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"Yep, because when they do... it's hard to quell the kind of rage this will engender... I hope cooler heads can prevail"

Sorry I disagree. This is democide and genocide. The work that Dr. Naomi Wolf has been doing shows clearly, from the Pfizer leaks, that they KNEW what was going to happen. The FDA and CDC knew. Those of us a year and a half ago plus who did the research knew.

It's becoming more and more clear that this was intentional. Now they want to starve us and freeze us to death. If you have been studying UN Agenda 2021 and 2030 this will come as no surprise to you. These people are insane eugenicist depopulationist neo-Malthusians and the only thing that is surprising to me is that the vaxxed haven't gone bonkers yet.

These "people" deserve everything that is coming to them from the vaxxed, including the Mussolini and Ceausescu treatment if they can't get civilized justice.

What has happened is several orders of magnitude worse than what the Nazis did. It will probably be at least ten times worse than what Mao did soon. Either we stop them now or they will keep committing crimes against humanity.

Believe me, I'm pretty much a Buddhist and probably much more of a hippy than you are, but there comes a time when we need to face reality. It's either Nuremberg 2.0 or these people are playing a very dangerous and barbaric game. I am not calling for violence, and I will not participate in it, but it's pretty obvious where this is all going if they don't back off. And I have no sympathy for them at all when it happens.

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It needs to be better than Nurnberg. Too many nazis escaped the dance. Many fled to South America. Remember the Dutch queen is the decendent of one. Schwab is the son of one. And many world leaders are groomed by these people. Almost all royalty in Europe. The Dutch prime minister, the Belgian prime minister and the vice premier. The Finnish president. The French and Canadian president. An enormous amount of people in high places. in banking, industry. It will be very hard to 1. get the responsible for this massacre to court and 2. get all these high placed people away. If that does not happen, the vermin will be growing again, just like it did after WW2

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Agreed. And why we will need to make a lot of changes. We need to get right up into the very top of this group, the so-called "Black Nobility" (they're so delusional, it's almost funny), and take apart this global empire. It's going to take time and a lot of work.

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I've noticed a very strong tendency with folks to make a LOT of assumptions based on very little actual material with which to go by. I've come across your comments before and you seem to be an intelligent and decent person, so I'm not saying you're stupid, or doing anything wrong. You're simply filling in blanks with assumptions because I didn't explicitly say this or that...

I want to be QUITE CLEAR, because I was attacked and battered, in writing, by several people on another page, a couple of days ago. It was very Facebookish, and I wrote a post about it yesterday (please feel free to read it!). Because on other people's pages, I try not to put long comments. However, I think this is an important, VERY important issue, and I will hopefully not offend our lovely Tessa by explaining myself, as clearly as I can.

1. Apparently when I say something about having control of ourselves, that is taken to mean that I think nothing should be done. I've been QUITE "vocal" on Substack about DOING SOMETHING, and complaining about how all we do is sit around and type to each other...

2. I don't need Naomi Wolf to tell me this entire Covid thing, and several other, similar occurrences with "viral outbreaks" in the past are not only planned, but phoney. I have been aware of this, and other issues, since April of 2020, and have an outraged presence on social media regarding whatever aspects of this I can find out. A "Truther," if you will. For over two years. I am WELL aware of the plan, at least as much as any of us are. (And for the record, I consider Dr. Wolf to be controlled opposition.)

3. If you think I'm not ANGRY, you simply don't know me very well. LOL I'm skating on the edge of Furious most of the time, if not right down the middle of it. Shall I rage all day, every day, on Substack? No, that's counter-productive. I'm also dealing with a microcosm of all this in my own family, and having to deal with the same kind of attack on me personally, by other family members, while I'm being pushed out of my elderly parents' lives. So, please don't lecture me about right/wrong and being angry.

4. The issue that I keep speaking about, and will continue to speak about (so thank you for helping me to get more clear about what to say and how to say it), is that as absolutely evil as these people are, as horrible and intolerable as their actions are, as vile and contemptible as their plans for us are, WE need to KEEP OUR HEADS. Going off into mob mentality does not serve our purpose. I say this for two reasons: one, I think allowing our basest emotions to rule us is a good way to lose ourselves to hatred; and two, if we're going to bring this whole damn thing to a close in the shortest time possible, WE NEED TO BE SMART. We need to organize, plan, and find ways to capture these people, stop their attack on us, and punish them. Yes, I believe in PUNISHMENT, of course! But not torture, and not cruelty. If we allow ourselves to go there, we become THEM.

Why do soldiers coming back from places like Iraq commit suicide? Because they are told to do, and they DO, things to other human beings that are immoral and horrible. It's not good for us to go on killing sprees. Do you see my point?

What I DO espouse is punishment in the form of stopping these people and for all the minions, at least, simply putting them in prison works for me... I think there are probably a lot people in US prisons that are there wrongly, and could make room for these guys, such as media moguls, politicians, tech moguls... the complicit, in other words. PRISON, for LIFE.

For the ones at the top, for the EVIL INSTIGATORS, some want the Death Sentence. I can understand that, and I can probably be okay with it, but NOT VIA TORTURE.

TORTURE IS WRONG, and not just for the sake of THEM, but for our own souls' sake. It darkens a person to torture another. It's bad. It's bad for the torturer, and it's bad for our society. Is it not the idea to get PAST this kind of thing??? We all say we want a decent life and to live without someone trying to destroy us, harm us, and yet, we are soooo ready, understandably, to descend into the worst kind of mindset we could think of... the mob "Kill 'em All" mentality. This is not what I want for us. I want decency. We can punish without being HELLISH.

Seems to me that there are two big things that oligarchs need: Money, and Power. What's the worst thing they would fear? Having all their money confiscated, given out to all of US, and then to spend their days (however many we allow them) in a cell, alone, no sycophants anywhere near, no power, no luxury, no nothing but the very very basics to keep them alive. THAT would be torture for them! I hope this is clarifying for you. I understand the urge to wad them up into little spindled balls of flesh and throw them against the wall... I UNDERSTAND. But not all urges are coming from our Sacred Source. It's that which I aspire to stay connected to.

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Jul 25, 2022Edited
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Damn! No, I haven't been threatened with murder, but that's illegal, and they can probably track down who that was that threatened you.

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Jul 25, 2022
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Without context, I really don't have much insight.

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