Wonderful post Tessa. Your thoughts about what is actually behind power systems using the discussion of trans gender identity as a means to further splinter-divide-and conquer - in anticipation of actual trans-humanism - is I think quite very insightful.

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Thank you Gary!! And yes, divide and conquer, from horizon to horizon!!

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couldn't agree with you more, this is most definitely a spiritual war. we need to be open to serendipity that empowers our caring and compassion.

gender dysphoria increases exponentially in children who have been vaccinated (all vaccines post 1986) versus those who haven't - for example it is far more prevalent in western countries

and i would also argue that the plandemic is very specifically a war on women. girls in particular are being pressured for transgender surgery - abigail shrier has done important work on this

and semantically speaking, isn't it funny how we are being programmed against "transphobia" - think of what else that word might mean in a dystopic future. don't beat up on that poor cyborg!

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whoa. tip of the iceberg stuff for sure, but sadly sure to have little to no recognition in the current sociopolitical debate. endocrine disruptors in almost all beauty care products and foods surely have played no small part in today's population of gender plasticity - not only for humans but for other animals...seems almost a miracle we can still reproduce given all these assaults on our physical chemistry - so painful that we are now deliberately moving in with assaults on the basic functioning of our children's bodies.

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First, before I say what I am about to say, I want to stress that in my life I have been fortunate to have had gay friends and associates and customers/patients, and no other group except for the clergy is as easy to work with, as peaceful, respectful especially of their elders, open minded, willing to entertain vigorous discussions with no bruised egos, spiritual, and this list could go on and on.

But what I do want to say is that as our technology has evolved I think we will see a smaller number of "gender different" individuals because the environmental as well as genetic factors will be mostly "worked out."

At least over the long haul, socially, it looks like anything is possible.

But we have learned tons about hormonal (and other) treatments, and as we more closely mimic the human body and the God designed processes, these, and I will not call them "errors," will be mostly absent.

I absolutely hope that this statement doesn't offend anyone, because it is not meant to offend any "side" or religion, and actually recognizes that these differences are not an illness, and not actually even an "error" but as results of the processes that have given birth to All Of Us.

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thanks for that clarity. i also see this as just a path for us to all walk through together equally and embrace openly as both our challenges and our successes. at the root of everything, we are all human and are complete in our individual beauty, no matter what our gender association. the fact is our environment is being altered, and now we are being sold a new way of approaching solutions and so it is up to us to make the wise choices we need to stay more grounded in our humanness as a collective.

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As I read your post, I was reminded that we are truly, still in Babylon. Everyone talking a different language and everyone assuming they are being heard correctly.

In my spiritual quest, I have been learning an ancient language. I firmly believe that our language is not evolving but rather devolving. We are using more words to express less thought. Rather than try to return to a more concise language we are slathering lipstick on the pig.

Case in point, dignity, circa 1200. It sounds like the word was invented to describe the respect that the peons were forced to display towards the elite. They changed the word over time so it was more palatable but at it's core is vanity from either perspective.

I've also watched the definition of words change over time. Look up the word vaccine, they changed the definition of that one so it could include their mRNA treatment.

As long as we use language to justify our actions rather than defining something of value, I think languages will continue to devolve.

I think this is happening because we have lost our spiritual connection and instead worship man made institutions and material possessions.

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Wow, this is so interesting about the meaning of the word, thank you!

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Interesting comment regarding language, Mark. For me, studying the origins of language, Latin in particular, was an indispensable shovel that helped me dig my way out of this mind-mess we call modern consensus thought.

Control language and you control how people think. Redefine words to suit your agenda and you create a cult.

Here is a breakdown of the Latin root "dignitas" (in order of original intended meaning)

1 worth, excellence

2 (for task) fitness, suitability,

3 honour, esteem, standing

4 rank or status

5 merit

6 dignity

7 position, authority or office

8 dignitaries

Early definitions are simple-- "worth", "excellence", "suitable". These indicate no implicit connection to any human hierarchical authoritarian paradigm. A hammer has dignitas if you are trying to chisel stone. A stone carver has dignitas if he is skilled enough to get paid to chisel stone.

The word "dignity" then was later redefined so that a word that originally meant "worth", "suitability" and "excellence" was now assigned to human holders of "office", "position" or "authority".

This redefinition meant that its' correlative human counterparts, those of us without "position", "office" or "authority" are held in the mind as "humans without worth", "humans without excellence", "humans without suitability".

Accepting this redefinition means you are now mind-controlled within a closed system of rule. You willingly vote, pay taxes, purchase healthcare insurance, protest abuses of power, etc. accepting all of this quite unawares, seeing yourself as a human being without worth. You are a cult member.

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As a Christian, words are key. Our language has been corrupted.

When we began studying the Bible, I SOON could not use English often. The Greek explained it so well.

That's good you gave 'dignity' it's root. I don't want to go on the 'wrong path', wrong meaning if I can avoid it.

I don't think this word, dignity, is in the bible at all. Not positive, though.

I follow the Christian belief that satan, the serpent, who is smarter than we humans directs this.

Another word that's wrong for Christians is self-esteem.

I use 'confidence' since not only does the NT describe self as sinful, but every year I see in myself now true that is.

But improving language really changes us. Thanks for post.

And again, thanks to Tessa for arranging this so we can hopefully make some headway in a murky place.

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"In the beginning was the word...."

We have Adam & Eve & God hanging out together, digging everything. Then suddenly it all went wrong. What was it?

The telling of lies. <<sSSssssSSSSssss$$$$$$ssssSSSS**~

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Really great post, thank you Tessa!

"that their dignity is synonymous with other people believing that there is no difference whatsoever between them and their non-transgender counterparts" - brilliant.

I love how you point out the framing around wearing masks and taking vaccines is about having respect and protecting others, which means if you don't do those things you don't respect and care about others. Another reframe would be: demanding that someone wear a mask that limits their oxygen and makes them breathe in their own CO2 is not virtuous. Demanding that someone inject a drug into their body with unknown long-term effects is not virtuous. Respect and virtue start with our own respect towards ourselves.

I grew up a tomboy too and have felt similar to you, I'm thankful I wasn't pressured to transition at that time. 🙏

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Thank you!! And your reframes are so on point!

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I have for a long time been a champion of Human Dignity and have often asked for the right to human dignity. This is summed best as the right to clean water, nutritious food and a place to live. the rest is nuance ;). dignity is what matters

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Dignity matters a lot!! And thank you!

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Thank you for this loving written piece. It is so comforting to hear a voice that is one of love, respect and admiration of trans people.

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Very well said!

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what utter nonsense. These people are mentally ill.

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Mentally unwell people exist among the straight, the gay, and the transgender. Obviously. Being non-straight is not a sign of being mentally ill, it's simply a different expression of sexual energy. Do you believe it not to be the case? Do I understand you correctly?

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It is a CIA psyop to destablise the West...ffs. Grow up

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I think getting past being triggered is always a good idea, Kevin. I responded to your other comment. The CIA do many things with many things. It has nothing to do with the fact that some human beings are straight, and some are not, in different ways. I fear that I am not the one in need of growing up in this particular case! And love is love, it is not dogma, and not a set of ideological points, Love is love.

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Should we love pedophiles too?

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Amazing analysis and conclusions.

I feel your 5D Chess dead over the target, watch out for flak.

Tell me, have you ever considered writing a column on "gratitude?"

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Thank you Edwin! And I have, but it need to be clear first!!

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Thanks Tessa,

If we hear and follow the voice of truth our feelings and foibles will not be used to weaponize us against other people, and against nature, by our owners.

It is written that, "a (hu)man cannot serve two masters."

If we serve truth, and are guided by truth, then we will not be manipulated by the lies of the owners, the sociopaths, the kings, the apex-predators of the apex-predators.

It works at the level of one person, and works better when there are others and they can support each other. I'd like to see it much more than that, too...

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Thank you John!!

"If we hear and follow the voice of truth our feelings and foibles will not be used to weaponize us against other people, and against nature, by our owners." That is very true!!

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Did you know that ddt, along with other pesticides were primarily the cause of "polio" which was attributed to a virus?

Oh and when people had side effects from the vaccines, they attributed it to other pathogens lol

How diseases disappeared before vaccines were out


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Yep, I wrote about it for Mercola. A mind-twister!

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Years ago, I was involved with youth, who might have been thought to be doing daring things. If I was going to relate at all, or have any hope of it,

I had to look past all the costume and artifice to the essential them.

Well, you know how whatever we do with heart, we get better at, and that's what happened.

To me, an amusing aside: through a series of 'miraculous events', here I was, dropped off in the middle of a US city, a dangerous part of town near the bus depot. (I'm from Canada). I had my stuff, cash and no idea where to catch my bus to my destination about 25 miles further.

Immediately a trans came quietly and very pleasantly to my side.

The trans was dressed over the top as a streetwalker. In a deep male voice,

'they', very female dressed, made up, asked me if I needed help.

I thanked them, admitted I was 'lost', and where I was headed.

They showed me exactly, staying beside me until I got to my bus.

No, I'd never judge or condemn. I'm open to love and friendship where possible.

I actually believe they protected me in that dangerous area(you could feel it), and I'll always be grateful.

Personally? I believe the human genome has been battered and attacked

for many years, decades and much is broken. We never had this, and not ever this much. It's neither right nor wrong, just is. We work and help what is.

Call it returning a favor.

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What a beautiful story!! Thank you for sharing!

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I'm glad I could. Thank you for this platform without which I could not. Love.

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Sweetness and Light. xo

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Yes, it seems in our wee way we can actually help. Yes, so LITTLE, and it's covered up fast. I remember the famous 'talk' that Winston Churchill was invited to give in England at a large, famous boy's school.

The huge auditorium was packed with boys. Not very noisy, but still... Churchill was sitting around the front waiting.

It got quieter. The boy's were wondering what would happen.

The Great man went slowly to the podium, waited. Looked out at the sea of fades. Waited some more. Now, you could hear a pin drop.

Winston Churchill BOOMED, ' Never, NEVER give up!!!' And he returned to his seat. To a thunderous standing ovation.

They got the message.

Now, this message is ours.

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I was just telling Tessa about how people and other things just seem to magically appear, when we most need them... You've just done it again. ^_^ Thank you.

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Hi, to never give up, it's my belief we sometimes or often need help, or community of somewhat like minded. Never clones but threads of connect.

I think if we're going to win anything in our lives that's important to us, we'll have to sometimes, at least, be there for each other.

The elites...collude, gossip, Vanden...I don't mean that type of community, but supportive, encouraging, enlightening.

I think we must.

I say 'must' because I'm a loner at heart, but this time,

I think I have to set that aside for a while.

I'm thanking Tessa for her work here.

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Thank you Joy!!!

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I like your comment much... I'm going through rough seas right now, more so than usual... Thanks for your wisdom, and I think Tessa is Splendid. xo ^_^

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If we think together about your apt description of certain kinds of tough times, maybe we can get 'a grip' on ways to cope.

Imagine you have your smallish craft on the sea and quickly storms gather, and the waves begin threatening to overturn your boat!!

I think most believing on God pray, crying out.

But they must also do 2 things: hold ON, hold FAST, and

keep your other hand on the steering wheel, so it can't just spin around.

Applying these to 'rough personal seas', of course we pray fervently,

but hold on to OURSELF, maybe the spouse, maybe a child.

Easy does it, steady, not 'flying off the handle' (we can't).

Then staying the course, holding the wheel. Not making any decisions.

It's IMPOSSIBLE right now, and not just for you.

This storm will pass.

Do you like Nana Muscuri's (sorry, spelling!!, a Greek,singer?),

'Smooth Sailing'? It's a favorite of mine.

Blessings!! Love ❤

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I'm being, so far, subtly, given 'ultimatums'?, by Telus. Subtly right now on 5G, PURE(What a misuse of a beautiful word).

I'm requesting information what we can do to have internet/phone?

Probably NOTHING. Force. So, I looked up protection and there are places that sell you protection from it. I don't know enough yet.

Even our meter isn't good, I think. Anyone know?

Telus is taking over ALL of the substrate for companies so you CAN'T KEEP copper in your house!! Apparently more expensive.

Overall, I doubt it.

I believe this is bad for us. Some think it's somehow related to COVID-19, if such a thing exists. There's been no proof but many getting sick, dying. COVID-19 is blamed but they can't show it.

This isn't science.

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Worse! in my opinion.

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yes, definitely & will be unavoidable.

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I don't know. I'm thinking of learning about boomerangs...

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so its all about fear and confusion, it makes people more susceptible to propaganda

couple of typos in 3rd and 4th paragraph of 'gender war games'

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Thank you Ray!!

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Yes. One of my minors in college was in marketing. When I learned that FEAR is a major motivator in advertising, I looked at everything differently. It's like wearing truth goggles. More recently, I was blindsided by a divorce, then forensically discovered I had been living in cognitive dissonance (CONFUSION), the playbook masterfully wielded by a malignant covert narcissist. I am awake now and healing. I also have a vaccine injured adult child, so I jumped off that propaganda train a long time ago. Meredith Miller of Inner Integrations has an eloquent and concise way of bringing these now related topics (and others) in clear view for both the lions and the sheep of the world, as does truth teller Tessa. Thank you.

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I am very sorry to hear that your child got vaccine-injured!! You must be a very strong person to deal with all that!!

And thank you for your very kind words! I am of many (yourself included) who try to speak own truth!!

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Your truth strengthens my truth. Sending love.

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Thank you!! Sending love back!!

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And I ditto that, back to you. xo

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its surprising how many narcissists are out there. i guess i was lucky to have read a lot of psychology and psychiatry and had a side interest in biohazards. im sorry to hear about your child, no matter how old you always want to protect them

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I agree with Edwin. Your 5D chess was spot on. Thank Tessa for this interesting, thought provoking perspective.

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Thank you!!

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When you search Google and Google warns you while presenting "information", you know they are not treating you with respect, with dignity, - they are lying.

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For sure!!!

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Wow, you packed so much love and generosity into this one post, it's like a PARTY.

Yay! I love to read your work, lovely T.L. --- TL See? ;)

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Thank you!!!!!

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Thank you Tessa for all of your posts.

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Thank you!!

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