Maybe making a 'task' of it also makes it more likely we will run from if (women especially)? I appreciate very much your efforts to re-mind us that our nature/purpose is to be part of world healing. Thank you Tessa. 🙏🏼
An interesting thought about the word "task." I didn't think about it, to me it's a neutral word because I didn't grow up in an English-speaking world. Thank you for mentioning it!
Beautifully said, Tessa. Thank you for writing this. My journey has been about healing betrayal and boy, has it showed up... And Covid and all it unravelled was a collective betrayal. So your words are particularly resonant. We're all either in trauma or healing from it. That seems to be the collective moment.
I had an epiphany at age 70. As I was ruminating about a betrayal that someone did to me that was devastating, it ‘popped’ into my head an incident of betrayal that I perpetrated years and years ago. In that moment of awareness, linking the two disparate betrayals, I cringed, but then came the healing. Instantly I felt forgiveness and understanding towards to person who betrayed me; and with came an unexpected forgiveness of myself. I felt a karmic loop close and I am so grateful that healing came in this lifetime.
Thanks Tessa. It's not 'had', more 'accepting'. I sense we never truly 'heal' our wounds in the traditional sense, but learn to love them, need them as they are a tremendous asset, a vital part of our growing and soul evolving time here. Without them, we would not be who we are. They serve a profound purpose, however painful. That realization to me is the definition of healing.
Wonderful post, Tessa! Surely ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) are a root source of most all the ills we all suffer on this trauma farm called Earth. My heart wholly supports your effort in what you begin with this post - an introduction to a much more broad an healthy perspective on what life on Earth is and could be. Forays such as yours here are what we need to heal the mutations in our species that found our inherent penchant for negativity and conflict at the expense of Love.
Thank you so much, Beau!! And yes, this could be the most important topic, if we really want to create positive change. The aspiring masters don't find it too hard to "absorb" our efforts of blaming them or protesting them, but they are terrified of the prospect of people healing and countering them from a healed place!
sometimes they connect to other lives as well. i've had a few memories recently as i went past the childhood trauma to those. and realise how they connect/need to be healed.
Beautifully written, Tessa. And thank you for the reminder that we are souls dealing with things on a spiritual level. I’ve gotten pretty beaten up by karma the last few years, and when you’re in the fight sometimes it’s hard to remember the end game. ❤️
Ya know, in my humble opinion real Charity is next door, right around the corner down the street. As a child I went trick or treating for UNICEF. Oakland or the Fillmore in San Francisco, or even poverty in my hometown of Sacramento was never an option.
In an environment of angst, accusations, blame and doom, up comes a little sprout of greenery from Tessa Lena - Ahh - your posts are refreshing to read.
Tessa, your beautiful 🩷 and soul speak aloud through your commitment to educate, explore, research, share and write for others, thank you 🙏🏼 and blessing
Sanatan Dharma holds soul-contract ~ beneficence ~ agreement ~ ambition ~ surrender ~ service, established through mindmeld as the essential pre-cognitive translation of cosmos-cruiser to prisoner 3D'ed for a while. We share with our brother-sister (genderless of course but these days...) guardian guides the foresight of the journey about to launch, we the forgetful paddlers, sometimes aware of the currents and outcrops of stony importance amidst world-ocean swells, dryad beachings for dis-passioning sun-bathing post shipwreck. Repairing the vessel we must needs assume command of, sooner better than later. Are we holed or on the Way of Holy? With or without 'power plants' the West has not lost this sooth though little practiced with deliberation. Thus a universal experience not confined to culture. The Culture of true Being available to everyman (wo).
Maybe making a 'task' of it also makes it more likely we will run from if (women especially)? I appreciate very much your efforts to re-mind us that our nature/purpose is to be part of world healing. Thank you Tessa. 🙏🏼
An interesting thought about the word "task." I didn't think about it, to me it's a neutral word because I didn't grow up in an English-speaking world. Thank you for mentioning it!
Thank you, Dotty!!
Beautifully said, Tessa. Thank you for writing this. My journey has been about healing betrayal and boy, has it showed up... And Covid and all it unravelled was a collective betrayal. So your words are particularly resonant. We're all either in trauma or healing from it. That seems to be the collective moment.
I had an epiphany at age 70. As I was ruminating about a betrayal that someone did to me that was devastating, it ‘popped’ into my head an incident of betrayal that I perpetrated years and years ago. In that moment of awareness, linking the two disparate betrayals, I cringed, but then came the healing. Instantly I felt forgiveness and understanding towards to person who betrayed me; and with came an unexpected forgiveness of myself. I felt a karmic loop close and I am so grateful that healing came in this lifetime.
I feel joy as I read your comment, it is so good to figure things out and to heal ourselves!
That makes perfect sense. Thank you so much for your courage of sharing your story!!
a miracle! so wonderful! where i'm at in ACIM today Let miracles replace all grievances ( | W-89.3:1)
Thank you, Navyo!! I am sorry you had to deal with so much betrayal. Sending you big hugs!!
Thanks Tessa. It's not 'had', more 'accepting'. I sense we never truly 'heal' our wounds in the traditional sense, but learn to love them, need them as they are a tremendous asset, a vital part of our growing and soul evolving time here. Without them, we would not be who we are. They serve a profound purpose, however painful. That realization to me is the definition of healing.
So agree with what you are saying. 🙏🏼💗🕯️
Wonderful post, Tessa! Surely ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) are a root source of most all the ills we all suffer on this trauma farm called Earth. My heart wholly supports your effort in what you begin with this post - an introduction to a much more broad an healthy perspective on what life on Earth is and could be. Forays such as yours here are what we need to heal the mutations in our species that found our inherent penchant for negativity and conflict at the expense of Love.
Bless you! Keep it coming!
Thank you so much, Beau!! And yes, this could be the most important topic, if we really want to create positive change. The aspiring masters don't find it too hard to "absorb" our efforts of blaming them or protesting them, but they are terrified of the prospect of people healing and countering them from a healed place!
WORD! - “They fear love because it creates a world they can't control.”
― George Orwell, 1984
sometimes they connect to other lives as well. i've had a few memories recently as i went past the childhood trauma to those. and realise how they connect/need to be healed.
Beautifully written, Tessa. And thank you for the reminder that we are souls dealing with things on a spiritual level. I’ve gotten pretty beaten up by karma the last few years, and when you’re in the fight sometimes it’s hard to remember the end game. ❤️
Thank you, Emumundo!!!
Thank you. 💖
Thank you, Mack!! xo
Ya know, in my humble opinion real Charity is next door, right around the corner down the street. As a child I went trick or treating for UNICEF. Oakland or the Fillmore in San Francisco, or even poverty in my hometown of Sacramento was never an option.
In an environment of angst, accusations, blame and doom, up comes a little sprout of greenery from Tessa Lena - Ahh - your posts are refreshing to read.
Thank you, gigiRN!! xo
Thank you so much Tessa for what you do. I definitely need to absorb all of this and find peace and healing.
Thank you, Cynthia!! You deserve to be healed!!! xoxo
Grüß Gott! Beautifully written, straight from the heart and into the heart if it resonates with the soul,
I wish you a lovley day, kind regards! Grüß Gott!
Thank you!! xoxo
Tessa, your beautiful 🩷 and soul speak aloud through your commitment to educate, explore, research, share and write for others, thank you 🙏🏼 and blessing
Sanatan Dharma holds soul-contract ~ beneficence ~ agreement ~ ambition ~ surrender ~ service, established through mindmeld as the essential pre-cognitive translation of cosmos-cruiser to prisoner 3D'ed for a while. We share with our brother-sister (genderless of course but these days...) guardian guides the foresight of the journey about to launch, we the forgetful paddlers, sometimes aware of the currents and outcrops of stony importance amidst world-ocean swells, dryad beachings for dis-passioning sun-bathing post shipwreck. Repairing the vessel we must needs assume command of, sooner better than later. Are we holed or on the Way of Holy? With or without 'power plants' the West has not lost this sooth though little practiced with deliberation. Thus a universal experience not confined to culture. The Culture of true Being available to everyman (wo).
Thank you for sharing your approach, Alan!!
i've had amazing results with this. more than any other therapy, and on my own, though for novices to therapy some support is a good idea. heavy stuff can come up and feel overwhelming. the refilling thing is something i wish i'd known sooner. the site's gone wonky for me recently, so the pdf is all i can access.
Thank you for the link, Sabalina!