Excellent piece, Tessa, very nuanced yet emphasizing some important points - one of your best yet. I bought the (corporate media projected) narrative on 'covid is a bioweapon' early on in 2020, but since then we have seen what amounts to definite proof that - whether or not anyone believes 'covid' actually exists, whether or not you think it happened spontaneously or was a lab created, gain of function bioweapon - there was no evidence reflected in global all cause mortality numbers in 2020 that there was any 'pandemic' whatsoever.

This entire psyop is built upon the foundation a just a few key illusions generated by 1), the utterly fraudulent 'covid PCR protocol' (which cannot render ANY valid 'positive' result, something we have known since the peer review of the Corman-Drosten paper came out more than a year and a half ago), 2) the completely illegal and intentionally deceptive changes in disease reporting and cause of death reporting guidelines in 2020, and 3) the resulting hyped but absolutely fraudulent statistics telling us that there was a tsunami of 'covid cases' and 'covid deaths' occurring around the world.

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Thank you Stuart! And yes, I think that all those things can co-exist. As in, it could be synthetic biology developed as a part of military research (which at the moment I believe it is... both "SARS-COV-2" and the injection). After all, the disease tends to be extremely unpleasant and somewhat unusual in terms how how it can impact different organs. Then on the other hand, the impact was greatly exacerbated by not letting people treat it correctly. And then the impact was seemingly mostly focused in certain areas, and the narrative was turned upside down by coordinated propaganda in any case, plus of course the tests that are an abomination. So as it usually goes, very complex. And a great point about the numbers, it is of course also something that is being buried as far as data.

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Clarification. The disease is unpleasant in some people (whatever causes it, which could be a combination of whatever this thing is and environmental factors, including electromagnetic pollution; I believe I had it, and it was extremely unpleasant, so I cannot be convinced that "it is not real"). Yet in many cases it is very very mild, especially now. And there is no good diagnostics since the tests are crap, and so on. The world remains mysterious and simultaneously manipulated by people with not so good intentions!

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I would say that the studies purporting to show that it impacts different organs are very problematic for various reasons, one of which is that they inevitably rely on that fraudulent PCR 'test' to 'diagnose' the disease. I highly recommend that everyone who has not yet read the peer review on the Corman-Drosten do so, because it makes it quite clear that their 'test' cannot possibly return any valid 'positive' result.

Beyond that, we should all look carefully at the proven toxicity of the primary 'treatments' for their alleged 'pandemic virus cases', Remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies. Both of these are known to cause many of the very same symptoms attributed to 'severe covid cases'.

On top of that, consider the demonstrated toxicity of graphene oxide and related graphene family naonparticles (GFNs). We know that these things have been used in numerous products, including many pharmaceuticals and 'vaccines', and that the ubiquitous blue face masks disbursed by the millions around the world are contaminated with graphene oxide.

"Due to their unique physicochemical properties, graphene-family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications. Currently, many studies have investigated the biocompatibility and toxicity of GFNs in vivo and in intro. Generally, GFNs may exert different degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models by following with different administration routes and penetrating through physiological barriers, subsequently being distributed in tissues or located in cells.

GFNs penetrate through the physiological barriers or cellular structures by different exposure ways or administration routes and entry the body or cells, eventually resulting in toxicity in vivo and in vitro. The varying administration routes and entry paths, different tissue distribution and excretion, even the various cell uptake patterns and locations, may determine the degree of the toxicity of GFNs." This entire study is also highly recommended reading: https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y

"Health Canada previously advised Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene after a preliminary assessment identified some potential for inhaled graphene particles to cause early lung effects in animals (e.g., early signs of inflammation). As a precaution while a risk assessment was ongoing, Health Canada directed all known importers and distributors of these masks to remove four mask models from one manufacturer, Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd., from the market.

Health Canada has reviewed the available scientific literature along with data provided by Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd., related to the biomass graphene contained within its four models. The review found that biomass graphene particles are not shed from these masks in quantities that are likely to cause adverse lung effects.

Health Canada also determined that the filtration performance of these masks meets the performance standard listed on the label. The Department did not find evidence that biomass graphene provides any added antimicrobial, or antiviral protection.

As a result, given the evidence supporting the safety and effectiveness of these products, Health Canada is permitting the sale of the four Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. mask models to resume in Canada (see models listed below)." https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/.../graphene-face-masks

Very reassuring to see that Health Canada has reviewed the data provided by provided by Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd., related to the biomass graphene contained within its four models, and 'found that biomass graphene particles are not shed from these masks in quantities that are likely to cause adverse lung effects', right?

So, what is 'extreme covid' and what is actually the effects of these other poisons, attributed to 'covid'?

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All good points. Based on my own experience with what matched the descriptions of COVID, I can rule out bad treatments as a cause of sickness as I did not take them. Did not go to the hospital, either, since going to the hospital for COVID was about the worst thing one could do if one wanted to say alive.

Now, is it possible that everybody's immune system went crazy when, say, Elon Musk shot his satellites into the skies (which happened in 2019, off the top of my head), plus the towers started popping up like mushrooms after it rains? Entirely possible, electromagnetic pollution is bad for health, and it's been proven. Is it possible that there was some synthetic biology creatures floating in the air, especially in specific areas? (Seems like in some places, lots of people got sick, and in some places, people don't know anyone who "had COVID"? There is a theory to this effect, and it's impossible to prove or disprove without actually knowing what was going on.

All I know is that in New York, where I am, a lot of people got sick with a nasty thing. Some people died, and not all of them died in the hospital. So, based on personal observations, I do not believe that the disease is fictional, but the causes can very much be debated.

And yes, Drosten papers are very good. The fact that the tests are total nonsense for the most part is undeniable.

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Yeah, I know that there has been a bug floating around and that a lot of people got sick, it has been happening out here also. I had 'it' too. I don't doubt that it was nasty for some, and that some people probably died from it. But of course, one thing to remember is that this is perfectly normal, we have a flu season every year, and millions of people around the world get whatever is circulating that year, and some percentage always get very sick and many people die. I have had many cases of very nasty flus over my life, as has everyone else, and what most of us are reporting with our experience these last few years is that this flu bug is actually far less nasty than many others we have had.

But to go back to my original points, we know that there was no abnormal spike in global all cause mortality in 2020, anywhere in the world EXCEPT in the US. If there was truly any genuine deadly 'pandemic' happening as they say began then, we should see some kind of bump in all cause mortality everywhere, right? Not just in their demonstrably fraudulent 'covid deaths'. The only notable exception to this globally was in the US, but when you look into the details of that fact, it becomes clear that it only happened in specific states, including a time of the year (summer) where deaths from respiratory viral infections have never previously been seen. Here are so excerpts from Dennis Rancourt's very interesting study:

"We work with all-cause mortality (ACM), deaths from all causes, in order to avoid the uncertainty and bias in attributing a cause of death..."

"Normal epidemiological variations occur in the pre-COVID-era, as has been observed for more than a century, in all mid-latitude Northern hemisphere jurisdictions having reliable data; whereas there is unprecedented state-wise jurisdictional and regional geographical heterogeneity in ACM by time in the COVID-era, which is contrary to theoretical pandemic behaviour caused by a new virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population.

The behaviour of all-cause mortality in the COVID-era is irreconcilable with a pandemic caused by a new virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population.

On the contrary, we concluded that the COVID-era deaths are of two types:

• A large narrow peak (in ACM/w) occurring immediately after the WHO

declaration of a pandemic apparently caused by the aggressive novel

government and medical responses that were applied in certain specific state

jurisdictions, against sick elderly populations...

The surges in all-cause deaths are highly localized geographically (by jurisdiction) and in time, which is contrary to pandemic behaviour; but is consistent with the surges being caused by the known government and medical responses.

Therefore, a pandemic did not occur; but an unprecedented systemic aggression against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of (certain states in) the USA did occur.

In light of the results presented herein, the view that a new respiratory disease virus caused the excess deaths in the COVID-era (March-2020 to present) in the USA has to be considered an extravagant theory, contrary to empirical data and viral respiratory disease phenomenology:

• No declared pandemic (1957-58, 1968, 2009) has ever caused a detectable

increase in yearly all-cause mortality in the USA, since 1900, except 1918, which has been incorrectly assigned as an influenza pandemic.

...viral respiratory disease epidemics, never mind declared pandemics, never stop at jurisdictional boundaries or national or state or provincial or regional or county borders. Instead, seasonal (winter) all-cause mortality is always synchronous across mid-latitude Northern hemispheric jurisdictions, while showing similar to statistically identical patterns of temporal variation within any given year.

The jurisdictional and temporal heterogeneity of all-cause mortality during the COVID-era in the USA (and other nations) is of unprecedented character and magnitude (Figures 5-11, 13-16, and Table 2), which can only be due to local and time-dependent forces and vulnerability to those forces, not viral respiratory diseases as the primary driver.

• The extraordinary mortality spike that occurred in New York City and some

North-East coastal states in March-June 2020 (cvp1) and virtually nowhere else (some 34 USA states did not significantly exhibit this feature in all-cause

mortality) is impossible for a virulent and contagious respiratory disease virus...

• Viral respiratory diseases never give rise to all-cause mortality by time peaks (maxima) in the summer. The unprecedented summer peaks seen in the USA in the COVID-era are contrary to known viral respiratory disease epidemiology.

• Pre-COVID-era viral-respiratory-disease burden mortality (winter burden) always correlates with the proportion of the population that is elderly, whereas the state-wise heterogeneous summer-2020, fall-winter-2020-2021 and summer-2021 excess (above-SB) mortalities anti-correlate with the proportion of the population that is elderly, strongly so for summer mortality.

• No known respiratory disease virus has ever caused a permanent (1.5 years and counting) step-wise time-independent increase in mortality of 15-34 year olds, which appears to have occurred in the COVID-era (Figures 33b to 33e).

• It is extremely unlikely that a virulent and contagious viral respiratory pathogen that would have caused the exceedingly large COVID-era excess mortality in the USA, could not have crossed the border into Canada, the world's longest international land border (8,890 km) between two major trading partners; where both countries are normally (pre-COVID-era) continuously subject to seasonal (winter) viral respiratory disease epidemics having virtually identical mortality characteristics." https://denisrancourt.ca/uploads_entries/1635189453861_USA%20ACM%20into%202021%20-%20article----12d.pdf

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This is old news as to common cold T-cells - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2550-z

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Yes, very old news! And yet the announcement from the Imperial College (and a Nature study they cite https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27674-x) is from yesterday. They are catching up. :)

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Can you really believe that they can possibly be so stupid, so badly informed, so ignorant? Or was it to their benefit to play the part of the fool, the stroke patient who could not make connections?

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I updated the story with the document. The document, if true, is explosive. It states, verbatim, that "SARS-CoV-2 is a American-created recombinant bat vaccine."


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Thanks for your writing! Have been following you since Eisenstein mentioned you :-) Just a quick question here (sorry if it's ignorant) but you say "if" it's true. Project Veritas has been known (I think?) to create content that has been shown not to be true. This is the conundrum all along - how are we able to analyze and come to some conclusions, if we can't verify/authenticate primary source documents? I am asking in a very humble and open way.

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Thank you Nina! What I have observed about Project Veritas is that they have been using blackhat methods (undercover, secret video recordings of officials, etc.) to obtain actually factual information. As of this second, I am not aware of any of their findings that I looked at that were proven to be "fake." If you are aware of any, please let me know! As far as their reputation in the mainstream of being "untrustworthy," I believe it has more to do with the fact that their findings are extremely embarrassing for the mainstream, and therefore, the mainstream is constantly yelling at Project Veritas and making fun of them since they can't actually disprove them.

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thanks, Tessa... fyi, David Martin's new video has already been taken off YouTube because he shared his amicus brief to the Supreme Court and talked about the Supreme misinformation at last Friday's meeting. here is the document he sent to the Supremes, he said to take note of pages 2-8 specifically. there is no justification for the mandates


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Thank you Celia! Good to know, and thank you for sharing the link!

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Not sure which video you reference, but BitChute has plenty on David Martin


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Very good analysis. Both of these are just adjustments toward a “new and improved” narrative. The leaks from DARPA are just damage control, eventually pinning the whole fiasco on Fauci. I doubt that DARPA was entirely hands off on the "gain of function" work. This is a classic limited hangout. If DARPA saw this effort as illegal, why didn’t they report it to the Justice Department?

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Thank you Martin! And yes, it's hard to believe in DARPA being the good guys. :) After all, weren't they an important participant of Warp Speed?

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"I know that synthetic biology really is extremely advanced, in general. "

You believe "advanced" Tessa but knowns happen when facts appear and the shitheel stuckness of all the greedy Ivy League institutions and the monied elite rarely do anything alone that is actually "advanced"

Belief all:: Belief no thing :: Go with knowns asin I don't believe Tessa Fights Robots; I know Tessa Fights Robots because the proof is in the work product-

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Yeah! I feel like these scientists are pretty much dumbasses, because our education is pay to play, with some on merit.


Anyway, I think those patents were pretty much a greedy attempt at trying to patent people who get modified by the clot shots, cause virology is bullshit.

Mike Yeadon said recently "one step ahead, you're called genius, two or more steps ahead, you're called a lunatic"

Call me a lunatic https://drsambailey.com/2022/01/05/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/

Yeah, nobody wants to touch that, yet.

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Many of us have. Dr Sam is right. She should have got NZr of the year instead of Ms Wiles who is pathetic.


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Thank you and a good point.

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It would appear that the only 'misinformation' driving our current paradigm is their 'information'. No amount of revolutionary information is making an impact whatsoever. I am hoping that there is a perceptible change taking place but it is hard to feel. Good writing, Tessa. Thank you.

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Thank you Jennie! The shamelessness of lies is so bad, the tower will fall eventually. The question is, when... So it's on us to stay strong and keep hope.

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hey faux-ci GoF yourself

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"GoF yourself" is funny!

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Thanks Tessa. I read this document by Maj. Joseph Murphy today; if genuine, as I suspect it is, it is definitely explosive material. Yet, like some of your readers, I wonder if its release was for the sake of damage control. I don't doubt that it is factually true that DARPA officially rejected EcoHealth's research proposal in 2018 because it conflicted with laws against doing gain-of-function research in this country (for which reason Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci simply shipped the research offshore to Wuhan ... and, yes, Fauci lied about this to Congress, and should go to jail, as should many other criminals in government and biotech who are responsible for this global catastrophe). But there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that leads me to think that the virus was released in China, not accidentally, but intentionally, not by the Chinese themselves (who had nothing to gain by shutting down their entire economy in an unprecedented way in the midst of the New Year's Festival, the country's biggest public holiday), but by American military personnel taking part in the World Military Games held at Wuhan in October 2019 (which coincided with Event 201 in New York, where military and corporate big-wigs coordinated a response to a global coronavirus pandemic that hadn't happened yet). In other words, the virus, although designed jointly by Americans and Chinese scientists, was, I suspect, released in China by Americans as a bioweapon, to disrupt the Chinese economy, and to justify authoritarian political changes in the West desired by global elites — the Great Reset.

I think Maj. Murphy's document may be designed to obscure this; he wants to connect the virus definitely to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (thus, he renames the virus SARSr-CoV-WIV), and indicates that it was leaked from there (p. 6). At one point, though, he seems to betray a knowledge of things being otherwise: on p. 4 of this document, he states that the initial escape of the virus occurred in August 2019. No signs of the virus appeared in China until October 2019, when some people got sick in Wuhan at the time of the World Military Games, and it was not identified as a novel virus until December of that year. So, if Maj. Murphy says that the initial escape of the virus occurred in August 2019, he may well be acknowledging that the initial escape of the virus actually occurred, not in China, but in the United States: there were reports of numerous deaths from an unexplained respiratory illness, with symptoms resembling those of COVID-19, affecting nursing homes in the area around Fort Detrick, Maryland, America's premier germ-warfare lab, during the summer of 2019, and Fort Detrick was actually closed down on August 6, 2019 for unexplained safety violations.

In short, I think it is plausible: (a) that, although the experimental gain-of-function virus was being developed in Wuhan, as part of a joint American-Chinese effort, copies of it existed in the US; (b) the virus was either released intentionally or unintentionally escaped in the US in the summer of 2019, with symptoms diagnosed variously as "vaping illness" or some unidentified respiratory disease; and (c) US military personnel released this virus in Wuhan in October 2019 as an act of hybrid warfare against China, an attempt to strike at the Chinese economy and foment political unrest in that country. Finally, (d) I think Maj. Murphy's exposé, while it contains a great deal of truth about the origins of the virus and the dangers of the vaccines, and exposes Fauci and the heads of some biotech companies to criminal prosecution, is meant to put the blame for the virus's release solely on China, and exculpate the US, and DARPA, from the crime of biowarfare.

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Psyop or deceit frames the basis for all war, hence the saying "truth is the first casualty of war". There is no truth in it framing.

Reading of historical context such as Koch's criminal tuberculin fraud and subsequent hiring and protection by his government for using the false theory as a psyop to deny ports to ships supplying the then enemy, Britain, I see the underlying principle for virology as gain of function research - that is the whole field is a coded reworking of body function such as healing phase from toxic shock and malnutrition - into a pathogenic frame of control.

So taxing or cultivating sickness as a protected fear narrative that is itself, sown, nurtured and protected as a securitised narrative that absolutely divides those who knowing operate such a control system from those who are fed such a matrix of false solutions designed to reinforce their dependency while in effect stealing life energy by deceit.

Proof of claim is on those who make it. I don't have to demonstrate that our living biology is without any pathological intent, but the persistence of any narrative belief and practical application of such belief where claims have been found to be unsupported reveals a securitised denial of open communication or protected lie.

Consider that a practical definition of sin is where invested self-illusion is used as a basis for active attack and undermining of truth.

The nature of self-illusion is then a propensity for being phished by our own thinking - which is always in a relational context, such that what we take to be our own thinking can in fact be running as an automatic function set in habits of defence that protects us from exposure to unresolved or masked conflicts that nevertheless remain active in the 'system' if no longer perceived within a bubble of control, set in narratives by which the masking of such a temporary expedience becomes an auto defence mechanism set in hidden rules and filters under the invocation of safety by partition or division and fragmentation, rather then a true resolution, in which the fear and its defences or armouring becomes redundant.

The nature of perception has come to be accepted as reality, and yet it is always an interpretative filtering of a mind set in division, except when yielded to active willingness for healing, in which all that serves awakened purpose is brought in witness, while all that is meaningless is either redeemed to terms of recognisable or practical love, or no longer applicable as a GoF script for hate, grievance and attack given love or priority as basis for self made on mis taken experience of lack set in fear of pain of loss.

Awareness is not physical, even if embodiment in thought expressed the full spectrum of tangibility and visibility. Lockdown and distancing to the 'physical' is actually a disembodied machine thinking operating as fear of Self, Life and Reality, when the body or thing as object, form or thing is used as symbol for masking, distancing and attacking a reality that does not support self image given love and power.

Reality in expression is Function in which we have integrality.

But a partiality of focus within wholeness sets to gain support and protection for a temporal subset or distortion of All That Is. When we know we are in imaginary construct as a parallel model of predictive or prophetic reading, we can see if it serves true desire. But in mistaking the reflections as truth, we are in a sense phished by desire set within its framing, such as to become possessed by a grasp rising from fear of loss. Conditional love generates loss of functional or feeling awareness in exchange for a gain of function set as a world of and for Getting. The nature of true receiving is for giving. Where giving and receiving are one, a true participance and presence replaces the basis for struggle under threat with a more integrative perception regardless the conditions of a fear defined adaptation or conditioning.

Relational awareness is then the basis from which to discern rather than judge as division.

Restoring true function to wholeness of being is then the release of blocks to awareness of love in action or joy in being. When ego seeks to replicate for Spirit, it masks in hollow symbolic representations seeking reinforcement. Unconscious is not a psychic dustbin of psychopathy but the wellspring of unselfconscious joy, but having denied both love and fear as threat, we cofuse each with the other, and so opening our psychic or felt awareness can result in traumatic or psychotic 'ego-alien' encounters without the guidance and support of 'Spirit' that is syncronous with willingness for acceptance of healing as a basis for trust, honesty, and consistency of freely shared appreciation.

I have used a quote often in the last two years because it not only has social relevance but is an inalienable gift of our being to question anything that frames us in lack, inadequacy or shame seeking cover; "And WHO told you you were naked?" said the Lord.

What function would you seek to gain if all that you truly are is already given in your creation as the unique expression of an unfolding appreciation of wholeness extended?

Losing awareness generates dis-synchrony or dissonances of noise to signal. Seeking for meaning in the shadows SEEMS to make meanings unlike the love that means you.

Regardless ultimate reality, you will find what you are looking for, as your own creative freedom. Hence to know your purpose is to recognise it in your fruits or current experience. In this sense a conflicted feedback can serve a true enquiry instead of a GoF dark Op.

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Well alright. Pure, clear & true words in HD perfectly tailored to suit our times. Thank you Binra-- for both your powerfully calming words and for your presence here in TFR.

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Where giving and receiving align, who is the giver, who the receiver?

Not a question seeking answer so much as opening to allow.

You are welcome.

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(I'm still looking for deaths clearly caused BY Omicron. There should be a few by now...)

Clinical outcomes among patients infected with Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant in southern California

The table S10 from the report shows there were 52,133 patients with Omicron (SGTF) and 16,929 with Delta (No SGTF).

Half of the Delta patients were unvaxxed (49.6%).

Only a quarter of the Omicron patients were unvaxxed (26%).

74% of the Omicron patients were vaxxed.

Only 0.5% of the Omicron patients were unvaxxed with a documented previous infection.


​A broad-spectrum antiviral against influenza and coronaviruses from edible beans?​

That's horse and pig food! Don't take that!

A Carbohydrate-Binding Protein from the Edible Lablab Beans Effectively Blocks the Infections of Influenza Viruses and SARS-CoV-2


​Two friends sent this, and it reminded me of the Peter Tosh song, "Bush Doctor" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzTz0sCtkCQ

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants

​...​Cannabinoid acids from hemp (Cannabis sativa) were found to be allosteric as well as orthosteric ligands with micromolar affinity for the spike protein. In follow-up virus neutralization assays, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and prevented entry of live SARS-CoV-2 into cells. Importantly, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid were equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant B.1.1.7 and the beta variant B.1.351. Orally bioavailable and with a long history of safe human use, these cannabinoids, isolated or in hemp extracts, have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.


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Just read your new post at Mercola's site on "Behavior modification research." Absolutely mind blowing and some tremendous research Tessa! Thanks so much!

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Thank you Gary!!!! And yes, the passion to control living beings is strong with the curious military minds!!

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Amen! Just as it was with Holy Mother Church during the Holy Inquisition I might add. :)

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Very true. Seems like both are driven by the same need to dominate as opposed to letting people commune with nature and with God on their sacred terms.

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The papers that started the current PCR kit pandemic show that "sars-cov-2" is a software built RNA... But lucky for us no one cares about that.

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Awesome research with all the links to the sources. I love it.

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Thank you!! xo

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If the gods of genetic dogma are unquestioned, then the dogs who chase the definitions from its projections will make 'science' out of false or deceptive premises.

Backstep. If the gods of virological dogma remain unquestioned, then fear driven artefacts of wishful thinking mutate into a medical industrial complex that generates a new basis in modelling so as not to expose a lack of substance and consequent redundancy.

But don't let truth get in the way of a good story! - which extends to include that invested Identity in drama will disregard and discard empirical anomalies to invested models. I find it curious that humankind seeks to 'break into the model' and immunise against waking up.

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