The thing which has horrified me the most about the past couple of years is the willingness and glee with which the children have been sacrificed to ideologies. I now believe evil is real.
Abused or confused adults have been damaging the young for centuries, sadly. In subtler ways, without a doubt but it's not something that just started happening. :( We are at a time where we are tasked with undoing hurt and confusion that had piled of for a very long time, so that we can be truly free!!!!
I couldn't bring myself to watch it. I know enough to know evil has taken root. When adults that children are supposed to trust abuse them, maim them, kill them without second thought - OK, maybe many doctors think they're doing the right thing, but even that doesn't hold up, not with the amount of information and insurance company data - this has gotten into the dark realms of child sacrifice. When I hear my friends and family say how safe they feel having got the boosters - even though one friend passed out while driving, totalled her car and now has brain damage; even when a close family member tells me he's protected from any variant, while having had three months of recovery from a serious blood clot - it has stopped computing. The people around me, close to me, are no longer in charge of their minds. The BBC has even been bragging about exposing anti-vaxxer groups on FB spreading disinformation that vaccines cause injury and death! What world have we created?
Sending you hugs!!! We all need about a million hugs at this point, and an outcry, and then a whole lot of reconciliation and healing.
People will come around. It may take a shorter time or a longer time, we don't know. But our entire journey is about learning and being alive, and everybody will find their soul sooner or later, this life or the afterlife. In the meanwhile, let us keep doing what we are doing and not allowing anything or anybody to make us feel scared. We can keep at it and keep at it and keep at it. We are the defenders of honor and dignity!!!! And it's just just words, it's actually what we are doing. And with love, hopefully...
I couldn’t watch either but now many authors are posting this video so I just watched it and it made me sick to my stomach. Reading the many responses is a bit of a relief as clearly this is propaganda on steroids. Now how do we convince the sheep?
I don't think it's possible to convince anybody. I used to, I used to try. People will only wake up once they have painful suffering that they can cognitively associate with the injections, to themselves or loved ones. And even then, I've seen them continue with the official line. Just look at the amount of suddens deaths, or SADS, for some 'mysterious' reason that even doctors can't figure out. How stupid do they think we are?
Unfortunately, serious, personal, vaccine-connected damage seems the only way minds might be changed. Like you I have given up trying to alert or convince people. This leaves me in a position whereby I just watch disaster unfold, not from a position of superiority but from one of disbelief and, what I try to sustain, humility. If the dying and suffering continues as I expect it to, we seem faced with two possibilities: continued gaslighting and obstruction leading to a hall of mirrors like the JFK/911 labyrinth or a true awakening. I really appreciate your comment Navyo.
It’s just awful. I know a woman who can’t talk about the shots because she and her kids got them and now she knows it was a bad idea so her guilt is tremendous. How do we deal with people like this? I so badly want to help her but what can you do?
I hope all the bastards involved in this die a slow painful death, the Evil necessary to do this is beyond me.
the ad was truly disturbing. myocarditis in children being miraculously cured without ever mentioning the quacksine connection. my heart weeps for the children. my heart weeps for my soon to be 5 yr old grandson whose birthday is next week. I cannot convince our daughter to NOT inject him. She will not stand up to her husband who insists his son NEEDS to get injected. as I write this, I'm not sure if my grandson may have already gotten his first injection with a second to follow. this entire two and a half yrs has been an overwhelming nightmare to those of us who see what others refuse to see.
Tessa, shared this on GETTR, too... need more people to see and hear great content.... hope you get some more subscribers.....
Make Handmaid's Tale fiction again.... "The world is suffering from infertility, and the founders of Gilead use the example of godly intervention due to uholy behaviors in modern society, ..."
Also, fun fact.... Gilead is a real company...... Gilead Sciences, Inc., is an American biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California, that focuses on researching and developing antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, and COVID-19, including ledipasvir/sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir.
I just started reading A Brave anew World and Attwood does an intro to it. I looked her up and her stance on the Clot-Shots…she’s a drug pusher….very disappointing.
I know, especially someone who writes like that!? Just goes to show you how insidious propaganda is and makes you ask: why do some fall and others don’t.
I felt myself beginning to puke with the ad. And then paused to assess
Although, now that I've paused, it reminds me of cancer and the case against sugar. I discovered that cancer cells get their energy from sugars, especially processed sugars, and do not get energy from ketones, the body's alternate way of energising its cells. I also got anecdotal evidence of people putting terminal cancers into remission with very low sugar/carb diets. Shortly after learning all this, I shared it with a woman I had just met at yoga retreat. She said 'Really? That is very interesting. I work at a cancer screening clinic [she actually was one of the doctors who worked there, I later learned] and we feed the clients super highly concentrated glucose because the cancer cells become more active and easier to see."
Western medicine is, I am now convinced, not about the *science* of observation and putting 2 and 2 together. It is about bowing to scientism ideology taught in school.
That ad really is about as bad a statement of ideology I have ever encountered. (Although the survive a nuclear attack public school films were pretty far out there too.)
Many health professionals have a difficult time seeing patients as people. If it's not because of ego, it's because our 'healthcare system' and many of the people in it (the egos) disincentivize this kind of thing over and over again so that it becomes ingrained in most of them eventually. The same 'system' is also set up to ruin the mental, physical, and spiritual health of the people who work within it (not that that's an excuse, but it's a reality).
To doctors, people are just 'patients'. To soldiers, the enemy are 'hostiles'. To corporations, people are 'consumers'. People are being dehumanized. And to climate changers, the planet is not a garden, it's a crime scene.
Absolutely. And everywhere you look there's evidence of this rampant dehumanization. Almost everyone is 'feeling' the effects, but few understand where these effects are coming from.
Yes. And likely a key part, perhaps even a cornerstone, of successfully implementing mass formation and its craziness. "Real" people are less likely to be sold snake oil because their instincts haven't been eroded away.
I agree, but instinct is only part of it. Kazimierz Dubrowski postulated that only 30% of the population had the innate characteristics necessary to move through the process of mental growth (and not all of these people will undertake the effort). Those who do are the "real people" who are able to see "what is" and "what should be" as two separate things. And there are more and more obstacles and demotivations than ever (from the snake oil salesmen and those they control).
Yes. Somehow curiosity is a big part of it. I suspect that there is a big correlation between the people who do not have the innate ability to grow and a lack of curiosity. One of the significant efforts and successes with the plandemic has been to remove as much curiosity as possible. Fascinating stuff.
A good example of the esoteric stuff I was talking about (sorry) is people who believe we should 'celebrate diversity' and 'strive for equity' at the same time because that's what 'society' (controlled by people like Gates and Schwab) tells them is 'right'.
Yes. The fatter the cancer and happier the easier it is to see it. [Headshake.]
And crazier, to me is that they haven't used that information, which is being taught and used on people, to develop 'starve to death the cancer cell' protocols. Too busy figuring out clever 'chemo' and radiation poisons instead that kill the body just slightly less than the cancer. And keep pharma and medical hi-tech rich. Talk about crazy.
Maybe a regular citizen can repost with the comments on..... link can always be sent to them....then they have the info whether they admit they saw it or not...... we just have to keep doing this until someone becomes accountable......
The unmitigatin' gall of them to minimize myocarditis like it was nothing is beyond sick.
They giveth the death jabs (no mention of that gift) and offer the "fixes" and go $ katching! $ twice at the sales. This must be reassuring to the sheeple-moms* that their sacrificed little lambs might suffer "only" a little tummy ache, easily cured by the good "Dog-turds" at NYPH, not unlike replacing Raggedy Ann's lil' ol' candy heart with a fresh one in just a few stitches -- only this is stitch-free, an AI Mouse Click away for the Big Apple Suri (the other Apple Siri is also AI)...
*I say this not without empathy for the moms who just followed along--but there are plenty who were too busy to even ASK questions or too inconvenienced by the thought of missing things that they just followed along (I know about these moms--most wouldn't hear when I tried to warn them or begged them to reconsider...)
somehow i get the idea that there won't be an ad agency to photograph this sweet photogenic little girl in five years, which is where her survival rate from myocarditis drops to 50%
The part I REALLY can't get my brain around is that parents whose child died or was seriously injured right after taking the jab aren't up in arms over it; instead they all seem to exude a kind of gloomy acceptance. There's an inexplicable, sinister passivity surrounding these tragic deaths.
Any other cause and they'd be forming parent support groups, putting up billboards, hectoring politicians, and creating foundations.
I agree, it is mind-boggling! I think the faith in "vaccines" as a foundation of the goodness of modern medicine has disabled many people's ability to even think in that direction. In the past, parents could spray won kids with DDT with the best of intentions... but this one is worse!!!
Tessa - Thank you for posting the ad. Those of us who have spoken out and are getting tired and weary of doing so need to keep be reminded of the reasons we can't stop...The day I stop caring about child abuse is the day I stop being human...
Yes indeed, that's pure evil. And I hate to point this out, Tessa, but that's been the model of Western medicine, which I call 'Rockefeller medicine', for a long time. They poison people by the millions, and then invent a bunch more diseases to explain away the symptoms and to profit from the mass illness over the ensuing years.
The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19 was the original 'covid-19' scam. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, partnered with the US Army, began an experimental mass vaccination campaign at Fort Riley, KS, in 1917, using soldiers as lab rats. The experiment then spread throughout the military, then to military families, then to the public and to Europe. Fear was used to push the multiple vaccinations, with government ads telling people that the soldiers coming home from battle (WWI was winding down) would be carrying all sorts of deadly diseases, so people had a duty to get vaccinated. The following year, tens of millions of people were acutely ill, and millions died.
And exactly the same as now, the people who didn't get vaccinated back then didn't get sick, even those who were caring for the sick in their homes. It was a mass death of the vaccinated, and the government and the press completely covered it up.
And not coincidentally, that laid the foundation for the Rockefeller cartel to aggressively take over the entire medical system and eliminate all competition. Under the direct leadership of John D. Rockefeller's personal business agent, Frederick Gates, the Rockefeller Institute (later became the Rockefeller Foundation) began partnering with medical schools to fund and thus control medical research and curriculum, bought medical journals to control research publishing, partnered with the AMA and lobbied state legislatures to ban competition, and of course invested heavily in building up the pharmaceutical industry that would be the major beneficiary.
I'm glad that lots of people are waking up from the 'covid' scam, but it's not really waking up if the belief is that all will be good if we can just get back to the way things were in 2019. This evil needs to be confronted; not just pushed back below the surface.
How selfish of you to have desires that are different from the desires prescribed by a commercial. The poor advertising agency spent money on it, you know.... ))
That entire ad so so disturbing!! And the thing is, most likely, the people who made this ad, and even perhaps this beautiful kid's parents (whether she is the actual patient or a kid actor) think they are doing something noble. It takes very few villains to poison the entire well with confusion!!!
I think the refusal to see the connection has a lot more to do with things being broken in the heart (don't mean it as a pun, no puns about kids' health) than in the brain. The brains are working but the circuitry is hijacked by the reluctance to see how duped they were.
There is also the possibility that they weren't duped I to participating at all. I worry that a lot of how all this works is that people interested in "playing the game" are afforded access in what otherwise seems like the lotteries of life. There are a lot of people willing to sell themselves into that version of Moloch.
The thing which has horrified me the most about the past couple of years is the willingness and glee with which the children have been sacrificed to ideologies. I now believe evil is real.
Abused or confused adults have been damaging the young for centuries, sadly. In subtler ways, without a doubt but it's not something that just started happening. :( We are at a time where we are tasked with undoing hurt and confusion that had piled of for a very long time, so that we can be truly free!!!!
And yes. the past two and a half years have been atrocious in that sense. :(
2001 for me. 9/11 was one of the Rubicon crossings.
OMG...they are running ads bragging about saving children from myocarditis caused by the damn vaccines...that is twilight zone shit
Pretty disgusting, I think.
I couldn't bring myself to watch it. I know enough to know evil has taken root. When adults that children are supposed to trust abuse them, maim them, kill them without second thought - OK, maybe many doctors think they're doing the right thing, but even that doesn't hold up, not with the amount of information and insurance company data - this has gotten into the dark realms of child sacrifice. When I hear my friends and family say how safe they feel having got the boosters - even though one friend passed out while driving, totalled her car and now has brain damage; even when a close family member tells me he's protected from any variant, while having had three months of recovery from a serious blood clot - it has stopped computing. The people around me, close to me, are no longer in charge of their minds. The BBC has even been bragging about exposing anti-vaxxer groups on FB spreading disinformation that vaccines cause injury and death! What world have we created?
Sending you hugs!!! We all need about a million hugs at this point, and an outcry, and then a whole lot of reconciliation and healing.
People will come around. It may take a shorter time or a longer time, we don't know. But our entire journey is about learning and being alive, and everybody will find their soul sooner or later, this life or the afterlife. In the meanwhile, let us keep doing what we are doing and not allowing anything or anybody to make us feel scared. We can keep at it and keep at it and keep at it. We are the defenders of honor and dignity!!!! And it's just just words, it's actually what we are doing. And with love, hopefully...
I am not scared. Just disgusted and disappointed beyond belief. No one I know that hasn't figured it out by last year is coming around.
Thank you, Tessa!! That means a lot right now... Hugs back.
I couldn’t watch either but now many authors are posting this video so I just watched it and it made me sick to my stomach. Reading the many responses is a bit of a relief as clearly this is propaganda on steroids. Now how do we convince the sheep?
I don't think it's possible to convince anybody. I used to, I used to try. People will only wake up once they have painful suffering that they can cognitively associate with the injections, to themselves or loved ones. And even then, I've seen them continue with the official line. Just look at the amount of suddens deaths, or SADS, for some 'mysterious' reason that even doctors can't figure out. How stupid do they think we are?
Unfortunately, serious, personal, vaccine-connected damage seems the only way minds might be changed. Like you I have given up trying to alert or convince people. This leaves me in a position whereby I just watch disaster unfold, not from a position of superiority but from one of disbelief and, what I try to sustain, humility. If the dying and suffering continues as I expect it to, we seem faced with two possibilities: continued gaslighting and obstruction leading to a hall of mirrors like the JFK/911 labyrinth or a true awakening. I really appreciate your comment Navyo.
It’s just awful. I know a woman who can’t talk about the shots because she and her kids got them and now she knows it was a bad idea so her guilt is tremendous. How do we deal with people like this? I so badly want to help her but what can you do?
I hope all the bastards involved in this die a slow painful death, the Evil necessary to do this is beyond me.
I like it.
the ad was truly disturbing. myocarditis in children being miraculously cured without ever mentioning the quacksine connection. my heart weeps for the children. my heart weeps for my soon to be 5 yr old grandson whose birthday is next week. I cannot convince our daughter to NOT inject him. She will not stand up to her husband who insists his son NEEDS to get injected. as I write this, I'm not sure if my grandson may have already gotten his first injection with a second to follow. this entire two and a half yrs has been an overwhelming nightmare to those of us who see what others refuse to see.
I'm so sorry to hear of your family dilemma. I can only imagine how widespread this is, these same conversations and the tragedy awaiting...
Thank you. peace and love to you and yours.
Leesy,, I am so sorry!!!!! I pray that your grandson is safe and protected!!
Yes please pray. I'm terrified for him. He's such a spark of a special boy. I would hate if anything destroyed that spark and light. Thank you Tessa.
May he be safe!!!!
Many thoughts and words come to mind about that vile video. None of which are fit to post on a open forum so I'll just leave it at that😢🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😭
Love this, Joel....
Thanks for the link!
Well thank you very much.
Shared it on GETTR...... just now....
Thank you again. Very much😁
Tessa, shared this on GETTR, too... need more people to see and hear great content.... hope you get some more subscribers.....
Thank you!!! Big hugs
Make Handmaid's Tale fiction again.... "The world is suffering from infertility, and the founders of Gilead use the example of godly intervention due to uholy behaviors in modern society, ..."
Also, fun fact.... Gilead is a real company...... Gilead Sciences, Inc., is an American biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California, that focuses on researching and developing antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, and COVID-19, including ledipasvir/sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir.
Truth is stranger than fiction, isn't it?
I just started reading A Brave anew World and Attwood does an intro to it. I looked her up and her stance on the Clot-Shots…she’s a drug pusher….very disappointing.
Very disappointing.....indeed.....
I know, especially someone who writes like that!? Just goes to show you how insidious propaganda is and makes you ask: why do some fall and others don’t.
And guess who is one of the founders and an ex-board member of Gilead?
Donald Rumsfeld.
Doesn't Gilead make Remdesivir, the poison of choice mandated by Fauci?
Yes. Gilead makes Remdesivir, profiting of people's suffering and death.
Criminal. This is rank child abuse. The Corporatocracy is finally showing the evil they in Fact are. No middle ground.
I felt myself beginning to puke with the ad. And then paused to assess
Although, now that I've paused, it reminds me of cancer and the case against sugar. I discovered that cancer cells get their energy from sugars, especially processed sugars, and do not get energy from ketones, the body's alternate way of energising its cells. I also got anecdotal evidence of people putting terminal cancers into remission with very low sugar/carb diets. Shortly after learning all this, I shared it with a woman I had just met at yoga retreat. She said 'Really? That is very interesting. I work at a cancer screening clinic [she actually was one of the doctors who worked there, I later learned] and we feed the clients super highly concentrated glucose because the cancer cells become more active and easier to see."
Western medicine is, I am now convinced, not about the *science* of observation and putting 2 and 2 together. It is about bowing to scientism ideology taught in school.
That ad really is about as bad a statement of ideology I have ever encountered. (Although the survive a nuclear attack public school films were pretty far out there too.)
Wow, this is crazy about the concentrated glucose! They are trying to feed cancer cells? Forgetting that they are inside a person?!!!
Many health professionals have a difficult time seeing patients as people. If it's not because of ego, it's because our 'healthcare system' and many of the people in it (the egos) disincentivize this kind of thing over and over again so that it becomes ingrained in most of them eventually. The same 'system' is also set up to ruin the mental, physical, and spiritual health of the people who work within it (not that that's an excuse, but it's a reality).
To doctors, people are just 'patients'. To soldiers, the enemy are 'hostiles'. To corporations, people are 'consumers'. People are being dehumanized. And to climate changers, the planet is not a garden, it's a crime scene.
(Thanks to CJ Hopkins for that last one)
Absolutely. And everywhere you look there's evidence of this rampant dehumanization. Almost everyone is 'feeling' the effects, but few understand where these effects are coming from.
Yes. And likely a key part, perhaps even a cornerstone, of successfully implementing mass formation and its craziness. "Real" people are less likely to be sold snake oil because their instincts haven't been eroded away.
I agree, but instinct is only part of it. Kazimierz Dubrowski postulated that only 30% of the population had the innate characteristics necessary to move through the process of mental growth (and not all of these people will undertake the effort). Those who do are the "real people" who are able to see "what is" and "what should be" as two separate things. And there are more and more obstacles and demotivations than ever (from the snake oil salesmen and those they control).
Yes. Somehow curiosity is a big part of it. I suspect that there is a big correlation between the people who do not have the innate ability to grow and a lack of curiosity. One of the significant efforts and successes with the plandemic has been to remove as much curiosity as possible. Fascinating stuff.
A good example of the esoteric stuff I was talking about (sorry) is people who believe we should 'celebrate diversity' and 'strive for equity' at the same time because that's what 'society' (controlled by people like Gates and Schwab) tells them is 'right'.
Yes. The fatter the cancer and happier the easier it is to see it. [Headshake.]
And crazier, to me is that they haven't used that information, which is being taught and used on people, to develop 'starve to death the cancer cell' protocols. Too busy figuring out clever 'chemo' and radiation poisons instead that kill the body just slightly less than the cancer. And keep pharma and medical hi-tech rich. Talk about crazy.
Of course. It's right in line with the "big is beautiful" fad lol.
They're even pushing chemo and radiation as "palliative" now. Gotta squeeze every last drop out of the dying.
There are no comments on that video. Shall this go unchallenged?
I think they turned them off!! I wonder why.....
Maybe a regular citizen can repost with the comments on..... link can always be sent to them....then they have the info whether they admit they saw it or not...... we just have to keep doing this until someone becomes accountable......
I posted an innocuous comment while logged in at YT. If you don't see the comment, it likely means I'm shadow banned.
Normally, if comments are disallowed, there's a message that says so.
Good for you!! They might have moderation enabled then...
Good for you....I meant repost the video yourself and leave comments on...can that be done?
Hell is a big place and there's plenty of room!
If possible. On a lighter note. Happy Constitution Day! 235 years and we're still here!
As a mama bear this one was a hard poke fer me -- I wrote about it last night here...
The unmitigatin' gall of them to minimize myocarditis like it was nothing is beyond sick.
They giveth the death jabs (no mention of that gift) and offer the "fixes" and go $ katching! $ twice at the sales. This must be reassuring to the sheeple-moms* that their sacrificed little lambs might suffer "only" a little tummy ache, easily cured by the good "Dog-turds" at NYPH, not unlike replacing Raggedy Ann's lil' ol' candy heart with a fresh one in just a few stitches -- only this is stitch-free, an AI Mouse Click away for the Big Apple Suri (the other Apple Siri is also AI)...
*I say this not without empathy for the moms who just followed along--but there are plenty who were too busy to even ASK questions or too inconvenienced by the thought of missing things that they just followed along (I know about these moms--most wouldn't hear when I tried to warn them or begged them to reconsider...)
Thank you Daisy!!! Great post.
wonder when the suri video was made. before or after the lethal injection rollout? hmmmm.....
The campaign was launched last fall. It was possibly a real patient, the little girl is very beautiful and photogenic.
somehow i get the idea that there won't be an ad agency to photograph this sweet photogenic little girl in five years, which is where her survival rate from myocarditis drops to 50%
It was posted on the New York Presbyterian Hospital YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago. When it was shot, I don't know. But rather conspicuous!!
The part I REALLY can't get my brain around is that parents whose child died or was seriously injured right after taking the jab aren't up in arms over it; instead they all seem to exude a kind of gloomy acceptance. There's an inexplicable, sinister passivity surrounding these tragic deaths.
Any other cause and they'd be forming parent support groups, putting up billboards, hectoring politicians, and creating foundations.
It's weird.
I agree, it is mind-boggling! I think the faith in "vaccines" as a foundation of the goodness of modern medicine has disabled many people's ability to even think in that direction. In the past, parents could spray won kids with DDT with the best of intentions... but this one is worse!!!
Tessa - Thank you for posting the ad. Those of us who have spoken out and are getting tired and weary of doing so need to keep be reminded of the reasons we can't stop...The day I stop caring about child abuse is the day I stop being human...
Thank you Jennifer!!! And thank you for being brave!!
Yes indeed, that's pure evil. And I hate to point this out, Tessa, but that's been the model of Western medicine, which I call 'Rockefeller medicine', for a long time. They poison people by the millions, and then invent a bunch more diseases to explain away the symptoms and to profit from the mass illness over the ensuing years.
The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19 was the original 'covid-19' scam. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, partnered with the US Army, began an experimental mass vaccination campaign at Fort Riley, KS, in 1917, using soldiers as lab rats. The experiment then spread throughout the military, then to military families, then to the public and to Europe. Fear was used to push the multiple vaccinations, with government ads telling people that the soldiers coming home from battle (WWI was winding down) would be carrying all sorts of deadly diseases, so people had a duty to get vaccinated. The following year, tens of millions of people were acutely ill, and millions died.
And exactly the same as now, the people who didn't get vaccinated back then didn't get sick, even those who were caring for the sick in their homes. It was a mass death of the vaccinated, and the government and the press completely covered it up.
And not coincidentally, that laid the foundation for the Rockefeller cartel to aggressively take over the entire medical system and eliminate all competition. Under the direct leadership of John D. Rockefeller's personal business agent, Frederick Gates, the Rockefeller Institute (later became the Rockefeller Foundation) began partnering with medical schools to fund and thus control medical research and curriculum, bought medical journals to control research publishing, partnered with the AMA and lobbied state legislatures to ban competition, and of course invested heavily in building up the pharmaceutical industry that would be the major beneficiary.
I'm glad that lots of people are waking up from the 'covid' scam, but it's not really waking up if the belief is that all will be good if we can just get back to the way things were in 2019. This evil needs to be confronted; not just pushed back below the surface.
That is very true, David! Thank you for pointing it out.
I also wrote about it some time ago for Dr. Mercola
But I don't want to be a fashion-designer; I want to play soccer!
How selfish of you to have desires that are different from the desires prescribed by a commercial. The poor advertising agency spent money on it, you know.... ))
I survived Russian roulette amd a large tax to the healthcare system, so I can now become the next great fashion designer?
That is quite a disturbing painting of the picture, no matter how wonderful the background music sounds.
That entire ad so so disturbing!! And the thing is, most likely, the people who made this ad, and even perhaps this beautiful kid's parents (whether she is the actual patient or a kid actor) think they are doing something noble. It takes very few villains to poison the entire well with confusion!!!
I think the refusal to see the connection has a lot more to do with things being broken in the heart (don't mean it as a pun, no puns about kids' health) than in the brain. The brains are working but the circuitry is hijacked by the reluctance to see how duped they were.
There is also the possibility that they weren't duped I to participating at all. I worry that a lot of how all this works is that people interested in "playing the game" are afforded access in what otherwise seems like the lotteries of life. There are a lot of people willing to sell themselves into that version of Moloch.