My words were absolutely written in love. Bless you, Tessa. I take my guidance from my Lord Jesus, whose revelation is totally unique among the religions on Earth. I acknowledge everyone's right not to hear the Gospel, but I still must speak it. By the way, I love the Russian Orthodox church, though I am a Lutheran myself.
My words were absolutely written in love. Bless you, Tessa. I take my guidance from my Lord Jesus, whose revelation is totally unique among the religions on Earth. I acknowledge everyone's right not to hear the Gospel, but I still must speak it. By the way, I love the Russian Orthodox church, though I am a Lutheran myself.
Good to hear from you, Larry. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is experiential--no one who doesn't have this relationship can claim we are imagining it. People who have never entered a relationship with Jesus simply do not buy that such a relationship exists, only because it's experiential and they haven't experienced it. It has nothing to do with church history and the teachings of the pope or the Nicene Council. This "Gnostic Reformation" I am promoting is very much akin to Luther's reformation that challenged the Catholic Church. This reformation also challenges the established conventional Christianity that had so much truth stripped out of it by the Romans and the pope.
I would love for you to read my 270-page book, which explains all of this in depth. Such heresies as universal salvation and the difference between the Father and Jehovah are fully explained. As a long-time Christian, you may actually appreciate this gospel rendition!
My words were absolutely written in love. Bless you, Tessa. I take my guidance from my Lord Jesus, whose revelation is totally unique among the religions on Earth. I acknowledge everyone's right not to hear the Gospel, but I still must speak it. By the way, I love the Russian Orthodox church, though I am a Lutheran myself.
Good to hear from you, Larry. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is experiential--no one who doesn't have this relationship can claim we are imagining it. People who have never entered a relationship with Jesus simply do not buy that such a relationship exists, only because it's experiential and they haven't experienced it. It has nothing to do with church history and the teachings of the pope or the Nicene Council. This "Gnostic Reformation" I am promoting is very much akin to Luther's reformation that challenged the Catholic Church. This reformation also challenges the established conventional Christianity that had so much truth stripped out of it by the Romans and the pope.
I would love for you to read my 270-page book, which explains all of this in depth. Such heresies as universal salvation and the difference between the Father and Jehovah are fully explained. As a long-time Christian, you may actually appreciate this gospel rendition!