Notice your gifts to humanity “the mediator” “exploratory” “teacher” to find answers to feed the courage n strength to overcome
Perhaps science can show a different type of hero’s with the brains structures like amygdala.
60 minutes article Carnegie hero’s and the neuroscience behind acts of heroism date 6/5/22 by Scott Pel…
Notice your gifts to humanity “the mediator” “exploratory” “teacher” to find answers to feed the courage n strength to overcome
Perhaps science can show a different type of hero’s with the brains structures like amygdala.
60 minutes article Carnegie hero’s and the neuroscience behind acts of heroism date 6/5/22 by Scott Pelly. Article doesn’t mention the female scientist but the 60 minutes “date line” does.
Take/point basic love is healing
The very didn’t goals to heal oneself, others n the world by redifinding thru our journey of life, sometimes jumping from a sinking ship in rough seas, lost n weak n yet each try to swim can be easy listening to others as our floats in our overcoming
Storytelling for warriors
Thank you, you helped me thru your podcast n this article
Notice your gifts to humanity “the mediator” “exploratory” “teacher” to find answers to feed the courage n strength to overcome
Perhaps science can show a different type of hero’s with the brains structures like amygdala.
60 minutes article Carnegie hero’s and the neuroscience behind acts of heroism date 6/5/22 by Scott Pelly. Article doesn’t mention the female scientist but the 60 minutes “date line” does.
Take/point basic love is healing
The very didn’t goals to heal oneself, others n the world by redifinding thru our journey of life, sometimes jumping from a sinking ship in rough seas, lost n weak n yet each try to swim can be easy listening to others as our floats in our overcoming
Storytelling for warriors
Thank you, you helped me thru your podcast n this article
Keep healing n others