — which is still sugar — and erythritol, which is a type of sugar alcohol."
5 years ago a lot of the people who might LIKE this commercial were seething that Donald Trump was president, and the economy was doing ok, meh, keeping the stock market bubble from popping, anyway...
This commercial may be "the most honest commercial" in the same way that Trump was "the most honest president" as Syria's president Assad remarked, not trying to hide the truth much at all...
There was safe-space for snark.
This video feeds into the western mental divorce from the realities of old age and death, and loneliness. The people watching it had mostly abandoned any elder who was suffering from dementia like this to some institution, or some other family members.
People had not yet been lonelyand fearful/anxious in COVID lockdowns, watching TV series and eating ice cream and chips.
Thank you John, this is a very interesting comment, and certainly requires human perceptive ability to dig the nuance! I appreciate the semantic nuance!!
Valence is irrelevant due to the generally true nature of the adage that there is no such thing as 'bad publicity'.
People who laugh at or 'get' the commercial will tend to buy the ice cream, at least compared to the mass of people who do not ever see the commercial.
People who are put off by the commercial will not necessarily impact sales negatively.
Some will share the clip with friends, not all of whom will have a negative reaction.
By reacting negatively, some parents will generate a positive interest in their kids, some of whom are motivated to do as much as possible to rebel (or if they're lucky, have been brought up to be positively contrarian or at least skeptical).
All of the above are on top of the pre-existing 200 million in the USA who are getting well conditioned to doing what they are told.
Not only is valence irrelevant, but (and I do have some experience here) industry people know that negative emotion is WAY easier to evoke than positive, because we're so cynical and unhappy now. Outrage and fear are extremely easy stories to tell; delight is way more work. It's simply amperage they want, because amperage drives shares drive virality.
"Thank you" for introducing me to this. :)
As a marketer I absolutely do not get it. The woman is clearly miserable and afraid. I don't understand the psychology of this narrative as motivational.
I would have expected a commercial with a transhumanism-positive slant to show happy young immortals with permanent smiles on their faces gorging on the product while remaining slender and dancing around their improbably green urban domed landscape.
It could be that the creative director was so excited about the potential write-ups that he thought they did not actually need to sell the product! Because obviously this commercial is a repellent. Or they are trying to do something else. Impossible to know what's in their heads but a horrible commercial! It would be a great art project but a horrible commercial.
I did some quick research. My sampling of coverage of the artist tells me I'd find him pretty obnoxious.
Evidently this is "the most popular" ice cream in the United States with wild sales and company value.
Go figure.
P.S. I rewatched it with a critical eye and I think I figured it out: aren't old people gross and depressing and worthless? Look at that barely-alive bag of bones being unhappy about robots! Not YOU, purple-haired Zoomer- you know this is what paradise is- irony and dark humor instead of happiness- and you're cool enough to get it!
Interesting... you have a point there!
We've all talked a great deal about how powerful tribalism is. Changizi has frequently reported on how virtue signalling tribal affiliation requires the signal to be something unpleasant, weird, or alienating, or else non-true believers would have no problem with the shibboleth.
You get it... right? Robots are good. Tormenting old people is funny. YOU get it. You're not one of those rednecks that doesn't get it.
It's the most popular ice cream in the country, eaten by people who GET IT.
I wouldn't have gotten it if you hadn't described it for me. This is disgusting. It is shameful that the pied piper has lured the youth to this.
To be clear, I'm just guessing because I know how shitty marketing is.
Sounds about right to me, Guttermouth. We are not above shamelessly stealing from Stanley Kubrick either to show everyone how cool we are.
Advertising (manipulation of humans via subconscious emotional drivers) these days has been refined to laser-like precision. These folks know precisely their target. Not only is it funny to torture old people, we are also lampooning human fear of a digitally-controlled, robot-oriented future. "As if this is ever going to happen, ha ha!"
On another level, if you are in a position of power to create the future of humanity it is extremely important to get the kids on board at every available opportunity. Why not whisper "Old is bad. Old people are useless & strain medical resources for little or no societal benefit" into their ears when they eat ice cream? Then when that day comes (human expiration dates), nobody will blink an eye.
My guess is we're not going to see any Haagen Dazs ads like this.
State civilization IS tribal life-- of a different order. Tribalism, as you describe it here, Peter d, will surely be used to paint corporate statism a pleasing shade of "Green". Tribal peoples own nothing, and they are happy.
Now imagine the exact same video, but with Morgan Freeman sitting in the chair instead.
Does that not change something? I'm quite certain the intended purple haired Zoomer (whatever a Zoomer is) would have a very different reaction from it.
So what does that tells us, that changing race, gender or similar factor (perhaps put a Holocaust survivor in the chair, or a thalidomide injured person?) changes the reaction? What about a middle aged white male convict with 'aryan nation'-style prison tattoos, or an inuit in full traditional garb?
All else is equal. Robots, interior decorations, voices, and ice cream. Maybe such a change would evoke something most people are no longer able to openly admit to, even to themselves? Becaue in my mental replay, having a thalidomide child seated in the chair makes me think there's some kind of sedative and neurotoxin mix in the ice cream... maybe that's just me though.
A "Zoomer" is the colloquial term for a member of Generation Z, the generation immediately following millennials, beginning in roughly 1995.
Aha, thank you. Guess I should have searched for it instead of being a lazy-bones.
I thought millennials was the kids born from 2000 on, shows how out of touch I'm getting.
Oh well, "snot nosed punks" will always work.
This must be a commercial for the needle worshipers LOL. Who would buy that brand? It sucks big time ! Thankfully I have ad blockers otherwise I might get nightmares !!! PS Guttermouth, your description makes me think of bulletins the Jehovah witnesses used to give out. A perfectly groomed family in a perfectly groomed garden with lions and tigers lying at their feet.
I agree wholeheartedly with the essence and content of this message.
The delusional transhumanists, technocrats and psychopaths are but fleeting shadows, projected onto the surface of this reality only though our allowing of the substance of fear into becoming prominent in our consciousness.
We will indeed prevail through remembering our innate radiant loving essence. We can become the healers of the bodies of humans and the body of the Earth. This does not require a degree or diploma. Myriad teachers, guides and luminous beings stand ready to assist us, they await our conscious choice to take the first step down the path with an open, honest and humble heart. Thank you for reminding us we are capable of embarking on this sacred path of serving as a conduit for love and divinity to make the more beautiful world we all know is possible made manifest.
much love and big hugs <3
Thank you Gavin!!
The set looks like the last scene from Stanly Kubrick’s 2001 a Space Odyssey! It has the same feeling about it. Creepy indeed.
That astronaut only got to eat some (cold) soup.
I agree!!
Tessa you forget that the main power of these people is not delivering on actual things but to use these things to instill emotions in people, to believe that they are all powerful.
But they're no better than the wizard of oz, heck Whitney Webb and others point out that they cannot even get AI working because they're too dumb and run projects that lead to yes men releasing garbage.
Even this virus myth and genetics are intertwined in that they create an artificial weakness in people... They can't even cure the common "cold" or cancer, because they forget that it's caused by toxins and malnutrition. Even Russia gave up on bioweapon research years ago because it was not effective. Smallpox is the fear now, but even that was caused by lack of sanitation and lack of clean water.
That is why I am using the word "swindlers." :) I agree, they will have a hard time making it "work" but they can create a lot of havoc in the process of trying, as they already have with "COVID response."
In the case of the virus myth and the germ theory, since the covid scam many people who formerly accepted it credulously have done their homework and changed their view. So, all the scams, lies, manipulations and detours imposed on us throughout the decades do have the effect that we are forced to take recourse to our critical skills, that we have to inspect things ourselves, change our views, no longer to depend on authority, and that we have to take a stand against the flow, that we have to overcome our own credulity and laziness in some sense. So,in despite of the evil, this evolutionary process works at character building and intellectual independence, which will not be lost for the future, as it is the main thing of spiritual importance. And at some point there will be a critical part of humanity, and there will remain to be a growing critical part of humanity which no longer falls in the traps of the tyrannical ever more, so that at one point, these games no longer have an effect.
In that respect I do not like this idea of the awakened and the sleeping, divisional blue pill/red pill stuff which you see everywhere, we are all struggling to reach and maintain more autonomy of spirit, to gain more knowledge and perspectives, which is a costly and difficult process, to be ourselves, having our own mind in communion with others. It is the coming into adulthood of the human spirit and intellect on a scale, even if it looks minor, it is historically without precedent. It is a process which is easily overlooked in the current struggle of life, but considering the history of humanity, it is the most revolutionary process ever. All other revolutions are minor, and the revolutions and changes advocated by the contemporary clique of so called elites all around the world amount to nothing but the hot air of vanity.
Have not seen it, there are actually different version with the same title, but I never look at such movies anyway.
I got bored of The Matrix already in the first twenty minutes. Psychologically I also prefer not to watch and focus on dystopian dehumanizing images. History knows so many examples, why should we anticipate on future ones? It is a theme that I have been contemplating, that it seems to me that imagination has a power of it's own, and that we should seek positive imagination.
Indeed much of robotics and AI is hype and sensations, the psychological trick of the AI/robotic toy boys and the corporations is to downplay human intelligence, and to hype their technology and 'intelligence'.
Here is a website, it is run by AI experts, or at least people who work in that field and keep up with the real state of affairs. The website is partly dedicated to attacking hypes.
Here is an article about the robot Sophia, one of the critics on this site called it 'a bandrecorder with a rubber head', or "Cargo Cult AI" or "Potemkin AI".
The fact that his tape recorder with a rubber head on top is given citizenship is a sign of the superstitious primitivism and inhumaneness of many people. Aside of the force of hype.
I also remember reading and extensive article about the hype of transhumanism, using nanotechnology in the body, of which as far as I know there is no proof at all that it can work. But research is difficult because you have to dig through all the hyping and sensation.
The tech cult is actually marked by relatively primitive intelligence, it is often about a lower type of intelligence which boasts about how wonderful it is.
Being a computer programmer myself, working on developing software which takes over a decade to fully develop, I feel that when I start working on it, I enter a lower practical type of intelligence, and also a very one sided type of intelligence. Because I felt that on the long run being so often in that mode had a restricting effect on myself, I decided to never work more hours than about twenty-five hours a month, and preferable even a maximum of twenty. The constant hyping in this area also started to annoy me, if I would have to find another job in this field, I'd probably would look for another type of job, as the hypes and trends in the world of IT are annoyingly infantile. My current client is a humane commonsensical person, but since a decade in a lot of other companies it feels like you are groomed to become part of a cult, and you are treated like some kind of infantile moron.
Another issue is that the first industrial revolutions provided an enormous gain to society, it improved the lives of many people in a gigantic way. But with the later 'revolution', the problem of complexity starts to kick in. Every engineer knows that the more complex a machine, the more problems can arise from it. It is a basic principle which engineers have to keep in mind.
With electronics in cars and other machines, we have already been entering into a situation where the disavantages of complexity start to become a bigger problem. The alleged fourth industrial revolution is actually a hyped revolution where which this idea of complexity and the risks involved is completely thrown overboard, for the sake of prestige, money and power.
Technology as it is developed the latest decades, while there is a bit of gain to it, the gain is by long not that large. Rather it costs huge amounts of money, also tax payer money, its has already made our lives overly complex, the risks of complexity is becoming huge, and it starts to become a slavery. The 'gain' of this ever more complex technology is largely a 'gain' for those in the top of the societal hierarchies. Common sense is thrown overboard, those who do not jump on the bandwagon of tech hypes are not cool, it doesn't allow for hype, sensation and prestige, and it doesn't fill your bank accounts.
"because I'm not all that stupid, I stopped programming"
In time that should be a creed for every programmer. Probably, when the time spent on programming per programmer is diminished, autist spectrum like traits will also diminish.
Psychology is a science which allows the definitions of ignorance and intolerance to become authoritative.
You can lean more from analysing the type and formulation of the questions, as they are ideologically defined.
" When I was a child, I enjoyed cutting up worms to see what would happen."
Children usually go through a phase of mild or more severe sadist tendencies, but ideologically that doesn't fit into the preferred view. Aside of that, there are many ways to do sadist things.
Perhaps it is good to know some insider knowledge from a world which is not known to outsiders (for other the readers here).
I built two applications, costing 85.000 euro in tax money (and assigned to me), both of them were dumped fairly shortly after they were finished. Now this is only a very very small fraction of tax money which is wasted on technology. Governments engage in huge failing projects, plus that the estimations of the costs often have to be changed, more money has to be added, sometimes the costs are doubled. The waste in this area is gigantic.
Programming is rational, technology is rational, but the way it is pushed, developed and used is highly irrational.
To tell that old is not any young thingy. Install aversion in the minds at the same time you install liking. Total gaslighting for the creation of confusion. Just right in time when bad is the new good.
And continue the path to wipe out traditional traditions when old/young mingled.
Sell more to less.
I have realized a few years ago that the so called "generation gap" was artificially created by various reformists, notably to support the industrial revolution and to lure the young to work at factories, but also before that, more violently, with religious reforms and missionary boarding schools. The wisdom of the elders is a backbone for the young, it is harder to confuse the young when they are connected to the wisdom of the elders, so breaking that connection is important for predatory reformers and invaders, and the more subtle kind of "disruptors." And then once they succeed, then some of the disconnected youth grown into confused elders, and generational trauma get passed on, and the new young have it harder in that sense they need to tap deep into the inside with less help from the elders.
I feel that this is the existential task of the people today, to tap deep into the inside and heal ourselves and love our elders, confused as some of them may be, and heal them, too, so that there is harmony at last.
Thank you for all the work and wisdom you put in to your writings. I am sure you are quite a bit younger than me, however, you appear to be very wise. I have, in the last decade, begun to wizen up.
Thank you!!! Hugs
I have always loved older people. And I have found them everywhere during travels, in shops, on the street, in the coffee places, at a concert. It has taught me the words of the past and the importance to not stay away from or give up as all to many have been inclined to as false leaders with deep pockets to buy off real sick policies and have it portrayed as a good thing to do.
A) The commercial is just creepy and bad form. I'd rather like it more to A Clockwork Orange and have her mouth forced open and ice cream poured in her mouth.
B) There is a ton of fiction out there about "transhumanism" and self aware AI, from Blade Runner, Westworld, I Robot, Upload, and an odd one to throw in, I know, but the new Lost in Space (Alien robots are self aware).
I personally like to watch the fictionalized versions or read new science fiction, but so glad I'm getting older and won't be alive when this stuff comes true in whatever form it takes.
But having people think and create stuff like this teaches us how the world may become, and that someone, somewhere, needs to safeguard humanity. Otherwise, I see McCarthy's The Road as the only result, sadly.
You're a goddess, Tessa!
She is!
You are so kind!!!!! Many hugs!!
I actually just bought your album with Soul Eaters and listening now. You were always awake weren’t you?
Thank you again!!! Perhaps always is a stretch but I have been writing about the philosophy of Big Tech and transhumanism for some years.. it's just that it was all on the background until 2020, and two years ago the reformers became direct!!
Thank you, Tessa Lena, for the Malidoma Some - shifted something really big for me, and opened my eyes to a new path to enter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you Jennie for your wonderful comment! Malidoma Some's work is really beautiful and meaningful. I am very grateful to him, he is doing a tremendously useful thing for many people, and words don't quite express how important and powerful his explanations are.
reaching your audience by acknowledging that most of us feel helpless, lonely and afraid. sad state of affairs indeed and they are just hoping for a tictoc flush. however i cant recall the brand so i think its a fail ;) far more appreciated was listening to a reminder of the huge amount of real work that we are all engaged in right now, meaningful relation and connection with not only ourselves, but the unseen, the prayers, the respect and the love that we send on the daily in our gratitude and gesture, the acknowledgement and love we carry with out guides, angels and ancestors within the mystical miracle of life
have you read sand talk by Tyson Yunkaporta?
Thank you Natasha, and no, have not read it! I will look!!
having had a longer think about it, i suggest that this is part of a disassociation campaign for the younger generations, you know the ones whos faces you never see because they are too busy staring into a phone that are growing up with no social skills, confused gender issues and are totally happy with tech mining their data. willing slaves to the system because they cant think for themselves. this is WEF territory
i cant imagine what was going through the minds of the directors of the ice cream company that thought this might help sales, i would imagine it'll hurt them badly, but then ive never been one of the tribe that Guttermouth mentioned
Let them eat cake!
Super ultra horribly creepy :( The ice cream advertisement was from 2017 - but still. And that BBC piece? I have no words!! Blech.....
Yep!! And this way of thinking has been in the oven for quite a while!!
I guess "this way of thinking" is very broad but it is hard to find good words to describe a whole mechanistic philosophy!
I kinda feel like the commercial is of a piece from when everyone was slavering over Westworld. I mean, that show and its creators were like, everywhere, for quite a while. and especially that idea of "We're on the side of the robots, b/c we humans are so BAD, whereas the (eventual) robots are going to be wise and have the potential to save us from ourselves." So here's an example of a 'classic' kindof robot dystopia (which really is already here, with those fake animal toys they say "help" elders), that makes the 'AI-enlightened' dystopia look more attractive. While this vision is creepier, because no "fun" theme park to distract from the artificiality, I also think that's part of the Predictive Programming type aspect. If you really pick it apart, that's the version of robot many think we're NOT gonna get. LOL LOL LOL
Besides, that ice-cream probably has some lipid nano-particles in it....
I’ve seen some others post this video and I swear I can’t make myself watch it now…I just ate.
But thank you for the last video….I watched it again, it’s always welcome💕
I hear you!! And good call on not watching the commercial after a meal!