Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for your steadfast outing of these lunatics. The majority will persevere.

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Amen to that!! And thank you!!

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God bless us all for still having a brain and a heart to match. I don't even know you guys but i love you.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Do the German: Davosrobovolk, because, well, Klaus.

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lol, I was going to hint at German but then figured, my beautiful German readers got nothing to do with it!! :)

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

we can't even thumbsdown on the videos, well we can but it doesn't show up.

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Our Democracy means our betters don't have to listen to us. We aren't included in their formulation of Our.

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It sure looks like it!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Indeed - hubris is our disease in common as a species and Davos manifests 'pinnacle hubris' in these videos with such confidence that it's hard to tell if it's an SNL skit or simply self-parody!. Thanks for sharing - but I started to hurl about 30 seconds in to each one of these - my god what's wrong with these people?!

We must not let up or get distracted. Some cracks in their armor seem to be showing lately, offering a ray of hope for their implosion - well articulated here, fyi: https://tomluongo.me/2023/01/20/davos-2023-whistling-past-the-great-resets-graveyard/

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Thank you for the link, and yes, looking at those people is painful.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

And what happened to Schwab's health? Admirable unity of theory and practice I hope: jabs at work

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

love that video - the bottom one :) this makes a good segue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfe1HnSI84k

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Thank you, and a great segue, indeed!!

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This is an important video of a who wistle blower.


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She is wonderful!! Thank you for the link

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Wonderful video! (the last one, of course ;-)

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Thank you Tereza!!! And yes, the other two are not so wonderful. :)

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Can you find those videos on Rumble instead of YouTube? I don't like to feed the Google censorship beast. Thanks!

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They might be on Rumble, although another reader told me that Rumble is banned in France right now and asked me for alternative links. I hear you about Google (although it's watching even when we are not on YouTube). Those are from the WEF's own channel, with comments turned off.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I just can’t.. the last 20+ years have been ultra brain focused in medicine, psychology and mainstream, and there’s loads of research and knowledge about it. So the woman self described as “a ethicist” (thankfully not an English teacher) is inaccurate in her premise.

Ok this turned out to be a bit of a rant for life .. I’m gonna let it be.. hope there’s something uplifting in there for whoever reads it lol.

I’m witness participant to the leading edge of human potential, health and medicine where a beautiful life supporting, true health system of integrity is unfolding.. using our body tech, hearts, and consciousness shifting capacities.. our knowledge of frequency/ vibrational consciousness in mindbody medicine. More than mindfulness and breathing exercises, we can align with Life for a lighter, more fluid, harmonious life experience.

We know the EMF of our heart is many multiples stronger and farther reaching than that of our brain. We know beliefs and states shift our hormones, biochemical, immune system, our organs and cells, and physiological functioning. We know the neuro pathway for somatic sensation supports health, happiness, longevity, success when initiated from the heart to the brain. The heart guides the brain. It’s effortful when we try to get our brain to make the body and heart do the work to accomplish the goal. Despite the repeated programming to believe we need to work hard for results, on the quanta light level the more effort the less impact. And we’re made up of many many many packets of lights..even our bones, our DNA - light.

Shifting patterns of efforting doesn’t mean staying in our comfort zones. Meeting ourselves at the edge of where our small mind believes an experience isn’t possible or bearable.. choosing to choose some aspect of that rather than staying in our victim stories ( when we’re ready) opens our channels so that life can resource us plentifully even if just 2% more at first as we’re learning... Accepting, breathing, pausing the distraction of doing and just being there for some moments… may not look like much but we do many things to avoid meeting ourself. Takes courage, commitment to our faith in Life, GOD, Nature, Source, the Universe, whatever the word is for us.

Thank you robopaths for this invitation to delve deeper into our humanity, Life, our connection with GOD through our own hearts and bodies. Like Goethe or Murray a wise person said about committing, fully enlisting our free will, our choice, then a whole “stream of events …and material assistance issues forth”. The consciousness of life of which we are a part, Nature, GOD, Source, the Universe, creates. Thank you for this invitation to continue exiting the matrix and to step more fully into empowered creatorship. How threatened the Davosrobofolk must be believing they should be able to even think of approaching the sheer beauty and miracle of the Loving responsive symphony of Life with their small selves, even if siphoning fuel from the closed system of death science where humans are just batteries for them. (See parent linked below, referenced in killary’s emails).

Walk barefoot in your yard and the earth will grow plants specifically nourishing for Your body. So much intelligent communication going on, resourcing us, supporting the expansion of our individual and collective consciousness and our lives. When we walk barefoot, when we hug, look at the sun, dance, sing, when we raise each others vibes with Big human smiles. I’m more and more commuting to using my conscious attention fuel and 3D physical actions For life… knowing and trusting all this will become obsolete as we keep hanging 10 on the waves of life. It’s quite a ride and while those wipeouts can be scary and hurt, I’m up for enjoying the adventure!

Nothing true or real can be destroyed. That’s why they’re scared.




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Brilliant! when the heart is in charge! ( different from adolescent hormones though 😅 )

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haha yes different... maybe not 100% different We do tend to feel very Alive at that age : )

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Sorry, I tried to watch. The "Futurist & Bioethicist" lady gave me the creeps, shivery creeps. I got to the "please turn off the ringers on your cellphones" part of the "Rewriting the human genome" discussion.

I just got the creepy-evil-blandly-presented feeling that quickly.

Again, there is a lot that I can't watch these days.

I'm aware. I'm not hiding.

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They are very creepy individuals, indeed! I know exactly the feeling!! You are definitely not hiding, you are being brave all the way!!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

We must look at all these old Simpson's again. They have predicted some of what goes on. Or did these cartoon like villains just follow the script?

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Good question! In that famous Simpsons "pandemic" episode (I think, they had a couple on the topic of epidemics), it ends with the big line to get the vaccines, and the evil rich guy cuts through the line to get the wonderful vaccine in front of everyone, and accidentally also destroyed to pile of vials. Wherever the script writer was coming from, that's interesting programming :)

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

that was a good one. And there is See you Later Vaccinator. And I also found one where they have to leave the house for 6 months because it has been desinfected. Have to get in to it again!

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Yep, they have several, all very prescient :)

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Ah my friend Doudna... Co-Nobel prize in 2020 for the CRISPR-Cas9 thing...

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Real life friend?

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Ah no! She's not my friend nor is her co-Nobel prize Emanuelle Charpentier, although I know of her through my (real) friend Alexandra Henrion-Caude, renowned geneticist too. But Alexandra chose the other path in 2020. The path of life.

(do check Alexandra's Twitter by the way https://twitter.com/CaudeHenrion)

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

You look good as usual in the video, Tessa. Thanks to your work, the establishment is starting to crack on the vac. DeSantis is getting even bolder......his latest on mandatory vacs and lockdowns:


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Thank you Beechie!! Yes, let's hope that people wake up sooner rather than later!! And thank you for the link

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The Davosrobofolk seek to recreate mankind in their own soulless image, as nothing but stimulus-response algorithms. AI will never become sentient, but it can (they hope, if 'hope' is something the soulless can experience) reduce humanity to the level of statistical inference patterns.

Gurdjieff talked a lot about how mankind is already, by default, mechanical - but that it is possible, with attention and effort, to develop the consciousness necessary to rise above this and become truly human. If this is the case, all Davosrobofolk need do is not reduce man to a machine, but merely make it that much more difficult to transcend his comfortable mechanicalness.

Good thing they're doomed to fail.

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Indeed, John! They are themselves not okay, and they want everybody else to follow suit, but as fuel for their pursuits. Very cynical!

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They're incapable of being lifted up, and so intend to drag everyone else down to their level.

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Yea we can and already, effortlessly transcend for moments or occasionally. Mechanical helped us in this 3D world of the ego Lic small self. We naturally l, effortlessly have transcendental abilities. But the programming has convinced us we ARE are small minds while we are more beautiful, magnificent and forever than they’d ever like us to know. Yes we can develop our conscious beyond the mechanical. with intention, with asking questions we’d like the answer to and staying open rather than moving to conclusion (not answering them, but just noticing what shows up and how) Life continuously supports open systems. Death science is a closed system that needs constant fuel. So I completely agree, they’ll fail.

To our human journeys!

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As I watched the recent Davos footage, I felt sorry for the oligarchs (which includes La Thunberg) and their miserable shyteshow, so valiantly exposed by Rebel News Canada (and a few others).

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They do look miserable, and they probably are!!! There must be a big burden on their souls!

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Yes, though it's up to them to slake this yoke. We've suffered enough. But my heart / soul / anything deemed superfluous by Yuval N H was quickened by this :


Stockholm - Davos: 1-0

Knowing full well it's but a skirmish...

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