Tessa, The darkness you look back on is of course preamble to the coming darkness, although I believe we're in a stronger place now than two years ago, savvier, less willing to be played. But still the threats are real. So I'm sending you these links, you've probably seen but for your readers as well: 1. Leaky Covid Vaccine from Mike Yea…
Tessa, The darkness you look back on is of course preamble to the coming darkness, although I believe we're in a stronger place now than two years ago, savvier, less willing to be played. But still the threats are real. So I'm sending you these links, you've probably seen but for your readers as well: 1. Leaky Covid Vaccine from Mike Yeadon via Mercola: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2022/July/PDF/leaky-covid-vaccine-pdf.pdf
Tessa, The darkness you look back on is of course preamble to the coming darkness, although I believe we're in a stronger place now than two years ago, savvier, less willing to be played. But still the threats are real. So I'm sending you these links, you've probably seen but for your readers as well: 1. Leaky Covid Vaccine from Mike Yeadon via Mercola: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2022/July/PDF/leaky-covid-vaccine-pdf.pdf
And 2. What You Should Know About the New Covid Variants from Dr Paul Marik on CHD: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd?utm_source=salsa&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chd_tv&utm_term=chdtv&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=b3284c9a-f43c-4bfe-ad6b-9e02c9eab9fc
Stay vigilant! Michael