This is the result of an upbringing and acculturation that cannot be undone, and it is everywhere. We made a huge mistake when we gave iPads to young children to keep them occupied, then gave them cell phones because all their friends had them. There's no turning back, regrettably. As you note, these are the people who will be operating the institutions upon which we older generations will be dependent on. It's not going to be pretty.

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I think that eventually, we will all heal. I have no doubt that it will happen, and nature is extremely resilient (in earnest), we are cheek-puffing babies when we think that we are a formidable force against nature. The unknown is when. The downward slope of sensory deprivation has been unfolding for some centuries, and the healing process may take a while. But the past few thousand of years are a dot on the overall trajectory of human history, so probably, on a species level, we'll be fine. We do, however, need to do the work!!

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deletedJul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

MY garden is BURSTING! I am in awe.

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Good for you, Sirka!!!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I know people who behave like this. They seem to thrive on platforms and can even appear to have totally normal relationships and thrive in business. However, their entire lives are howling chasms of emptiness. No matter how much they have, "likes," followers, friends, cars, houses, looks, vacation trips, money, or whatever, it is never enough.

It is eerie and beyond sad.

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I was horrified to learn that somebody was trying to save a woman who jumped on the train tracks for pick up her phone (or something), he needed help to pull her out, he was asking for help, and everybody was either standing around long-faced or filming. Nobody helped, he was not able to get her out by himself, and the woman was killed by a train. That was before COVID, and the story was told to me by a friend of the man who was trying to save that poor woman. The sociopathic culture has been in the making for a long time!!! But we still need to wake up from this nonsense, the alternatives are not pretty.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Without the music that Video could have been Charades the acting was so bad.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

This video was an opportunity to show off, T and A and tats! Purely performative and nothing but vacuous without the music to tug emotions.

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I noticed that, and in that context, it was so inappropriate. Just sick. And I am saying it not in a judgemental, moralistic way, it's just sick, intrinsically. She acted like she didn't have an organ to makes sense of it.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Yeah, you gotta be blind not to see that

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena


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Over the course of the last two and a bit years, I've realized that real heroes aren't venerated, they're despised.

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Sadly has been the case for a while! So many things in history are simply propaganda by the winning party, and times passes, and new generations show up, and the institutional people use the same tricks again and again!!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I wonder if she had any emotion left to present to the relatives of the patient who died. I wonder if it even occurred to her. She knows love as a tally of "likes", but does not know that real love is not a popularity contest, and does not care about reactions. Sometimes love is "no". Stated quietly and with no explanation.

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I weep for this grown child, and for all of us having to deal with distortions of love that are so insane.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

First of all, Five Times August is the new Bob Dylan, a true Folk Hero (Folk coming from the German word for “the people”).

Second, this young lady is a product of her social media generation. My kids are of that age and have managed to see through this crap and cyber-narcissism. They are also unvaccinated so there may be something to that. I like to think it’s my constant “STUPID PHONES” ranting (I have at long last ditched mine) but I will give them credit where it’s due: they are critical thinkers.

My suggestion to all parents with young kids: HOME SCHOOL, REMOVE ALL DEVICES and go back to basics. Those that survive will be the “Pioneers” so back to doing everything by hand, with no electricity, no transport, no fuel. Start collecting seeds, build a chicken coop if you can. Teach sewing, canning, knitting, how to make natural Medicines, how to treat wounds, self-defence, hunting with bow and arrow, fishing ALL THAT STUFF. A degree in sociology will provide them with enough ass paper for a day….GET OFF THE TECHNOCRATIC GRID ASAP

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Go you!!!! So good and heartwarming to hear about your kids.

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AMEN. I used to grumble when my parents would make me work in the garden, help feed livestock, help can and preserve vegetables, so on and so forth. Now there's not a day that goes by when I don't whisper a thank you to my parents and grandparents for teaching me *real* life skills. My family enjoys tech, but we also all agree we can throw it all away if need be. And it's getting close to that time...

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So true, Rob!! Sometimes it takes years to appreciate the things we didn't understand but there is so much goodness that comes from doing "non-glamorous" things in nature, and the society tries to trick kids into despising it, and the parents who insist on keeping that connection are wise parents!

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quite the narcissist

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Oh, that's creepy. Noooooooooo...

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And disgusting. And sad because she was let down by adults, as were many like her. I am using "arrested development" because that is what it is, she is missing an important sensory development without which she is a half-zombie.

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Right on. :(

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Social media is a revamp of the old Zen Koan: if a person dies in a hospital and no nurses post it to Insta... did they really die?

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The entire situation is so cruel, I can't even force myself to laugh at this really good joke!

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So sad.

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Tho many here may not have a belief system, the fact remains that we now have one or two generations who believe that this human body is all there is. In the past, children were raised with a belief in some kind of afterlife, whether that was resurrection, reincarnation or some variation of that. When people think that "this is it" there's really not much hope. The Beatles sang the song, with a verse that said, Imagine there's no heaven ". Well, we no longer have to imagine what it would be like without the things the Beatles told us to "imagine" living without. We're living it. I didn't grow up in an uber religious household, but we were always encouraged to explore "the unknown" and to find the "spiritual" part of life outside of these rotting shells. One only has to look at the irrational fear caused by "covid" to see that we have a huge populace that believe this body is all we get in life. I'm super happy that I believe in something after this. It allows me to say, "there are some things worse than death " and allows me to stand up and say NO to things I don't agree with.

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We - EG Capitalism went broke in 2011 and like Humpty Dumpty who had a great fall "all the Kings Horses and All The Kings Men" couldn't put Humpty together again. Ponerology explains how our situation arose where a small network decided for their betterment instead of bankruptcy billions must die. 1 in 10 is psychopathic. https://www.systemsthinker.com/interests/ponerology/

For the economic catastrophe of 2011: https://stegiel.substack.com/p/the-four-companies-that-control-the?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

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Love your posts, Tessa.

And yet 'cling to our souls' is ... the incorrect image, imo. The emphasis is best to be open to our souls, hear our souls and allow them to express the truth of who we really are, which is not the woke version of disenhearted care. The challenge is to see through the social crap and woke false educatuon that has blinded most of us to the killing machine our liberal care giving society has become.

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I think it depends on inner associations. Clinging to our souls means, to me, not letting go of what our souls know, no matter the pressure. Our souls have all the knowledge we need, we just need to hear it and stand up for our truth and the love that we are. This is how I feel about it anyway.

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And thank you!! xo

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Can't see the clip as twitter forbids viewing without registering. So without having seen it, is she just venting stress in the wrong way, perhaps?

Because let me tell you this, when I in my youth worked at a cleaning company which took care of apartments and houses where people had been found lying dead for weeks, and stuff like that, the way we talked and joked and such was very very harsh - but not in public and certainly not on record (of course, no internet and no cell phones back then).

If you had heard how the guys cracked wise when we cleaned up an apartment where an elderly alcoholic had died by setting his couch on fire - passing out drunk while smoking - you'd think we was sociopaths too. That one nearly turned me vegetarian.

Thing about sociopaths/psychopaths, apart from them most often lacking impulse control and sensory-emotional regulatory functions, is they tend to not understand humour at all; they can understand it intellectually. Also, most psychopaths/sociopaths are retarded to severly retarded, having IQs in the lower eighties to the lower sixties - the Hollywood psychopath, charismatic, charming, and intelligent and educated is just that: pure Hollywood.

That's also where the big conspiracy theory of society being run by psychopaths falls apart: they do not co-operate well with others, especially others with the same disorder. Co-operation demands empathy, ability to compromise and to be able to understand the perspective of others (not agreeing with, just understanding); all things psychopathy makes you unable to properly perform.

Oh, the tiny 1-in-1000 that can fake it for awhile might have a career, even some success, but eventually their inhernt sadism and domineering ways comes to the fore.

Speaking of inappropriate humour as a way to vent stress, try eavesdropping to the guys cleaning out the ovens at a crematorium, or sewer divers, or municipal feces-samplers, or veterinairan coprologists - there are lots and lots of jobs and careers that demands an ability to detach the self from the stress as a suvival mechanism, with humour as the catalyst.

But as I said, haven't seen the clip, so I'm not making any claims to that girl in particular. It's just that labelling any and all behaviours that seem unacceptable or even scarily weird as "psychopathy", well it to me it reeks of the mindset behind the term "sluggish schizofrenia" as it used to be used.

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I hear you, you gotta see the clip for context. She posted a video of herself staging grief over a lost patient, with cued in music, and thought through (I think) anatomical angles of her body... it is completely surreal. There is something missing there, and that something is the ability to relate to another human being on the inside, without bragging.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you and Socrates for adding the needed context.

I thought the video was shot by her as a spur-of-the-moment thing, thus being a stress-reaction. As I understand from you both, it was staged, edited and had an added soundtrack. That means time spent and thought applied, and as she does not speak, it proves your point - a nurse filming herself giving a short speech about the emotional burden when losing a patient would be if not totally okay, at least not beyond the pale as this apparently is.

As the nursing profession in many western nations has been increasingly using martyrdom as a bargaining chip in wage and labour disputes over the past 40 years (at least), perhaps this woman is the end product of a profession that thusly has managed to attract more and more persons with a (psychological) martyr-complex?

If I recall correctly, one of the personality disorder clusters specifically mentions such a version in contrast to the more common MBP andcluster B-types.

In any event, it should warrant a stern talking-to from her head-nurse at the very least, and preferrably a formal warning for unbecoming conduct too.

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It's parents are far more complicit that you let on.

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No parents are perfect but there has been a deliberate war on children's ability to relate to other human beings in a meaningful way. It started a very long time ago, perhaps centuries ago. But what Big Tech did is a very specific thing, where children don't feel like they exist unless somebody "liked" their photo or video. To an "arrested development" brain, what she did probably feels entirely normal, as horrifying as it is!

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it's more than just a generational thing, unfortunately. there have been so many seduced by the bells and whistles and the empty promise of "community" that their daily lives are based not in reality but in the virtual kind. they literally won't do anything that isn't likely to make them famous (they think).

by the way tessa have you given your testimony to reiner fuellmich? am listening to margaret anna alice now and you would make such a great segue.

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I agree, this is an old malaise that the social media made grotesque, almost like a parody but a scary kind..

And thank you!!! Margaret Anna is wonderful!! I have not given a testimony yet, I really like Reiner Fuellmich, and I'd be happy to talk to him of course! What's interesting about him is that he is a lawyer who also talks about the spiritual side of it, which I think is key. We need more of that!!

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tons of people have made quantum spiritual leaps in the last two years - you definitely had a head start on me.. for a lot of us who are just getting our feet wet in that space, it can be scary to talk about because we've already lost so many people, and we're trying to avoid getting into areas that are just as polarizing. but when a self-described materialist like reiner is onboard, you know something's up!

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So true!!! And thank you again for your kind words!!

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deletedJul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Yes there is!

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Thank you for sharing this link!!! Watching it now. So ... ordinary and disgusting and heartbreaking and we really need to wake up.

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deletedJul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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It's a project I was doing before 2020, and it was important, and in person, and intentionally not online. And then 2020 happened, and I got side-tracked with writing about COVID and the Great Reset. Thank you for asking about it, I am actively thinking about how to bring it back in a meaningful way!!

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deletedJul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Thank you!!

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deletedJul 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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That response is blood-chilling. And people are conditioned to assume that this total alienation from everything human and sacred is no big deal!!!! Awful. We'll get out of it eventually but this robot-breeding is disgusting.

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