Yes, and also just completely.... I don't disgusting, the entire thing. On the mid-level, it's probably just fanaticism and marrow-mindedness but on the high-level, this is pure psychopathy!! Most medications on the market have a slew of dangerous side effects (and I am talking traditional drugs), and no problem. But here...
"pure psychopathy!!" - indeed Tessa. Without seeing it and living it I never would have believed that such complete and total corruption of science and medicine could occur and be both effectively spread and maintained through completely fraudulent narratives endlessly parroted by the MSM combined with massive censorship by Silicon Valley. To see once highly respected medical journals, medical boards, research scientists, all of the major Western government regulatory agencies and most NGOs - ALL ENGAGE in this corruption of science and the associated healthcare response shakes one to the core. We have witnessed crimes against humanity fraudulently - "dressed up" - and promoted as - "pandemic health policy."
Didn't they create the bitter Internet just so they can censor the hell outta all of us and pass along the official narrative?
Like I have to wonder, should I mention that I felt like the melatonin helped me, or will that get ridiculed and derided?
Oh, and I was born in Russia. That must make me some kind a bad guy I have been told most of my life
This report she sent out is the tragedy of the day, yet we all know a greater revelation must be there tomorrow and the next about the fascist tyrannical collusion for medical madness
Thank you so much Tessa for linking to this post. 💕👍🏽 Like you, I know all this information, but something about the form doctor Nass put it in actually made me a little nauseous.
Dr. Nass had the same journey treating patients for COVID with repurposed antivirals that I did. We both started well before Donald Trump spoke in favor of it, and the political heat hit us.
I transitioned to ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline in August 2020, and always advised (and gave away free) vitamin-D since the beginning.
Neither Dr. Nass, nor I can currently provide patient care, because of our principled stands against the control-narratives of fear, compliance and death.
John, I told you before, and I'll say it again. I admire your courage. And it is s total disgrace that patients have to suffer because of greed and arrogance of human beings who shouldn't be in the business of leading anybody anywhere.
It is important to come to the truth ultimately. Especially in this case because Germ theory has been used as a political weapon for over 100 years to enslave us. There is plenty of evidence to indicate Germ theory isn't even wrong. How many people have ever heard of the Milton Rosenau experiment and the report drawn up for the US Government describing what they did?
It is worth reading as it proves the event we now refer to as the 'Spanish Flu' was not caused by a dangerous pathogen that could be transmitted from person to person. This series of experiments categorically proved there was no communicable pathogen. Here's a link to a copy of the original report conducted by Rosenau on behalf of the US Government.
What we should pride ourselves on is our ability to openly discuss these issues and not scream at one another when we disagree. That's what the mindless zombies on the other side do.
By the way I think what your doing is great so please keep it up.
Thank you Kevin!! Yes, absolutely!! And by the way, I have read a lot more on the arguments against the germ theory than on the arguments for it, and I am perfectly comfortable with not knowing the final answer. I do think, very sincerely and strongly, the answer to standing up to this horrible 4IR and the Great Reset etc. is about remembering the heart and expelling the need to control other people's thinking from our own lives. I think that is the non-glamorous and difficult part, and it is a lot more about that than about proving this talking point or that talking point. But I will certainly check out your links, and thank you again. Hugs!
This article presents facts that are virtually an open and shut case for crimes against humanity.
I'm perhaps not as erudite or as well read as many who respond here, but this is a mountain of evidence that should be seriously considered by the International Court.
I personally have not read anything this exhaustive in presenting the facts about the malfeasance and criminality of the bureaucrats, corporate entities, medical industry, alleged "charitable foundations" and pharmaceutical profiteers anywhere.
It's terrifying to realize how this was perpetrated in plain sight by using controlled media, misinformation, and mandates based on fiction to control billions of people, transfer wealth, and move us so quickly toward an authoritarian and murderous dystopia future.
Thank you for posting this. Dr. Nass done a masterful job presenting this and I cannot express how much I respect her effort and determination to get this out to the citizens of the world.
I'm not informed enough to comment on germ theories, but I can tell you from personal experience that I got very ill at the end of 2021, and remained sick for at least three weeks in a way I have never experienced. My sense of taste and smell were gone for three months and have still not returned to their pre-illness state.
I requested early treatment and was refused ivermectin and HCQ.
So, I'm not sure about germ theory, I just know loved ones died, and I was ill in a way I've never been.
Thanks again for posting something so informative.
Frank, I am so sorry that you lost loved ones! May they rest in peace. And I hope you fully recover soon!!
I also believe that regardless of the general state of affairs about the viruses, what we know as SARS-CoV-2 is likely synthetic biology. I cannot say with exhaustive certainty whether nature has come up with a type of genetic messenger whose main function is to order a host's cell to make copies of itself (which is what a virus is, and I don't see a reason why it would not exist in nature, and that is regardless of everything else, and what causes what, etc.), but human beings seemingly have come up with it, and are using it. Which is why a question of what is SARS-CoV-2 is a different question from the question about the merits of the germ theory (which is a great conversation but not worth spitting over).
HCQ and Ivermectin are not cures/preventions for a pathogenic virus infection. Why? Because there's no proof of such a pathogen. The people who have gotten sick for the most part, and those who died were due largely from protocol treatments; i.e. malpractice or seasonal influenza for the elderly and those with one or more underlying comorbidity. The RT-PCR test is a proven fraud. It cannot distinguish a cold from pneumonia. Virtually all positives are false.
This has always been a coordinated global psyop. HCQ and Ivermectin may work to eliminate parasites, and perhaps incidentally relieve a person of some symptoms. But when these are touted as alternatives to the poison injections, they just play into the psyop, as does the notion of an escaped "pathogenic virus" from a Wuhan lab making its way around the globe. There's never been proof of a virus infection nor that people transmit from one to the other.
I responded in the thread with Robert. Ultimately, to me, practical issues are far more important than being right about theory. Viruses may or may not exist (personally, I think that germ and terrain are both right, it's just more complex than either side) but the overall "health response" is a fraud regardless, and it is far more productive, to my feeling, to support each other regardless of differences in theoretical opinions, than to go at each other's throats over talking points, such as whether viruses exist. This is way complex, and in the end, the world generally does not offer final answers, there are so many layers to knowledge that any final answer ends up being very incomplete! xo
There is a "theory" called "germ theory". It has never been proven and has been very useful in producing billions of dollars in profits for pharmaceutical companies. It's not an opinion or a theory that no one has ever proven the existence of pathogenic viruses as described by virologists. It has been very useful in destroying millions of lives by forcing people through manufactured fear and coercion to take an experimental injection. This is not about my feelings or some sort of "compromise" to "bring people together". This is about the severity of fraud that has been pervasive for years, and most intense during the last 2+ years. Pax.
As I said, I think arguing about the true nature of viruses and whether they exist is not productive at this moment in time. And I do believe that both germ theory and terrain theory are correct, and the truth is somewhere we don't know yet. Personally, I do not flatter myself thinking that I possess the final and ultimate understanding of the nature of viruses (whether they are real, not real, or something else entirely). I see what you are saying but I think demanding agreement on that the viruses are imaginary is not how we win this battle. In fact, demanding a change of opinion is something that works, well, never. And I cannot be convinced that viruses don't exist based on on experience. I have gotten sick many times in life after being sneezed upon, and as I mentioned earlier, when I took ivermectin at one time, my fever went down dramatically within minutes. There could be a complex mechanism, many factors, whatever. But I don't believe that solving that issue right here and now is the way to be useful. I am open to any answer but I certainly don't know it as of this moment, and yes, I am familiar with arguments on both sides.
In my opinion, the most dangerous thing, and the source of most problems we have, is love of dogma, and I don't care which side dogma lives on, it's the emotion of dogma that usually brings everything down. I am against it!
The dogma that rules and has convinced you that your symptoms may be from a "germ" or "virus" has created the fear that drives what we've been witnessing. The notion of a "virus" is ancient. The word comes from the Latin - poison. I really don't care if people use HCQ or Ivermectin, but there's no proof that it has anything to do with a novel virus. I'm not sure of the long-term safety if masses of people simply decide to take it. It does contain toxins. We run for remedies when simple rest and liquids are more than sufficient. Symptoms are natural. Suppressing them is not.
Dogma is the conviction that one has the final answer, the one and only answer, and that anybody who does not think or feel exactly like the person talking, is the problem. And I passionately object to this approach because this approach is what has caused probably the vast majority of cruel choices in the history of humanity! And about every theory or point of view has been used for crap!!]
I see what you are saying but I think there is at the very least a miscommunication. Viruses may or may nor exist and they could be this, that, or the other, but the fraud and abuse that we have been dealing with in the past two years (and then, at the root of it, in the past few thousand years, perhaps) is very much in our faces, still. The belief in the existence of viruses, even in the most mainstream current definition of a virus, does not automatically lead to the fear that they tried to generate. People have been minding their business about viruses for decades, taking maybe chicken soup of whatever made sense (with some exceptions when again, fear was generated from the top).
This is a very complex topic! Does nature have something like a piece of genetic material whose main function is to tell the cell to make copies of itself? Why wouldn't such thing exist in nature, let's say, in theory? Do you honestly know with certainty that on our entire planet, in totality, such a life form does not exist and it cannot exist, and the answer is final? Because this is what a "virus" is, at least by definition. And it can peacefully co-exist with the fact that when we are in good shape, such a life form can't get to us, or with the fact that various toxins make us more vulnerable, or that half the official science about specific viruses could be wrong or fraudulent (like HIV, for example).
Insisting that no, absolutely, under no circumstances, genetic material cannot command the cell to make copies of itself, and that is the final answer that stands in perpetuity, is a little dogmatic, I think. :)
In any case, I do not have a final and absolute answer on this, and neither does anyone else!
Tess I'm not proposing a theory regarding pathogenic viruses. I'm simply stating a fact, as best we've been able to discern from research, that no pathogenic virus has been proven to exist - that is to say a particle which has been isolated, purified and proven to cause a specific illness. The same is true of unicorns, except most people agree that these are mythological creatures.
What concerns me is that the notion of a "pathogenic virus" has been weaponized against people, those who are most susceptible and willing to obey authorities and have sided with the notion of a pathogenic virus.
Ivermectin and HCQ may serve to provide relief from symptoms, how and why has not been explained. We have many over the counter medications which serve a similar purpose as well as natural treatments. Because we have no validated test for COVID-19, it's impossible to say that either Ivermectin or HCQ has addressed that particular "disease".
Here is my thesis: On the one hand, this episode/event is to manage and control for purposes of ruling over the population.
Another thesis, which could be part of the first, is because the critical energy sources essential for the working of the system are becoming extremely scarce; it was essential to shut down the system (2+ years) to provide a means of addressing this dire situation. The long held myth of a pathogenic virus served this and other purposes.
I think it's important to clarify what we are talking about.
First of all, what is "a virus," as it is currently understood? It is a bit of genetic material that has the ability to command a host cell to make copies of itself. Does such a thing exist? I believe that this functionality has been proven to exist and even artificially reproduced, but even if it weren't, it has not been proven that is does not exist. In order to prove the latter, one would first have to count everything that exists in nature, which is of course what transhumanists want to do :)) but it is none the less impossible! So let's say, an unknown, assuming that whatever has been observed could have been a mistake.
As far as pathogenicity, I do not believe there is such thing as a final answer about what exactly happens in biology, in principle. We never know the entire thing!!! And I reassure you, I have looked into arguments on both sides (more so on the side that "viruses don't exist"), and I don't think anybody has a final and ultimate answer!! More importantly, I am entirely at peace with not having the final and ultimate answer about the true nature of viruses and what they do or do not cause, as of this second, the world is complex and mysterious, and viruses could be anything. For example, I don't think that "HIV virus causes AIDS." But I do not feel compelled to demand agreement on that because life doesn't work this way!
Most importantly, arguing about it is counter-produtive, especially given that the general psychological methodology of abuse and cheating we are being subjected to is universal, it's climate emergency now any minute, are we are going to be "planet killers" for eating meat or taking long showers. Viruses or not.
Amd thank you for the link, I will check it out, too!
Humans are endowed with logic and reasoning. So, let's start from there. First logically one should begin with first principles before embarking on any other considerations.
A "virus" (Latin for poison) is a dead particle which cannot procreate nor is it mobile. In a word it is not a living being and there is no evidence that such a particle spreads within the human genome and damages organs. It is a best a hypothesis, but likely mostly myth and should not, IMO, be used to produce policies and health treatments. Additionally, there have been a number of experiments to prove the hypothesis that people can transmit pathogens to one another. None of these experiments were ever able to prove the hypothesis (Dr. Tom Cowan - The Contagion Myth).
As Dr. Harold Hillman, renowned microbiologist, stated biology (hence medicine) is in dire straights because our instruments and processes of experimentation distort reality. As Dr. Stephan Lanka states, once controls are applied all examples of isolating and proving a virus exists and causes harm to tissue fails (Dr. Lanka a microbiologist/virologist) has demonstrated this.
As Dr. Lanka, et al have discerned, what some call viruses are actually cell dead fragments sometimes referred to as exosomes. The body is a complex, highly dynamic self-regulating organism that uses energy to maintain homeostasis and purge the body of toxins which are created internally and from the environment. That's how the body maintains its health. Not through medications and injections which are loaded with toxins which the body must purge.
Tess if you believe that a pathogenic virus exists, and specifically SARS-CoV-2, than logic demands that you provide such proof.
Add to this, the SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated and the developer of the RT-PCR protocol - test - states on the insert that he didn't have an isolate (gold standard) to test against. He also stated that the lab procedure should use 40+ cycles of amplifications. (Anything over 24 is worthless.) Together these created massive numbers of false positives (cases).
Ivermectin and HCQ cannot remedy a non-existent novel illness. That doesn't mean that these haven't provided some relief for people, just nothing to do with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. (The larger concern, and one I share, as Kit Knightly has shared, Ivermectin and HCQ have actually helped to keep the psyop underlying this "pseudo-pandemic" going. Why because the fundamental belief system is that "pathogenic viruses" exist and pharma has the remedy.
Not surprised and her supporter Dr Malone is a two faced piece of shit
Do your own research into his shit.
Wonder why Dr yeadon wasn't on joe rogan but Malone was?
And yeah even Dr nass was on the side of Malone who for a long time advocated for vaccinating the vulnerable, just like the fascist he is.
This is it, we need to see the fake hope... The Emanuel Goldstein and remember the fight didn't need approval or a voice from someone who was heard. The revolution will not be televised.
I think I wrote in the past about the uselessness, in my opinion, of arguing about "whether viruses exist." Each of us can make up our own opinion, and it is not possible and not necessary to march in lockstep and agree on everything 100% of the time. And it is entirely possible that in a hundred years, the "mainstream opinion" will be that what we used to know as viruses is a song that turns into a rainbow when somebody sings the note "F." :) I am being facetious but what I am trying to say is that even the most honest definitions in science are not static, and change dramatically, and there can be more than one opinion that is honest at the same time. Dogma is where the problems start! Any dogma, On any side. Dogma is not good.
For example, I took i-n at one time when I had a very high and increasing fever, and the fever went away within minutes. Say what you want, it did SOMETHING, and I experienced it personally. And Dr. Nass is a hero in my opinion. A real hero, who got her license suspended for saving lives and being outspoken about injections.
I have high respect for Dr. Malone, too, even on occasions when I disagree. The world is complex!! it is not all black and white, and never has been. Pretending that we all know what's in everybody's head and who is "controlled opposition: etc. is the opposite of helpful. The world is extremely, extremely complex, and people have all sorts of convictions, motives, backgrounds, and emotions. One can be of the opposite opinion without being controlled opposition. :)
There are plenty of doctors who have used early treatments successfully, and saved people. In he end, it is good and important to understand what the true nature of what is known as viruses is (and it could be anything, as far as I am concerned). But regardless of that, the "health response" has been a fraud.
Agreed. I just don't trust him by what he says, he's been contradicting himself.
He's a vaccinologist who took the vaccine for his 'long Covid'... But they know that's not how vaccines work, in fact it's worse to do this after infection.
So contradicting his own science.
And then in those first interviews he said that it's ok for the third trimester. He knew they didn't test it on pregnant women!
And then when he renamed Mattias Desmet "mass formation" to "mass formation psychosis" which Desmet disagreed with.... And it just so happened to be that the fact checkers were able to say oh yeah "mass formation psychosis" doesn't exist in research.
Judge those by what they do, not what they say they're doing.
I think some of these critiques are valid... but I also think there are many reasons to contradict oneself, including changing one's mind, which we all do (hopefully :) I change my mind about things all the time based on the new information or knowledge or experience or feelings etc.. I think it's normal for a human being to evolve one's views and opinions. I can only speak for myself but the way I approach it, I focus on the useful or pleasant (or both) things that I can do, and don't pay much attention to people's ideas, or the famous potential 5D chess unless I genuinely understand the 5D chess in a particular area, based on knowledge or years of research, etc.. When it comes to the people I don't personally know, I usually pay attention to intangible things, like sincerity and general intellectual integrity and whether a person does things from love. If that's there, then I take the person seriously, regardless of whether I agree in a particular topic. So far, Dr. Malone impressed me as sincere and passionate, and I like him. He is not without contradictions, and I don't agree with everything that ever came out of his mouth, but I think that contradictions come from complexity. And as far as controlled opposition, I think it is literally impossible to know in most cases. At this point everybody has called everybody controlled opposition, and the phrase itself became meaningless. :))
And I am so glad we can discuss it like normal human beings, with figuring things out as we go! Thank you for that.
I hope your situation allows you breathing room to stretch your arms and sing! Here is a post about everything from theobroma's anti HIV properties to my former addiction to chocolate :)
The article by Dr. Nass is a wonderful distillation of the rather breathtaking amoral criminality inherent in the "official" response to covid.
Yes, and also just completely.... I don't disgusting, the entire thing. On the mid-level, it's probably just fanaticism and marrow-mindedness but on the high-level, this is pure psychopathy!! Most medications on the market have a slew of dangerous side effects (and I am talking traditional drugs), and no problem. But here...
"pure psychopathy!!" - indeed Tessa. Without seeing it and living it I never would have believed that such complete and total corruption of science and medicine could occur and be both effectively spread and maintained through completely fraudulent narratives endlessly parroted by the MSM combined with massive censorship by Silicon Valley. To see once highly respected medical journals, medical boards, research scientists, all of the major Western government regulatory agencies and most NGOs - ALL ENGAGE in this corruption of science and the associated healthcare response shakes one to the core. We have witnessed crimes against humanity fraudulently - "dressed up" - and promoted as - "pandemic health policy."
Makes me wonder,
Didn't they create the bitter Internet just so they can censor the hell outta all of us and pass along the official narrative?
Like I have to wonder, should I mention that I felt like the melatonin helped me, or will that get ridiculed and derided?
Oh, and I was born in Russia. That must make me some kind a bad guy I have been told most of my life
This report she sent out is the tragedy of the day, yet we all know a greater revelation must be there tomorrow and the next about the fascist tyrannical collusion for medical madness
Personally, I find melatonin (used judiciously) a wonderful vitamin! :) But I was also born in Russia, so maybe it's a Russian conspiracy!!
They all are
Conspiracy is Russian for coincidence ha ha
Thank you so much Tessa for linking to this post. 💕👍🏽 Like you, I know all this information, but something about the form doctor Nass put it in actually made me a little nauseous.
That is how I felt exactly. I found the story nauseating, not the story, but the facts underneath it.
I agree I struggled with her choice of second person, but I think she felt the need to voice it that way....
Dr. Nass had the same journey treating patients for COVID with repurposed antivirals that I did. We both started well before Donald Trump spoke in favor of it, and the political heat hit us.
I transitioned to ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline in August 2020, and always advised (and gave away free) vitamin-D since the beginning.
Neither Dr. Nass, nor I can currently provide patient care, because of our principled stands against the control-narratives of fear, compliance and death.
John, I told you before, and I'll say it again. I admire your courage. And it is s total disgrace that patients have to suffer because of greed and arrogance of human beings who shouldn't be in the business of leading anybody anywhere.
Thank You, Sister Tessa :-)
Good to have you back. Dr. David Martin has to be connected to Dr. Meryl Nass
Thank you, and yes!!
still having difficulty forgetting about the ice cream commercial from last time...
I hear you!!!
It is important to come to the truth ultimately. Especially in this case because Germ theory has been used as a political weapon for over 100 years to enslave us. There is plenty of evidence to indicate Germ theory isn't even wrong. How many people have ever heard of the Milton Rosenau experiment and the report drawn up for the US Government describing what they did?
It is worth reading as it proves the event we now refer to as the 'Spanish Flu' was not caused by a dangerous pathogen that could be transmitted from person to person. This series of experiments categorically proved there was no communicable pathogen. Here's a link to a copy of the original report conducted by Rosenau on behalf of the US Government.
What we should pride ourselves on is our ability to openly discuss these issues and not scream at one another when we disagree. That's what the mindless zombies on the other side do.
By the way I think what your doing is great so please keep it up.
Thank you Kevin!! Yes, absolutely!! And by the way, I have read a lot more on the arguments against the germ theory than on the arguments for it, and I am perfectly comfortable with not knowing the final answer. I do think, very sincerely and strongly, the answer to standing up to this horrible 4IR and the Great Reset etc. is about remembering the heart and expelling the need to control other people's thinking from our own lives. I think that is the non-glamorous and difficult part, and it is a lot more about that than about proving this talking point or that talking point. But I will certainly check out your links, and thank you again. Hugs!
This article presents facts that are virtually an open and shut case for crimes against humanity.
I'm perhaps not as erudite or as well read as many who respond here, but this is a mountain of evidence that should be seriously considered by the International Court.
I personally have not read anything this exhaustive in presenting the facts about the malfeasance and criminality of the bureaucrats, corporate entities, medical industry, alleged "charitable foundations" and pharmaceutical profiteers anywhere.
It's terrifying to realize how this was perpetrated in plain sight by using controlled media, misinformation, and mandates based on fiction to control billions of people, transfer wealth, and move us so quickly toward an authoritarian and murderous dystopia future.
Thank you for posting this. Dr. Nass done a masterful job presenting this and I cannot express how much I respect her effort and determination to get this out to the citizens of the world.
I'm not informed enough to comment on germ theories, but I can tell you from personal experience that I got very ill at the end of 2021, and remained sick for at least three weeks in a way I have never experienced. My sense of taste and smell were gone for three months and have still not returned to their pre-illness state.
I requested early treatment and was refused ivermectin and HCQ.
So, I'm not sure about germ theory, I just know loved ones died, and I was ill in a way I've never been.
Thanks again for posting something so informative.
Frank, I am so sorry that you lost loved ones! May they rest in peace. And I hope you fully recover soon!!
I also believe that regardless of the general state of affairs about the viruses, what we know as SARS-CoV-2 is likely synthetic biology. I cannot say with exhaustive certainty whether nature has come up with a type of genetic messenger whose main function is to order a host's cell to make copies of itself (which is what a virus is, and I don't see a reason why it would not exist in nature, and that is regardless of everything else, and what causes what, etc.), but human beings seemingly have come up with it, and are using it. Which is why a question of what is SARS-CoV-2 is a different question from the question about the merits of the germ theory (which is a great conversation but not worth spitting over).
Agree absolutely. Thank you.
Unrelatedly, this is a fun idea. :)
HCQ and Ivermectin are not cures/preventions for a pathogenic virus infection. Why? Because there's no proof of such a pathogen. The people who have gotten sick for the most part, and those who died were due largely from protocol treatments; i.e. malpractice or seasonal influenza for the elderly and those with one or more underlying comorbidity. The RT-PCR test is a proven fraud. It cannot distinguish a cold from pneumonia. Virtually all positives are false.
This has always been a coordinated global psyop. HCQ and Ivermectin may work to eliminate parasites, and perhaps incidentally relieve a person of some symptoms. But when these are touted as alternatives to the poison injections, they just play into the psyop, as does the notion of an escaped "pathogenic virus" from a Wuhan lab making its way around the globe. There's never been proof of a virus infection nor that people transmit from one to the other.
I responded in the thread with Robert. Ultimately, to me, practical issues are far more important than being right about theory. Viruses may or may not exist (personally, I think that germ and terrain are both right, it's just more complex than either side) but the overall "health response" is a fraud regardless, and it is far more productive, to my feeling, to support each other regardless of differences in theoretical opinions, than to go at each other's throats over talking points, such as whether viruses exist. This is way complex, and in the end, the world generally does not offer final answers, there are so many layers to knowledge that any final answer ends up being very incomplete! xo
There is a "theory" called "germ theory". It has never been proven and has been very useful in producing billions of dollars in profits for pharmaceutical companies. It's not an opinion or a theory that no one has ever proven the existence of pathogenic viruses as described by virologists. It has been very useful in destroying millions of lives by forcing people through manufactured fear and coercion to take an experimental injection. This is not about my feelings or some sort of "compromise" to "bring people together". This is about the severity of fraud that has been pervasive for years, and most intense during the last 2+ years. Pax.
As I said, I think arguing about the true nature of viruses and whether they exist is not productive at this moment in time. And I do believe that both germ theory and terrain theory are correct, and the truth is somewhere we don't know yet. Personally, I do not flatter myself thinking that I possess the final and ultimate understanding of the nature of viruses (whether they are real, not real, or something else entirely). I see what you are saying but I think demanding agreement on that the viruses are imaginary is not how we win this battle. In fact, demanding a change of opinion is something that works, well, never. And I cannot be convinced that viruses don't exist based on on experience. I have gotten sick many times in life after being sneezed upon, and as I mentioned earlier, when I took ivermectin at one time, my fever went down dramatically within minutes. There could be a complex mechanism, many factors, whatever. But I don't believe that solving that issue right here and now is the way to be useful. I am open to any answer but I certainly don't know it as of this moment, and yes, I am familiar with arguments on both sides.
In my opinion, the most dangerous thing, and the source of most problems we have, is love of dogma, and I don't care which side dogma lives on, it's the emotion of dogma that usually brings everything down. I am against it!
The dogma that rules and has convinced you that your symptoms may be from a "germ" or "virus" has created the fear that drives what we've been witnessing. The notion of a "virus" is ancient. The word comes from the Latin - poison. I really don't care if people use HCQ or Ivermectin, but there's no proof that it has anything to do with a novel virus. I'm not sure of the long-term safety if masses of people simply decide to take it. It does contain toxins. We run for remedies when simple rest and liquids are more than sufficient. Symptoms are natural. Suppressing them is not.
Dogma is the conviction that one has the final answer, the one and only answer, and that anybody who does not think or feel exactly like the person talking, is the problem. And I passionately object to this approach because this approach is what has caused probably the vast majority of cruel choices in the history of humanity! And about every theory or point of view has been used for crap!!]
I see what you are saying but I think there is at the very least a miscommunication. Viruses may or may nor exist and they could be this, that, or the other, but the fraud and abuse that we have been dealing with in the past two years (and then, at the root of it, in the past few thousand years, perhaps) is very much in our faces, still. The belief in the existence of viruses, even in the most mainstream current definition of a virus, does not automatically lead to the fear that they tried to generate. People have been minding their business about viruses for decades, taking maybe chicken soup of whatever made sense (with some exceptions when again, fear was generated from the top).
This is a very complex topic! Does nature have something like a piece of genetic material whose main function is to tell the cell to make copies of itself? Why wouldn't such thing exist in nature, let's say, in theory? Do you honestly know with certainty that on our entire planet, in totality, such a life form does not exist and it cannot exist, and the answer is final? Because this is what a "virus" is, at least by definition. And it can peacefully co-exist with the fact that when we are in good shape, such a life form can't get to us, or with the fact that various toxins make us more vulnerable, or that half the official science about specific viruses could be wrong or fraudulent (like HIV, for example).
Insisting that no, absolutely, under no circumstances, genetic material cannot command the cell to make copies of itself, and that is the final answer that stands in perpetuity, is a little dogmatic, I think. :)
In any case, I do not have a final and absolute answer on this, and neither does anyone else!
Check this out. You may want to see the full feature.
Tess I'm not proposing a theory regarding pathogenic viruses. I'm simply stating a fact, as best we've been able to discern from research, that no pathogenic virus has been proven to exist - that is to say a particle which has been isolated, purified and proven to cause a specific illness. The same is true of unicorns, except most people agree that these are mythological creatures.
What concerns me is that the notion of a "pathogenic virus" has been weaponized against people, those who are most susceptible and willing to obey authorities and have sided with the notion of a pathogenic virus.
Ivermectin and HCQ may serve to provide relief from symptoms, how and why has not been explained. We have many over the counter medications which serve a similar purpose as well as natural treatments. Because we have no validated test for COVID-19, it's impossible to say that either Ivermectin or HCQ has addressed that particular "disease".
Here is my thesis: On the one hand, this episode/event is to manage and control for purposes of ruling over the population.
Another thesis, which could be part of the first, is because the critical energy sources essential for the working of the system are becoming extremely scarce; it was essential to shut down the system (2+ years) to provide a means of addressing this dire situation. The long held myth of a pathogenic virus served this and other purposes.
I think it's important to clarify what we are talking about.
First of all, what is "a virus," as it is currently understood? It is a bit of genetic material that has the ability to command a host cell to make copies of itself. Does such a thing exist? I believe that this functionality has been proven to exist and even artificially reproduced, but even if it weren't, it has not been proven that is does not exist. In order to prove the latter, one would first have to count everything that exists in nature, which is of course what transhumanists want to do :)) but it is none the less impossible! So let's say, an unknown, assuming that whatever has been observed could have been a mistake.
As far as pathogenicity, I do not believe there is such thing as a final answer about what exactly happens in biology, in principle. We never know the entire thing!!! And I reassure you, I have looked into arguments on both sides (more so on the side that "viruses don't exist"), and I don't think anybody has a final and ultimate answer!! More importantly, I am entirely at peace with not having the final and ultimate answer about the true nature of viruses and what they do or do not cause, as of this second, the world is complex and mysterious, and viruses could be anything. For example, I don't think that "HIV virus causes AIDS." But I do not feel compelled to demand agreement on that because life doesn't work this way!
Most importantly, arguing about it is counter-produtive, especially given that the general psychological methodology of abuse and cheating we are being subjected to is universal, it's climate emergency now any minute, are we are going to be "planet killers" for eating meat or taking long showers. Viruses or not.
Amd thank you for the link, I will check it out, too!
Humans are endowed with logic and reasoning. So, let's start from there. First logically one should begin with first principles before embarking on any other considerations.
A "virus" (Latin for poison) is a dead particle which cannot procreate nor is it mobile. In a word it is not a living being and there is no evidence that such a particle spreads within the human genome and damages organs. It is a best a hypothesis, but likely mostly myth and should not, IMO, be used to produce policies and health treatments. Additionally, there have been a number of experiments to prove the hypothesis that people can transmit pathogens to one another. None of these experiments were ever able to prove the hypothesis (Dr. Tom Cowan - The Contagion Myth).
As Dr. Harold Hillman, renowned microbiologist, stated biology (hence medicine) is in dire straights because our instruments and processes of experimentation distort reality. As Dr. Stephan Lanka states, once controls are applied all examples of isolating and proving a virus exists and causes harm to tissue fails (Dr. Lanka a microbiologist/virologist) has demonstrated this.
As Dr. Lanka, et al have discerned, what some call viruses are actually cell dead fragments sometimes referred to as exosomes. The body is a complex, highly dynamic self-regulating organism that uses energy to maintain homeostasis and purge the body of toxins which are created internally and from the environment. That's how the body maintains its health. Not through medications and injections which are loaded with toxins which the body must purge.
Tess if you believe that a pathogenic virus exists, and specifically SARS-CoV-2, than logic demands that you provide such proof.
Add to this, the SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated and the developer of the RT-PCR protocol - test - states on the insert that he didn't have an isolate (gold standard) to test against. He also stated that the lab procedure should use 40+ cycles of amplifications. (Anything over 24 is worthless.) Together these created massive numbers of false positives (cases).
Ivermectin and HCQ cannot remedy a non-existent novel illness. That doesn't mean that these haven't provided some relief for people, just nothing to do with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. (The larger concern, and one I share, as Kit Knightly has shared, Ivermectin and HCQ have actually helped to keep the psyop underlying this "pseudo-pandemic" going. Why because the fundamental belief system is that "pathogenic viruses" exist and pharma has the remedy.
Not surprised and her supporter Dr Malone is a two faced piece of shit
Do your own research into his shit.
Wonder why Dr yeadon wasn't on joe rogan but Malone was?
And yeah even Dr nass was on the side of Malone who for a long time advocated for vaccinating the vulnerable, just like the fascist he is.
This is it, we need to see the fake hope... The Emanuel Goldstein and remember the fight didn't need approval or a voice from someone who was heard. The revolution will not be televised.
I think I wrote in the past about the uselessness, in my opinion, of arguing about "whether viruses exist." Each of us can make up our own opinion, and it is not possible and not necessary to march in lockstep and agree on everything 100% of the time. And it is entirely possible that in a hundred years, the "mainstream opinion" will be that what we used to know as viruses is a song that turns into a rainbow when somebody sings the note "F." :) I am being facetious but what I am trying to say is that even the most honest definitions in science are not static, and change dramatically, and there can be more than one opinion that is honest at the same time. Dogma is where the problems start! Any dogma, On any side. Dogma is not good.
For example, I took i-n at one time when I had a very high and increasing fever, and the fever went away within minutes. Say what you want, it did SOMETHING, and I experienced it personally. And Dr. Nass is a hero in my opinion. A real hero, who got her license suspended for saving lives and being outspoken about injections.
I have high respect for Dr. Malone, too, even on occasions when I disagree. The world is complex!! it is not all black and white, and never has been. Pretending that we all know what's in everybody's head and who is "controlled opposition: etc. is the opposite of helpful. The world is extremely, extremely complex, and people have all sorts of convictions, motives, backgrounds, and emotions. One can be of the opposite opinion without being controlled opposition. :)
There are plenty of doctors who have used early treatments successfully, and saved people. In he end, it is good and important to understand what the true nature of what is known as viruses is (and it could be anything, as far as I am concerned). But regardless of that, the "health response" has been a fraud.
Agreed. I just don't trust him by what he says, he's been contradicting himself.
He's a vaccinologist who took the vaccine for his 'long Covid'... But they know that's not how vaccines work, in fact it's worse to do this after infection.
So contradicting his own science.
And then in those first interviews he said that it's ok for the third trimester. He knew they didn't test it on pregnant women!
And then when he renamed Mattias Desmet "mass formation" to "mass formation psychosis" which Desmet disagreed with.... And it just so happened to be that the fact checkers were able to say oh yeah "mass formation psychosis" doesn't exist in research.
Judge those by what they do, not what they say they're doing.
I think some of these critiques are valid... but I also think there are many reasons to contradict oneself, including changing one's mind, which we all do (hopefully :) I change my mind about things all the time based on the new information or knowledge or experience or feelings etc.. I think it's normal for a human being to evolve one's views and opinions. I can only speak for myself but the way I approach it, I focus on the useful or pleasant (or both) things that I can do, and don't pay much attention to people's ideas, or the famous potential 5D chess unless I genuinely understand the 5D chess in a particular area, based on knowledge or years of research, etc.. When it comes to the people I don't personally know, I usually pay attention to intangible things, like sincerity and general intellectual integrity and whether a person does things from love. If that's there, then I take the person seriously, regardless of whether I agree in a particular topic. So far, Dr. Malone impressed me as sincere and passionate, and I like him. He is not without contradictions, and I don't agree with everything that ever came out of his mouth, but I think that contradictions come from complexity. And as far as controlled opposition, I think it is literally impossible to know in most cases. At this point everybody has called everybody controlled opposition, and the phrase itself became meaningless. :))
And I am so glad we can discuss it like normal human beings, with figuring things out as we go! Thank you for that.
I hope your situation allows you breathing room to stretch your arms and sing! Here is a post about everything from theobroma's anti HIV properties to my former addiction to chocolate :)