Sometimes life hands you something as if to say, “Oh you think you are strong? How about this?” And suddenly, you find yourself in a place where you are a baby again, with a whole big mysterious world that you need to figure out anew. Right now, I feel like a rope walker, not quite sure how and why, with abyss on the left and on the right and my eyes on the other shore.
I have not been sending posts because I feel responsible for writing from a place of clarity, from the heart, and my heart was overwhelmed from dealing with the existential unknown.
I feel tremendous gratitude for your love and your emails!! I will respond in the next couple of days, and I will write about what I am going through when I find the right words. Your love and support mean so much to me, you don’t know. You give me a reason to keep above water no matter what.
I will be sending a few posts shortly to catch up on the happenings in the world of COVID and 4IR, and in the meanwhile, here is an impromptu presentation I did for Doctors for COVID Ethics last month.
I did it on a few hours’ notice, and I think it came out meaningful. The discussion after the presentation took on a life of its own and struck upon pain, conflict, and the eternal dilemma of handling legitimate trauma with love.
(Thank you!!!)
You wrote,
“ I have not been sending posts because I feel responsible for writing from a place of clarity, from the heart, and my heart was overwhelmed from dealing with the existential unknown.”
Very wise. Thank you for your example.
Any Tessa signal is welcome-
No signal is also understood- Many kno the silence means work product is wanted and worthy-
We all hav lives, and a unique map that unfolds the many refer to as a living; life can be blotted out when that happens-
♥ Life-