Thank you to Deloitte, the WEF, and the 4th Reich globalists for helping me become a Luddite 😂

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Amen to that :)

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Anyone who resists the rise of AI is silly and stupid... says the twitter bot designed and released by ChatGBT.

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I'm down with AI replacing the jobs of zombies like economists, bankers, politicians, and big pharma ass kissers (doctors who push poisons instead of helping people).

Let's get rid of those automatons, and keep productive labor around lol.

But seriously, without the fake human feeling of a real person, more people will question AI than the humans that pretend to be individuals while being puppets of the system.

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For anybody who ever used Waze and had the experience of it telling you to go the exact opposite way from where you asked to go … Now imagine that same kind of technological glitch when a surgeon is using a scalpel. Whoopsie!

In Silicon Valley I already worked at a company that employed some of this technology, surprise! with Microsoft products. It’s actually quite creepy when it gives you a summary of your past week or how many people you talk to in your network, etc. you get the feeling of being watched, even more than you already know you are.

On the positive side, I can imagine a comedian describing this kind of environment and the laughs would be huge. I can also imagine people smashing the hell out of their computers.

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There is a great documentary about Joseph Weizenbaum (inventor of first "chatbot" Eliza, who was also a decent human being and thus was shoved aside by the "industry"), called "Plug and Pray." It really dives into this. And yes, computers are buggy!! I was in an Uber once, where the driver had mental issues (in a literal sense of it), I had to be very careful in how I talked.. and her GPS directed her to drive into the wall, which we avoided luckily since she could see the wall. So yes, computers could give good advice occasionally but they can also give horrible advice.

Ncholas Carr also wrote books about this conundrum.

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That's really funny. My sister and I were trying to return the boot she'd gotten on her car after getting a code to unlock it and her GPS kept trying to drive us into the San Francisco Bay at Jack London Square. She kept thinking it would autocorrect somehow and we drove around three times before I could get her to turn it off. I genuinely think part of the reason people trusted the shots and trust technology is that during evolution every single little advance, every new way of chipping a stone tool, over millions of years, was an incredible advantage and that we haven't gotten beyond that and somehow we must or we go under the waves.

That whole thing about moving from the Information Age to the Imagination Age is the biggest load of schist I've ever heard. Imagination is transpersonal, may be quantum (like enzymes and migration and olfaction) and participates mystiqueishly in the implicit and unknowable. Load of schist. This is all scary, but I genuinely don't think they can get it. It is beyond us to fathom, so completely beyond their hygienic left hemisphere efficiency thinking.

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Nicholas Carr is such a great writer, in the lineage of Lewis Mumford, Neil Postman, Jacques Ellul, Ivan Illich, and Theodore Roszak. I try to re-read his book The Shallows (2011) at least once every couple of years just to keep myself sharp.

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i love using my map book to mentally plot my route. using maps and mentally training yourself to be on the lookout for landmarks, awareness of directions and position are totally lost skills in an entire generation 😿

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Haha lol I just recently bought a perly’s from the gas station when I was semi-lost and without google maps. Map reading -A forgotten art!!!!

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💕paper maps💕😹

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Yes, print address book too

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I completely agree 👍!

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Sure no longer London cab drivers can boast of having enlarged posterior hippocampi (tasked with encoding spatial & sensorimotor info) 😔

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Surgeons make mistakes like that all the time.

I remember stories of instruments being left inside people.

I remember stories of people getting the wrong side body part removed.

Doctors work too many hours. There's more regulations on the sleep time for truckers than surgeons. You would think they would have fought for equal labor laws. Nope, they're special or just cowards. Shit, they can't even stand up to big pharma and govt during this disaster shot and the illogical lockdowns and masks.... Truckers are less brainwashed!

Maybe it doesn't matter anymore when doctors are pretty much glorified triage mechanics these days?

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More like Grim Reaper escorts.

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Yes,take the exit and get back on the next ramp, drive into a wall… glitchy, experimenting on drivers- how long before they follow mindlessly, for tech agent’s shits and giggles … intentionally for low social credit scorers?

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The classic Milgram experiments readily give few hints on how long 😏 Disembodied tech is quickly assuming a role of most revered authority figure 😒

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When on Team Reality in advanced creepy Clown World, the hearty regular laughs are most emphatically advised 😁 They boost our odds to retain sanity.

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AI making humans more humans is EXACTLY how they would market what is really an agenda to turn humans into robots. This will backfire. The pressure 'they' are putting humans under, will have the exact opposite effect; it will create us anew and we will deepen into our humanity. I knows it. (Think carbon turning into diamonds under immense pressure and weight.)

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Wow, what a cool metaphor! Carbon turning into diamonds

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I've written on this before - it's an image that I got awhile back on this time and the squeeze we'd be going through.


Easily missed is how the challenges are also a gift and these times are actually transforming us. (The easily missed part.) Thanks

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🗨 Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.


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I agree. Dehumanize and sanitize our brains and hearts so a few can profit. If only ppl were not so impressionable and easy to capture. I have never spoken to Alexa or Siri; they don't exist to me.

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Neither have I, not even voice to text. I refuse to talk to a bot, creeps me out.

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Technology will rob us of our humanity if we don't WAKE up. Thank you Tessa for being a true TRUTH Warrior. I so appreciate your work. No man /woman or ai will I allow to rob me of the GOD given gift of Free Will & my Soul - @ 65 I'm practicing 'Soul Care' & continue to listen to my intuition & the still small voice within which I know is my Creator ...

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Unfortunately it’s already started (the robbing of humanity)

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Extreme thievery 😖

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Gah. I'm ready to throw my microwave out the window due to its incessant nagging that the cooking is done.

AI nagging?!?!? I. Don't. Think. So.

If I want voice lessons, I'll get them from a qualified human singer/teacher. Same with riding my horse. Or, actually, anything. One thing I've found is even the *worst* teacher has something to offer.

In the meantime, don't call (or ping) me. I'll call you. And Alexa, Siri, everybody in the world, please just leave me the fuck alone.

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And I am also indignant about devices talking too much. Their job is to do what they are supposed to do and not make any noise!!

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I hear you. :)

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So good of you to raise awareness of this madness Tessa! Worth the effort - thanks!

"Helping humans become better versions of themselves" - as always, it comes down to who makes the call, by what criteria or standard, and by what authority. That such a plan implies a mandate is the root evil.

As my compadre, blogger Beau sez:

"Today’s Transhumanists rush to establish a race of biodigital Frankensteins. Hypnotized by wet dreams of enhancement, they attach wings to a caterpillar and call it a butterfly, ignore the pulse of their own breathing beings hidden behind a heartless view of the Universe, and charge headlong in passionate pursuit of some contrived delusional notion of ‘progress’.

By the 2020s we find ourselves commandeered by a technology whose algorithms and oh so virtual artificial intelligence are often regarded as a model to emulate in real life, sacrificing our very own minds in a blind displacement of genuine thinking. Is it any wonder we find our entire species in the diamond lane on the highway to extinction?"

peace love

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They are trying to replace human intuition and intelligence with AI, hoping this will make us stop using our brains and intuition and become robotic, easy to control. No doubt this tech will be introduced to babies and preschoolers, to train them to be used to being told what to do, having little volition of their own.

It won't work. It will make people HATE AI, their jobs, tech, their lives, and everything they're being told to "improve". The inventors of this new form of torture are strict behaviorists and think nothing else influences human behavior, which any decent psychologist will tell you is not true. Remember the Hare Krishna cult? They want to turn us into automatons like that. Constant harassment, sleep deprivation, soft torture, and isolation is the only way perpetrators can force the automaton state, so constantly harassing people about their behavior is one step in this process. They may resort to "medications" to force automation states rather than torture everyone. If you don't comply with the harassment, you'll be diagnosed with a "disorder" and medicated into zombiehood.

The perpetrators of this madness don't believe humans have spirits. That will be their downfall.

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I agree with you. In the end, it cannot work, but they can create a lot of unnecessary suffering trying

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Count on it. Narcissists think they are always right, so they'll never stop the agenda even when it's clearly not working. They have to BE stopped.

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You’re right, the robots will turn us into... robots!

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Exactly! Go to the head of the class!!!

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The spirit of nazism for me is the spirit of absolute control.

Why are nazis inherently losers?

Because the world is chaotic, and no matter how many ways you castrate everything, there will always be something that escapes your grasp and destroys your babilonian house of cards.

nazis are losers and the technocrats are nazis

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Yep. Nazism is just one version of totalitarian control. They are seeking to be on total control because they are broken and can't tolerate not having control. It's a sad case for them but of course, their victims need to be protected first and foremost. Philosophically speaking, they are messed up. But first and foremost, they are dangerous, and need to be expelled from power.

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A friend very involved in testifying at her local school board says this nudge tech is infiltrating the government school system already.

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And Big Tech “gurus” have been trying to push it through for a while, they are finally having success with it, at the expense of people’s nervous systems!!

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Please watch and share.


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Oh yes, I read her Substack about this. I don’t always jibe with her religious perspective about all this, but she’s spot on about the militarization of public health. Makes me sick to my stomach really.

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Also known as “House of Lies”

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like driving cross country with fred taylor in the back seat

how does anybody get anything done in that world? oh yeah i remember from the days when all we did was sit around in meetings all day so i had to tackle the real work i'd been hired to do after everybody else who'd spent all day in the meetings went home...

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I think in that world, nobody gets any work done!! Unless all work is purely mechanical and people get replaced frequently after being driven crazy!!

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I’ve seen this to be true with the introduction of “Agile” project management in the corporate world. Constant meetings and meaningless paperwork to enable technocracy.

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The management industry likes to make money out of thin air, coming up with fancy words for the things that don't need them. Also this, from 2020 https://twitter.com/TessaMakesLove/status/1321947735797436416

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working hypothesis: the "neurodivergent" are ideally suited (engineered?) for that kind of endlessly monotonous work that would drive a neuro-undamaged person crazy

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Could be... it's also possible that the "neurodivergent" would be driven crazy by constant interruptions by the robot the soonest! And I mean CRAZY, to the point of aggression.

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Sometimes, rarely now, it is possible to call a business and have a human answer right away.

Don't you feel wonderful when that happens, and you are just unexpectedly talking to a nice, real person right away?

It makes me feel wonderful.

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Your comment is such a great example of positive thinking! :)

And yes, when that happens, it’s just wonderful! But it happens less and less! And talking to robots is insufferable

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this will make your day! there is hope. https://www.bitchute.com/video/BToOGZuOdr0s/


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Thank you for your honesty and courage to speak truth

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