Apr 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

'Creepy' is being too nice. I'm going for diabolical, inhumane, and tyrannical. If it were just China, WHO, and our own CDC lying like dogs to us then we could exercise our 1st Amendment and the Bill of Rights and stand up like the free Americans that we have been for generations. However, now that we have collectively given away our humane info over to the tech lords who make our addictive communication devices and spy on us via social media then there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. Reclaiming our humanity will require deprogramming ourselves and re-embracing how things used to be before FB, twit, and the like hijacked human interaction.

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No kidding!

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Can't say you didn't warn us, but this sequence of videos leaves me not feeling well. The paralyzed fellow who can't wait to touch his daughter with his darpa brain implant enabled robotic arm? Holy expletive, sadness and shudder. The Strangelovian researcher who lights up about bending the minds of folks in their sleep? And I thought Catherine Austin Fitts was too far out over the ledge. The sweet clean panel discussion innocent and cavalier about associated human rights concerns? Pretty dancers on the stage. The remarkably skilled verbal presentation about the money in all this? I couldn't get the English translation of the first video to work. Maybe just as well. Yeah, more holy expletives, it does look like you are completely right about the masks.

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Thank you Dirck!!!! If you only knew how much I would love to be wrong about all of this. How much more I would prefer a world in which we are simply dealing with a response to a pandemic, etc. etc. But I can't, and don't want to turn off my love of observing and connecting the dots! We are seemingly dealing with very sick people who've lost their marbles!!

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

That you would love to be completely wrong about all this is totally clear. And it is truly sad that you are not.

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And now, with all the empirical real world evidence clearly proving that masks as currently used simply do not inhibit COVID transmission, I understand the good state of Oregon has before its legislature a bill to make the mask mandate permanent. On second thought, though, that may not be so very unwise since the smoke from city fires is pretty acrid, and at least those wearing tight fitting N95s who can tolerate reduced oxygen flow may get some lung protection from those toxins.

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Apr 21, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Sorry. I know that my snide comment above is below the dignity of your efforts. But my eyes see that there is so much damage being done by those in thrall to MSM as well as the PTB and I am scared. I recognize some genuine growing awareness in myself as well as others, but MSM still has a locked solid grip on many, and I would say most. I am soundlessly screaming in outrage.

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Hi Tessa,

The Russian video also didn't offer me any English subtitles.

I found one on YouTube that has hard-coded English subtitles.

If you can't replace the original video with the one I found, maybe you could float a comment about the replacement at the top of the comments section.


One proofreading suggestion: replace "of culture-changing narratives" with just "culture-changing narratives".

Carry on...

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Apr 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I truly love your mind-expanding pieces, they always make me feel as if diving into a 3D re-reading of the brave new world. So, what can we do? At the moment I resort to, console myself with, the Einstein/Bohm/von Foerster concept of reality being a “construction” of the mind, that we as biological beings gifted with consciousness/conscience (if not transhumanized) “still” possess the ability to create a different reality “out of thin air”, so to speak. Well ...

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Thank you Giò!!! As far as what we can do... I think we are back in the existential realm that the society has been trying to avoid. Be our bravest, most loving selves, pray for clarity (in whichever way one feels) and work toward healing ourselves and others. That's all we can do, hoping for the best!!

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Apr 21, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, very, very true, that is the path, and in this process of being/becoming our bravest and most loving, we need to dare to become radically individual, build and fortify our inner self, deeply accept who we are, accept that we are different, we can be different (everyone carries singular fingerprints, irises after all) … and once we embrace this radical individuality we can free ourselves to discover our intrinsic interconnectedness with everything … which then makes us true, responsible and caring earth/ocean citizens (I love this notion that our planet should be called ocean rather than earth).

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I'd suggest that one of the best things you can do is try to get other people to read what Tessa writes.

Eventually people are going to have to come to terms with the, "crazy," idea that giant corporations and government bureaucrats don't care at all about ordinary people. Even just seeing the headlines of what Tessa writes will be a little nudge down the path of that realization.

David Brin wrote a book called, "The Practice Effect," that you might find remarkably interesting. And another book I read decades ago and cannot remember the name of that was about a guy who lands (or maybe crashes) on a planet where the people believe magic works so it does. They literally create working magic because of their belief but it takes a whole planet full of people all having the same belief to make magic 'real'. I thought it was an interesting idea. Particularly considering that Einstein himself said that the 'speed of light' may be only a 'local' phenomenon. The book might have been, "The Warlock in Spite of Himself," but I really don't know.

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Head creep Fauci originally told everyone masks were not needed... until he got his mask investment portfolio squared away. Now he tells people to wear 2 or 3, even if you've had the vaccine. Clearly he knows something many don't - the vaccines do not prevent one from getting or spreading covid. In fact they make one even more susceptible to other strains via pathogenic priming. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/media-promulgation-of-official-covid

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Thank you Kyle!

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Apr 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

This is ages-old technique of snake oil salesmen. Manufacture a problem and then voila! You can sell "solutions". But those do not work, which allows you to sell more solutions!

Where you see problems, they see "profit" written all over it.

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That is the model, yes!!

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Data is seen as the new gold, so there is this bizarre incentive to harvest as much as possible.

However there is now so much data in the world that nobody is able to make sense of it anymore and this is already a real problem for the three letter agencies.

So now we need Artificial intelligence to mine the mess that we created for gold nuggets.

We are an insane species.

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I would like to enter a mask design I completely ripped off from one Robin M., but which I christened the "Horowitz Proboscoid Viral Interceptor". I featured it on my blog April 13, 2020, including a picture of myself modeling it. You can readily personalize the design with scissors and other items you may have at hand.

"Why pay more?"


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"Smart-Masking" and tech bewarables go together with totalized Mind Control which politicians love. They (the political Mastered) are the best tools of the burgeoning Trans-humanist SAI (Super Artificial Intelligence) design plans for the sub-humanist society being implemented now through the C-19 perpetual fear of fellow humans which has been done very well during the last 14 months. SAI is flexing its muscles to see what it can do to to program human beings now. The compradore bourgeoisie like Gates, and intellectual massage guides like Kurzweil, are willing servants to the New Digital Order machine control and manipulation.

We are fucked without a major Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) intervention.

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I live in Texas, which is at least not requiring masks and lockdowns this spring.

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"Where there's a hammer...."

That about says it all doesn't it?

Certainly there is nothing wrong with creating sophisticated tech to help a paralyzed person to eat unaided by a caregiver. No one would disagree with that. The danger here is not the "hammer" per se so much as the miserably insane, child-king wielding it.

The sensible user of a hammer is someone who is aware of how easily it can hurt us if we don't pay attention while using it.

Since the overwhelming majority of human minds have no clue as to the level of misery and fear-based delusional madness they are operating under, is it any wonder we are seeing the hammer poised to whack ourselves in the face?

Rather than look within to locate the source of our ills, we rise up petulantly in defiance and rebel, hammer raised high. We blame Nature itself for creating what we perceive to be a fragile and flawed, ill-designed "vehicle with an expiration date" to house our consciousness.

No big surprise here, folks. The hammer will, of course, be used to bash Nature into submission once and for all. We are that sick of ourselves.

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Google and other Big Tech have in their research departments, crazy scientists such as Ray Kurzweil who hate everything that is human. They consider biological humans as weak and therefore they want to improve it with a bit of "silicon". Like the psychopath, Bill Gates said..."people don't have a choice", Yuval Harari spoke about transhumanism as well at Davos 2019 when he said: "very soon, we'll be able to create first artificial genetic evolution of human body, we'll be able to design the human features and make them better". It's obvious that at the top, the general consensus is that a society can be perfectly ordered and "resilient" only with a new type of human that has nothing to do with what we call today human, full-blown eugenism. The transition will follow the same accelerated pattern as the internet. Back in the 2000s, the digital world was completely different than today. In 20 years' time from now, humans and the world will look completely different than 2019. The way it looks, this new world will be in the best case scenario half human, half machine.

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I hear Ray Kurzweil is one sour lad... So it is not clear why he even wants to live forever :)

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Kurzweil is insane, Tessa. He thinks he's going to create a perfect copy of the state of his mind when he dies. I've read that he thinks he can slice his brain into very thin (very, very thin) slices and copy the state of the cells. He may have changed his mind on this plan but when I read that I completely wrote him off.

Of all people, he ought to know that the laws of physics say you just cannot do that. Ever. No matter what technology you come up with. What he's trying to do is physically impossible and always will be. But he's sure he'll live forever if he has his brain sliced up and (somehow) recorded and copied to a computer. He's like the definition of a religious fanatic. Only his religion pretends it doesn't have a god.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022Author

I heard from somebody who knew his family that he is a rather miserable man. Hearsay but seems plausible. And why would one want to live forever when miserable anyway?

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He wants to live forever, I expect, because like so many others he is terrified of the idea that there could be some existence after this one and that he might just be, in some way, held accountable for his actions in this place.

Miserable or not, an eternal life of known and predictable misery is probably preferable to even the slightest possibility of being held accountable for what a lot of people have done here.

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"...we'll be able to design the human features and make them better"

Yes, just like the people who thought they could 'manage' the forests better than nature could decades ago. And ended up creating a giant tinderbox waiting to explode in flames. (Hint: Forest fires are _supposed_ to happen. Regularly. And clear out the old dead wood. That way you don't get GIANT fires. But those small fires are 'inconvenient' for humans.)

Kurzweil is insane. The laws of physics don't allow for what he wants to do with his own brain. You can't make a perfect copy of a brain. He's what happens to people when they are really really determined to deny the possibility that there could be anything in nature that we don't really understand already. This is clearly insane. There are quite obviously more things that we don't even know we don't know about than there are things we, as a species, actually have some understanding of.

Human understanding, graphed:

Things we know: IIIII

Things we know we don't know: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


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deletedAug 18, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Thank you, and yes, I think a degree of agnosticism is a healthy approach, while assuming they are trying to mess with us most likely... :)

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