
Update from Dr. Paul Alexander: "a state of emergency is just announced and anyone, including me, who gives truckers fuel, good, any support, will be arrested, so things are getting hot and scary now. Please put the word out, we plan to do a live news cast in an hour or so, the police have been tremendous and I know under pressure but they are under pressure to take action on truckers.


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If the police stand down, then maybe, we might consider them not a servant of the 1%. Otherwise, whatever... Chris hedges said that in Yugoslavia the government fell when the police stood down... šŸ¤ž

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watching a live feed right now where a guy talked about a police raid from an hour or so ago involving swat team style incursion into a place where truckers had stored fuel. He described police with military style rifles and some really unpleasant behavior violating the peaceful protestors rights. I am tryna find footage of the raid.

This kind of aggression and violation of people's rights will only show people how corrupt our government and these laws are and make them come in greater numbers to protest.

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Feb 7, 2022Ā·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Here is a video with a guy talking about last night. Apparently, they are arresting people for "aiding and abetting mischief" (for handing out sandwiches and fuel to the truckers). Please forgive the facebook link https://www.facebook.com/whistlestoptruckstopcafe/videos/341332111181899

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Oh no, I was so hoping that it wouldn't come to this! Please post a link, Gavin, if you find more information on the raid.

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Here is footage of the end of the raid https://www.facebook.com/randy.hillier/videos/466921238485148/

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Thanks so much for these updates, Gavin! Now I know some people to follow.

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Your welcome. There is another serious announcement the Freedom Convoy organizers made last night you should be aware of (if you are not already): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6fBFdLGUZw

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Here is an announcement from the truckers regarding the raids that militarized police forces carried out last night on the peaceful protestors (stealing their fuel and supplies) https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=1102503853859756 Please Share This.

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Thank you for all the links, Gavin!

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Feb 8, 2022Ā·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

You are most welcome. I will share one more for today and then I gotta re-focus on my gardening stuff :)

This "press conference" includes Daniel (though I wish people would have invited him to speak more during the very long session) and it also includes a guy who is working with the freedom convoy who is former military intelligence (I have yet to get his actual name though I think he said his twitter account is "TomTSEC" maybe?). There are some interesting facts shared about ongoing legal actions and humorous facts like how all the tow truck companies across Canada have refused to help the Federal Government remove the trucks. https://www.facebook.com/salman.sima/videos/1196006540936768/

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Feb 8, 2022Ā·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

*Update* The former Military Intelligence Officer shown speaking in the video linked above is Tom Quiggin. Found his name by digging through some old Senate of Canada transcripts. https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/committee/403/defe/48475-e

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a backup link for the preemptive SOS press conference held by the truckers last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6fBFdLGUZw Considering how many families and children there are among the truckers and the peaceful protestors that support them.. if the feds order a massive RCMP force to do a telecommunications jamming/black out and "kettling" operation things could get very ugly. If you notice a black out in the social media coverage/live feeds in Ottawa (indicating they have initiated the "kettling/mass arrest" op described in the video above) I would be grateful if you could let people. I will give you a heads up if I see any signs that is taking place.

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Another big (and better audio/video quality) press conference from earlier tonight: https://www.facebook.com/LauraLynnTT/videos/307557681434831

The Freedom Convoy's security and intelligence team is now getting word the federal government is ignoring their plea to sit down and peacefully negotiate and they are sending a massive force of militarized police to potentially initiate a telecommunications blackout/jamming op, followed by "kettling" and mass arrest operation.

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ps- the audio is horrible so be prepared to have to crank the volume and then deal with brutal cell phone notification sounds throughout

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no luck finding footage, I thought I found a video of the raid a couple times on youtube then it was taken down "for violating community standards". I have heard some other witness testimony in live feeds (from bystanders) involving them describing undercover police instigating/escalating conflicts in parts of the city and then when people got pissed off a bunch of cop trucks showed up sirens blaring and made some arrests without telling them what they were charged with. That is just witness testimony though so I don't know if the people are exaggerating and cannot confirm. I do know that from what I have heard from multiple individuals on the ground it appears there is a specific strategy being implemented by the police right now to start at the edge of the city, and move in with waves of undercover, and then uniformed officers in numbers to trap people and cut them off from others. Perhaps this is what they meant when they said they would be doing a "Surge and Contain" strategy in their press conference.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

"State of emergency" is nonsense -- Trudy and friends are simply not getting their way, and he's unhappy about it. When police or military aid an oppressive government, they become oppressors themselves, and must be resisted and overthrown. Officers who participate have chosen their side; those who support the people and human rights will call in sick or refuse to enforce the dictates of illegitimate tyrants.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

These states of emergency have circumvented the Canadian charter. The courts will have the final say. If they allow this precedent to stand, we are done as a free country.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you again, Tessa, for alerting us to this!!

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Wow, thanks for this update.

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This trucker says the Police may be making a move on the convoy tonight I have yet to confirm with multiple sources on the ground https://www.tiktok.com/@bigred19755/video/7062854684905639173

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Such indomitable spirit! Thanks again, Gavin.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Daniel Bulford is an inspiration, and I thank you, Tessa, for sharing this link with us. It brings tears to my eyes to think that he's now supporting the truckers. What a world . . .

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Thank you Deb!! I, too, was so moved by his talk!

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I continue to be uplifted by the courageous ones I see - especially this amazing human who put his integrity first ! God bless this man !

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Feb 7, 2022Ā·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Daniel Bulford reached a critical decision point in his life -- To be true to himself, to his oath, to his family, and to his country he decided to NOT COMPLY. Everyone of us must ask ourselves whether we have reached a similar point in our lives. We are only in control of ONE thing - our personal decision when we come to that point. They ONLY way to end this insanity is for each of us to make the same courageous decision that Daniel Bulford did. DO NOT COMPLY - full stop - period. Do not waver. Be strong. You will not convince your friends, your family, or your co-workers with "better" information, or better arguments. There is nothing you can say as trance warfare has been thoroughly and successfully waged against most of humanity. All we can do is act. We will lose friends. We will lose family. We will lose jobs. We will lose much, but fighting to maintain our freedom always comes at a price. For those of us who see what's really at stake, our job now is to band together, to provide a safe space to get educated, to validate and encourage each other, to give each other strength to do what we need to do. Our band is gathering, and being inspired by brave people like Daniel and Tessa and so many others. The world is starting to take notice. It has to. The power of dedicated, committed people banding together in peaceful non-compliance changes the world for the better. It's the only thing that works. Hugs and much love to you all. Together we can do this. We can't afford to lose this one.

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An important update from Celia Farber:


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Thank you for this info, please let me know if there is any way your northern neighbors can show their support for the Freedom Convoy(s) south of us <3

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Feb 7, 2022Ā·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

The freedom convoy couldn't hope for a better security specialist. Daniel would have inevitably been on the police intelligence gathering, briefing and logistics end of protests in Ottawa during his career in the RCMP. He likely knows all the tricks the Police/Intelligence assets have up their sleeves for attempting to break up (or infiltrate) protests.

Makes my heart glad to see people like him choosing courage over compliance with tyranny.

Thanks for sharing this ray of hope with us all Tessa :)

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Deeply impressive! Peaceful Civil disobedience is the way to go.

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Here is an announcement from the Truckers, Mounties For Freedom and Doctors that support them regarding the raids that militarized police forces carried out last night on the peaceful protestors https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=1102503853859756

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Here is a video with Daniel commenting on the unlawful arrests and seizure of property that took place last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsFijzQKx0M His message is clear. HOLD THE LINE.

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Thank you, I will update the story now with this video.

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Here is another press conference they held this morning: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=144934717973693&id=103279015472597

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

wonderful - his emotional honesty is heart warming!

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It's impossible to keep it short on this stuff. It's so interconnected and weird that it defies clarity. I find the alternative to the deep dives is silence - not in the ignoring/hiding sense, but rather in the breathing/staying grounded and centered sense. And then, back in.

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(Yes) 4-7-8 Inhale Hold Exhaust-

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Feb 7, 2022Ā·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

To all of you protesting in Canada and elsewhere:

Hold on, stick together and hold out! I wish I could offer more than encouragement - people all over Europe are trying to get your story out there, but all state media and egime loyal media follow the same propaganda as Canadian and USAmerican corporate media.

Don't fear. You are the people, you are the power.

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Fantastic šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

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Feb 6, 2022Ā·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

In 2013 drove a 2014 6 speed VW TDI Passat to Sedona Arizona for loveliest days at a Richard Sutphen gig by the pool and inn classroom with about twelve others and his wife, Roberta- learned all about a battle for the mind and other beautiful stuff that polishes the soul so softly and so truthfully and vivid the brightly-

Richard has passed since then and his soothing voicings are scattered withinn the mind electronics I listen to daily; his word for it knot mine; another name for meditational stuff and subliminals...

This is knot about beloved Starr Richard Sutphen; kno !!!

It is how Vivian Fischer and their case regarding VW impacted this American citizen who bought a new sedan because GM ruined SAAB !!! ugh- awful story similar to anything a let's go Brandon blu bonnet touches-

so Mr Jackpots of sorts for a while, because the car was 28k+ :: butt I gott all that back, drove it for three years plus Sedona, settlement bought tires again and all maintenance free via two credit cards issued by VW worth 1000 and turned Dubya in well used but in exchange for the settlement deal plus car so illegal unless idling!!!

S n e a k y !!! Caught by Techies other story- ASK VIVIAN and REINER!!!

So yes; Reiner Fullmich is real and is held in esteemed regard in this New Hampshire USA household :: Ask VW or any TDI owner and some gasoline stuffs Owners too- VW cheated andif mafia here had been involved at all, I would have eaten that car somehow knot them::never them- see

S A A B story above-

I gave car to the lady who drove half the way to Sedona and supported the trip- I gav the car before I knew it was a jackpots transaction-

Lady said we hav to check again because that car may hav takatta aire bagg and up to 580 total refund-

Very Real those Two Lawyers, yes indeed, just like Tessa' lovely transmissions

v e r i l y

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Here is a new interview with Danny Bulford from today (Feb 25th).

"Vincent Gircys & Danny Bulford Retired OPP & RCMP Officers, What is really going on and what can we expect":


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Thank you Gavin!

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