A very good read, thank you. I do believe we are programmed to obey the state, or you could call it the machine. Rulers on top, subjects below. I played the game, got the degree. Didn't like school at all. Didn't learn anything particularly useful. Nonetheless a feeling of accomplishment. Much work experience beginning at 16 on Catalina Island. Now I was learning useful things. A 21-year-old West Virginia country boy knew more than the college boys. Age 17-20 gas station attendant. Good times. With degree in hand, I got a job with county health department. Easy money, easy work. Got a pilot's license. I ignored the machine. Yeah, girlfriends and drama galore, but no violence or kidnapping. Mostly good fun, some pain and regrets. I broke from the machine you could say at age 33 when I bought land in Montecito and pioneered a farm on raw land. Wow, 25 years of living the life, mostly avoiding the machine, but now I see it everywhere, the almighty, evil state. Rulers on top, subjects below. I disobey and ignore as much as possible. Thanks for bringing your experiences and revelations to our attention.
Thank you, Steve!! I think "disobey and ignore as much as possible" is a very healthy option!! We cannot really fully break out of it but carving out a world that is healthier than the belly of the Machine is wonderful!
This is breathtaking, Tessa. Your story of the abduction and beating has haunted me since I first read it. It turns my faith in the world upside-down every time I think about it, which has been often. But now, with your horrible abusive marriage, I'm adding a new layer of faith. It had to be what it was to make you qualified to talk about love.
Your prison epiphany, the letting go, also resonates with me. I think I've mentioned that I've studied A Course in Miracles for almost 20 yrs. Right now I'm doing the daily workbook again and today has meditations every half-hour on 'miracles are seen in light and light and strength are one.' I've been applying this to my dance class, where everyone looked so goddamn beautiful today, even the one who props open the door in the cold so she doesn't get Covid while the rest of us freeze... even her.
These days we're flooding, not freezing, so it wasn't too cold. But her excuse that "she can't afford to get sick," led me to a revelation about the whole Covid thing. It's allowed people to put the responsibility for their own health on other people. There's someone else who dances outside and a couple people who wear masks, but they take responsibility for themselves. If I get her to shut the door and she gets sick, it will be my fault. See what I mean? I think this is a piece of the puzzle she's shown me, as to how we've been intimidated into these lockdowns, etc. It gives those who are the most afraid (and the most selfish) power over everyone else because do we want them to get sick and die? Well, do we? And for the rest of us, it uses our love against us. That revelation was worth being sweaty and shivering.
Although, if I may add another layer / question ... Are there places where being inconvenienced (not invaded with poison, but just inconvenienced), if it translates into actual (not delusionally imagined) less risk for others, could make sense?
Something the information / psyche / emotional war uses against us is the framing that the uninjected / unmasked aren't willing to do anything to protect others, and therefore are selfish, (therefore activating the "disgust" instincts, and invalidating any dissident information before it's heard).
Honestly, I can relate to the person who would feel better with the door open, and the person who can't afford to get sick. Important clarification (I had covid once, this past summer, the strain most say is "mild") - I *could* afford another round, or more, of five days of feeling sick, + overwhelmed with the multi-pronged covid treatment advice from great docs, (only one night of which was that bad), for the reward of being more authentically in the world.
What I can't afford is the after-covid part, the crushing fatigue where I couldn't walk more than a few *feet* without collapsing. And the potential autoimmune disease I may now have (need more tests to figure that out). Even with early treatment / preparation / listening to the FLCCC and of course avoiding the shot, the complex system that's my biology has too many things that fit exactly what covid makes worse. And plenty of people are older and more challenged than I.
Amazingly I found a wholistic healing miracle that cured that extra - impossible level of fatigue (the Best New Life Center of NY's Wave machine). But if I had not found that, I don't know where I would be now, but probably wishing covid had killed me.
(And I'm under 50, in not good but not terrible health).
This was a fatigue beyond what the usual covid treatment and post covid arsenal of integrative medicine could reach. I'm used to being tired - this was another universe of tired - crippling is not an exaggeration. It's a bioweapon, a human systemic herbicide, and all of the honest, not fear mongering, dissident doctors and health researchers who look into the virus find that it can do serious damage to the body, even after mild / moderate illness. (Walter M Chestnut / John Paul -Hidden Complexity/ Doorless Carp/ Dr Syed Haider / the FLCCC crew, etc). Not saying these people advocate fear, but they understand that covid can be far more dangerous than the case fatality numbers express, and they're not coming from the manipulative place the mainstream media is when they speak of covid dangers.
It is an interesting conundrum to hold, if the actions of some could make others safer, how to parse that out ...
One side seems to be saying we should risk everything - mobility, oxygen, blood clots, sudden deaths, etc, to make others safer. But forced lockdowns backfire, fear of leaving one's house is tragic absurdity, the masks they want worn, thru guilt, don't work, and of course the injection doesn't make anyone safe anyway.
The other side is saying no one should be forced to harm themselves to make others safer, or comply with absurdities to make others feel safer in a delusion (ie most masks).
(Although some say there may be a place for taking a risk to mitigate infectious disease, depending on many factors, with a very high bar, but that could only be quantified or asked for in an honest system, that respected human dignity and scientific honesty, and actual assessment, which is not this system).
**But this side comes across as adamantly refusing to take any risk, or do any thing they don't want to, even if it would profoundly help others.** **And that contributes, I think, to a huge, abysmal, gap in understanding in these times ... **
It's an unnecessary mind fuck to assume each and every person is a walking covid spreader. But there's also value to assessing situations in terms of, as Dr Kory says, Draft, Density, Dimensions, Duration. Perhaps, a reasonable thing in a group dance would be to open a door, even if cold, and dress warm.
That said, I don't know the circumstances of where you were or how cold it was. And being very cold can make it more likely to catch germs that are going around. But wearing hat /gloves / covering ears and being chilly is something I wouldn't mind doing, even if I had no fear of covid.
Not just because, at least to me, it feels simple (I also like the winter), but because ventilation does actually lessen risk. Wearing a mask to walk and talk with a covid-narrative-believing friend was frustrating, because there is no there-there to wearing masks outdoors. (Even if masks worked, there is no there-there to masks outdoors).
I truly do agree that the guilt trips of Do these (terrible, like be injected, or look down on others, or don't go outside (???!??), or close your business, or wear a useless mask and inhale microplastics, kind of things), to supposedly protect others is a sick twist on love and compassion - A manipulation of sacred cords of compassion, another incarnation of abusing the energy of "responsibility to protect", as has been used to generate support for many wars.
But, sometimes, could there be a place for some conversation around if there are relatively benign, sensible ways to look out for each other ..?
How about feeding the poor instead of expecting Big Brother to do it? I see a big need to sacrificing our comfort for others in the days ahead as times grow tougher economically. Ironically the technocrats behind the Cooties-19 insanity won't mention what we can do to help our neighbors as stuff gets worse. They don't want us to help one another. Not really. They want us to stay isolated and rely on the Machine for everything. Not ourselves. Not the human beings who love us.
thanks for putting your story out here. It reminds me of when my ex husband had sudden onset ( " I felt something break ") chronic fatigue syndrome 25 years ago. He was so exhausted he could not lift his head up off the pillow to drink juice. His story does not really go to the question you are asking, I just want to verify that that kind of fatigue is real.
Now about that WAVE thing, please tell me more, because I read about possibly the same thing somewhere else, and found out there is one near me, but then I forgot to follow up! maybe a link to a website?
thanks Ellen, and thanks again for sharing your story.
The pointing finger of "shame on you, you're gonna get me sick!"is maddening to this older human. Self responsibility to me is the consideration that I am doing the best I can to live in this mad world and do no harm-- and its NOT the way of The Machine. The machine points and points to "out there", "others" and "you'. Whew. I think I'm losing patience with this, dammit. Thank you for your thoughtful reply, and thank you Tessa! (replying to you next). :-)
Agreed! I'm 65 and I'm not asking anyone to change their behavior to protect me. My health is my own responsibility. But I hear that this woman (much younger than me) wore rubber gloves to open her mail and got her groceries delivered and didn't go around other people for the last 2.5 yrs. What a life, if you can call it that!
I think you're exactly right, that this is the mechanism by which the Machine works. I've called fear, guilt and blame the unholy trinity because they all go together, one leads into the other. If I accept guilt, I'll shift the bulk of it to someone else in blame, which will then make me afraid because I've attacked them so why wouldn't they attack me? It's all different forms of the same thing.
Hey sister, some of the sights are maddening, yes? Ie: wearing a mask in the car, having gloves on at the grocery store.... But the 2 masked faces at the salsa class tipped me over the edge: I quit the class, but still dance in my kitchen and wherever I can. .
A salsa sister! With Tessa and Jessica Rose, isn't that right? I do Worldanz and salsa is one of the styles we parody (speaking for myself, whose rendition is too far removed to be called anything else). But it got me through the pandemic, when my teacher moved into my garaj mahal and we danced on Zoom for the timid, on lawns, in abandoned church halls, on the beach, around a swimming pool, and in parks until we got kicked out. Viva la dance!
I remember one woman flinching away when I went to say something, and throwing up her arm to ward me away. And this was outside! There's no doubt that the masks are meant to be a silent reproach to everyone polluting the air with their virulent breath ;-) But don't punish yourself by letting them win. Let them be self-exiled under their shields. The world needs your shameless and maskless dancing!
They said, "It's not acceptable for you to go outside, breath freely, decline an experimental procedure because you might make me sick and give me a 1 in 500 chance of dying." What is acceptable and not at all selfish is demanding the world shut down, forcing your neighbor into bankruptcy and homelessness, isolating the elderly so they die cut off from loved ones, traumatizing children and causing them developmental problems, and coercing others into getting crippled and killed from an experimental shot. All so the Covidians can enjoy a placebo effect.
This insanity we've been through needs re-framing. A lot of people need to see what they have done in a different light. Angry as I have been at them, they didn't know any better. But they need to be told how and why their actions were wrong so they can stop doing them. Or be given a chance to.
Covid was a great way to shirk personal accountability for your own health. Pass the buck to the bureaucracy making the rules and those not following them. You don't have to take any personal precautions. The mass precautions were the kinds of things you could brag about on SM. Lockdown and masks and vaxxes were not personal and that's why I could see from the start they made no sense. If they work then they should work for individuals as well as the collective. If staying home saves lives then everyone staying home will be safe regardless of those partying or living normally getting the alleged plague and dropping dead. Ditto with the masks and vaxxes. And granny did not benefit from the lockdowns at all if she was trapped in a nursing home. The insanity did not protect the most vulnerable at all even by the logic They employed.
If more people would subscribe to or simply apply Course concepts, we all be much better off. Myself included. The ego in me can be strong! Continuing to do the work cause we really don’t have another choice. Beautifully written!
Thank you so much, Diane! We read many of the same people, although I should say I read a subset of your extensive list ;-) Something that I like about the concept of the Course is that one person can do it and it changes everyone's mind--since we're not really separate minds to begin with. I think of my role as a synapse, all I need to do is open the connection and it floods through the whole brain like dopamine. Dunno if that's a good analogy ;-)
Oh, the Bible has such a beautiful community around it. I miss them, especially the silent monastery in Big Sur where I was an oblate. For a decade I was deep into Biblical research with a global consortium of Bible scholars called The Jesus Seminars. But I kept finding things that wouldn't reconcile with my beliefs that all people are equal: women and men, slaves and masters, colonies and empires. And then I realized there was a reason--the story of Jesus was made up by the Roman Empire after the siege of Jerusalem to destroy the religion that had empowered Judea to revolt against them. I say this, not to discredit your experience of the Bible, but because it's important in how we're being manipulated. Here's my post on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops.
Hello :) I'm a lover of Truth, too!!! Byron Katie, ACIM, are two of my most constant companions as I live life. "One day at a time." "This is a God Project" Alanon "Everything is for our own best interest." And "Every encounter is a holy encounter." And so many more ... ACIM "Forgiveness is realizing that what you thought happened, didn't.” and so many more from BK. ((((Virtual ❤️ Hug))))
Oh! Those are such powerful quotes. I've thought that AA and Alanon are so consistent with the Course. And thank you for signing up for my Substack! I'm so looking forward to your thoughts on them, and it will be wonderful to have someone conversant in two big areas I cover! I sometimes attract people with one topic (Ukraine was a big one) who then drop off when it gets into the spiritual, or the feminine. When that happens, I think of it as refining my list so that those who stay are all BIG thinkers ;-) It's an amazing group and I learn new things from them all the time.
I hadn't heard of BK but I'll check her out (now that I know it's a her). I LOVE her definition of forgiveness. I've been saying that it's giving the benefit of the doubt forward, that the person is doing the best they can under their circumstances, or what they perceive to be their circumstances. And, as you quote, that the consequences are in our best interest so there's no harm to forgive. I've thought that instead of Jesus saying "Father forgive them for they know not what they do," the real Christ would have said, "Father forgive them for they do nothing." (another complicated topic where I lose people... )
I am SO happy to have you in my sphere. What a lovely Weds am gift. Bigs hugs back!!!
Yes Tessa, and I believe that you and I and many many more of us were good hearted children that grew into good hearted adults all the while managing the roadblocks along the way. Refusing to accept that the cruelty has everlasting power over us. I also believe, at least for me, that I have seen this before, have experienced this in a previous life or perhaps many lives. That each succeeding life has prepared me for the bad hearted that exist in humanity. It's a different rodeo this time around but somehow this cowboy is not afraid and knows who to trust and who to console and who to kick in the nuts.
You've hit it out of the ballpark with this one. God bless you dear lady, and may He open everyone's eyes, ears, and minds to become pure-minded adults.
loved this! so patience is indeed a great virtue and arguably mebbe one'a the only things separatin' us grownups from the children (bein' a bid kid at heart an' bein' a fan've all the many creative folks in the world that keep childlike wonder close ta them... like Jacques Tati or Chaplin !) The baddies can be patient too--I recall readin' how Amerika was taken over well more'n a century ago by the patient globalists--think about team Georgia Guidestone, the Rocky-fellers and all'a them old demons just bidin' (Biden!) their time... it's both sick and informative... but if we resist...actively... I think patience will be rewarded (an' hopefully in THIS dang lifetime as I have kiddos that do NOT wanna wait -- so much taken away already, right?
sending you roses-as-thoughts (flowers healing an' good fer the heart) for all your past griefs--it's SO easy for good folks to make a mistake that can unintentionally harm us because we cannot see inside others' hearts so easily and eyes (though windows they be... ) can deceive... I'll bet'cha we've all been deceived by thinking we saw love and mistook it (for a hat?)
Kindred spirit. I think those of us who've seen that the world is not the safe, just, honest place that our naive idealism would like, are the ones who saw clearly that something was wrong...that evil was running amok. The rest of the people who lived privileged, safe, sheltered lives just don't have the ability to fathom these cycles of violence. You've described a family's intimate violence and that is the microcosm. The entire world is the macrocosm of that model, put into action. I see no difference in the life I lived and tactics I saw used by a psychopath and a narcissist than what the world governments are doing. There isn't a single difference.
My coming of age was in realizing with the pandemic, that it's not me....I am not a magnet to these evil people. These people are just everywhere.
These people can't be loved. They just can't. They are too broken to fix, too broken to want or to feel love. I truly think they prefer chaos and pain.
"I see no difference in the life I lived and tactics I saw used by a psychopath and a narcissist than what the world governments are doing. There isn't a single difference." truth. out of my own observations, born of wounds, and training as a counselor and healer, I saw the pattern of psychopathic abuse everywhere: including from those who were my friends and family--as in past tense. 99% of my community gone, and absorbed into the machine. That said, with some patience I have been, one by one, finding others of like mind, not entirely absorbed, and who love joyful moments, potlucks, and freedom. we will endure.
The machine denies the existence of love and spirit, while feeding from people's suffering, which is a spiritual perversion. If people deny that spirit exists, due to being taught that, they are defenseless against the predatory and life-force-parasitic perversions of spirit.
What a remarkable journey you have had Tessa. I am just so thankful that you are now able to share your hard earned wisdom with your readers. You have changed my life in a very positive way. I have learned that following my instincts is not necessarily the way to respond. Don't want to be a mini-tyrant :)
If one is not taught to question everything then one will easily fall for anything. Most people I know accept things at face value. Live in reality….it is a tougher place to live but in the long run much easier than the pretend world most people inhabit currently!
Among the challenges we face is reminding ourselves that we live in a continuum of realities. The duality created by "red pill vs blue pill" thinking (coincidentally aligned with red vs blue politics) obscures that it is ALL true: the hatred, violence and omnipresent deceit (which starts by lying to oneself in order to fit in) as well as the generosity, humility, kindness and bravery to which we aspire, and fulfill, every day. A soul - or society - divided against itself cannot stand. Let us integrate all of these realities in order to achieve wholeness.
It is a challenge to determine what free will means in a world of constraints - what we can and cannot do; what we can and cannot control; even what we can and cannot know. It's the hero's journey to try to discern the truth, then work with/within it in a constructive manner.
The human desire to see the truth is our superpower. As Bob Dylan wished: "May you always know the truth, and see the lights surrounding you."
What's the saying...the darkness can never put out the light. When I feel hopeless in all of this, I imagine the total darkness I feel...with a powerful light breaking through and focus on feeling it spread and grow and consume the darkness.
Perhaps the universe is testing us to see how true to joy and love we are, can find strength to remain steadfast, even through survival mode. Find an anchor in your soul and hang on for the rough ride. Spoiler: it gets worse before it's over. Love wins. You are wonderful, Tessa, one of a human kind!
Very moving. Glad you made it! Yes, the Machine starts at birth, the indoctrination starts at birth, we are all victims of this outrage. And many of us when we arrive at adulthood in order to survive have to play along working at barren jobs the Machine has made for us. Compassion for all of us, including the animals and all life forms under the same boot heel
A very good read, thank you. I do believe we are programmed to obey the state, or you could call it the machine. Rulers on top, subjects below. I played the game, got the degree. Didn't like school at all. Didn't learn anything particularly useful. Nonetheless a feeling of accomplishment. Much work experience beginning at 16 on Catalina Island. Now I was learning useful things. A 21-year-old West Virginia country boy knew more than the college boys. Age 17-20 gas station attendant. Good times. With degree in hand, I got a job with county health department. Easy money, easy work. Got a pilot's license. I ignored the machine. Yeah, girlfriends and drama galore, but no violence or kidnapping. Mostly good fun, some pain and regrets. I broke from the machine you could say at age 33 when I bought land in Montecito and pioneered a farm on raw land. Wow, 25 years of living the life, mostly avoiding the machine, but now I see it everywhere, the almighty, evil state. Rulers on top, subjects below. I disobey and ignore as much as possible. Thanks for bringing your experiences and revelations to our attention.
Thank you, Steve!! I think "disobey and ignore as much as possible" is a very healthy option!! We cannot really fully break out of it but carving out a world that is healthier than the belly of the Machine is wonderful!
This is breathtaking, Tessa. Your story of the abduction and beating has haunted me since I first read it. It turns my faith in the world upside-down every time I think about it, which has been often. But now, with your horrible abusive marriage, I'm adding a new layer of faith. It had to be what it was to make you qualified to talk about love.
Your prison epiphany, the letting go, also resonates with me. I think I've mentioned that I've studied A Course in Miracles for almost 20 yrs. Right now I'm doing the daily workbook again and today has meditations every half-hour on 'miracles are seen in light and light and strength are one.' I've been applying this to my dance class, where everyone looked so goddamn beautiful today, even the one who props open the door in the cold so she doesn't get Covid while the rest of us freeze... even her.
Blessings on your non-kumbaya heart, Tessa.
Your words made me smile. Thank you, Tereza!! You are so beautiful!! Blessings back to you!!
And I hope that the people in your dance class didn't freeze to death due to the anti-COVID open door!! :)
These days we're flooding, not freezing, so it wasn't too cold. But her excuse that "she can't afford to get sick," led me to a revelation about the whole Covid thing. It's allowed people to put the responsibility for their own health on other people. There's someone else who dances outside and a couple people who wear masks, but they take responsibility for themselves. If I get her to shut the door and she gets sick, it will be my fault. See what I mean? I think this is a piece of the puzzle she's shown me, as to how we've been intimidated into these lockdowns, etc. It gives those who are the most afraid (and the most selfish) power over everyone else because do we want them to get sick and die? Well, do we? And for the rest of us, it uses our love against us. That revelation was worth being sweaty and shivering.
That is a really wonderful observation, Tereza! And accurate, I think!
Although, if I may add another layer / question ... Are there places where being inconvenienced (not invaded with poison, but just inconvenienced), if it translates into actual (not delusionally imagined) less risk for others, could make sense?
Something the information / psyche / emotional war uses against us is the framing that the uninjected / unmasked aren't willing to do anything to protect others, and therefore are selfish, (therefore activating the "disgust" instincts, and invalidating any dissident information before it's heard).
Honestly, I can relate to the person who would feel better with the door open, and the person who can't afford to get sick. Important clarification (I had covid once, this past summer, the strain most say is "mild") - I *could* afford another round, or more, of five days of feeling sick, + overwhelmed with the multi-pronged covid treatment advice from great docs, (only one night of which was that bad), for the reward of being more authentically in the world.
What I can't afford is the after-covid part, the crushing fatigue where I couldn't walk more than a few *feet* without collapsing. And the potential autoimmune disease I may now have (need more tests to figure that out). Even with early treatment / preparation / listening to the FLCCC and of course avoiding the shot, the complex system that's my biology has too many things that fit exactly what covid makes worse. And plenty of people are older and more challenged than I.
Amazingly I found a wholistic healing miracle that cured that extra - impossible level of fatigue (the Best New Life Center of NY's Wave machine). But if I had not found that, I don't know where I would be now, but probably wishing covid had killed me.
(And I'm under 50, in not good but not terrible health).
This was a fatigue beyond what the usual covid treatment and post covid arsenal of integrative medicine could reach. I'm used to being tired - this was another universe of tired - crippling is not an exaggeration. It's a bioweapon, a human systemic herbicide, and all of the honest, not fear mongering, dissident doctors and health researchers who look into the virus find that it can do serious damage to the body, even after mild / moderate illness. (Walter M Chestnut / John Paul -Hidden Complexity/ Doorless Carp/ Dr Syed Haider / the FLCCC crew, etc). Not saying these people advocate fear, but they understand that covid can be far more dangerous than the case fatality numbers express, and they're not coming from the manipulative place the mainstream media is when they speak of covid dangers.
It is an interesting conundrum to hold, if the actions of some could make others safer, how to parse that out ...
One side seems to be saying we should risk everything - mobility, oxygen, blood clots, sudden deaths, etc, to make others safer. But forced lockdowns backfire, fear of leaving one's house is tragic absurdity, the masks they want worn, thru guilt, don't work, and of course the injection doesn't make anyone safe anyway.
The other side is saying no one should be forced to harm themselves to make others safer, or comply with absurdities to make others feel safer in a delusion (ie most masks).
(Although some say there may be a place for taking a risk to mitigate infectious disease, depending on many factors, with a very high bar, but that could only be quantified or asked for in an honest system, that respected human dignity and scientific honesty, and actual assessment, which is not this system).
**But this side comes across as adamantly refusing to take any risk, or do any thing they don't want to, even if it would profoundly help others.** **And that contributes, I think, to a huge, abysmal, gap in understanding in these times ... **
It's an unnecessary mind fuck to assume each and every person is a walking covid spreader. But there's also value to assessing situations in terms of, as Dr Kory says, Draft, Density, Dimensions, Duration. Perhaps, a reasonable thing in a group dance would be to open a door, even if cold, and dress warm.
That said, I don't know the circumstances of where you were or how cold it was. And being very cold can make it more likely to catch germs that are going around. But wearing hat /gloves / covering ears and being chilly is something I wouldn't mind doing, even if I had no fear of covid.
Not just because, at least to me, it feels simple (I also like the winter), but because ventilation does actually lessen risk. Wearing a mask to walk and talk with a covid-narrative-believing friend was frustrating, because there is no there-there to wearing masks outdoors. (Even if masks worked, there is no there-there to masks outdoors).
I truly do agree that the guilt trips of Do these (terrible, like be injected, or look down on others, or don't go outside (???!??), or close your business, or wear a useless mask and inhale microplastics, kind of things), to supposedly protect others is a sick twist on love and compassion - A manipulation of sacred cords of compassion, another incarnation of abusing the energy of "responsibility to protect", as has been used to generate support for many wars.
But, sometimes, could there be a place for some conversation around if there are relatively benign, sensible ways to look out for each other ..?
Love and respect, Ellen
How about feeding the poor instead of expecting Big Brother to do it? I see a big need to sacrificing our comfort for others in the days ahead as times grow tougher economically. Ironically the technocrats behind the Cooties-19 insanity won't mention what we can do to help our neighbors as stuff gets worse. They don't want us to help one another. Not really. They want us to stay isolated and rely on the Machine for everything. Not ourselves. Not the human beings who love us.
thanks for putting your story out here. It reminds me of when my ex husband had sudden onset ( " I felt something break ") chronic fatigue syndrome 25 years ago. He was so exhausted he could not lift his head up off the pillow to drink juice. His story does not really go to the question you are asking, I just want to verify that that kind of fatigue is real.
Now about that WAVE thing, please tell me more, because I read about possibly the same thing somewhere else, and found out there is one near me, but then I forgot to follow up! maybe a link to a website?
thanks Ellen, and thanks again for sharing your story.
The pointing finger of "shame on you, you're gonna get me sick!"is maddening to this older human. Self responsibility to me is the consideration that I am doing the best I can to live in this mad world and do no harm-- and its NOT the way of The Machine. The machine points and points to "out there", "others" and "you'. Whew. I think I'm losing patience with this, dammit. Thank you for your thoughtful reply, and thank you Tessa! (replying to you next). :-)
Agreed! I'm 65 and I'm not asking anyone to change their behavior to protect me. My health is my own responsibility. But I hear that this woman (much younger than me) wore rubber gloves to open her mail and got her groceries delivered and didn't go around other people for the last 2.5 yrs. What a life, if you can call it that!
I think you're exactly right, that this is the mechanism by which the Machine works. I've called fear, guilt and blame the unholy trinity because they all go together, one leads into the other. If I accept guilt, I'll shift the bulk of it to someone else in blame, which will then make me afraid because I've attacked them so why wouldn't they attack me? It's all different forms of the same thing.
Hey sister, some of the sights are maddening, yes? Ie: wearing a mask in the car, having gloves on at the grocery store.... But the 2 masked faces at the salsa class tipped me over the edge: I quit the class, but still dance in my kitchen and wherever I can. .
A salsa sister! With Tessa and Jessica Rose, isn't that right? I do Worldanz and salsa is one of the styles we parody (speaking for myself, whose rendition is too far removed to be called anything else). But it got me through the pandemic, when my teacher moved into my garaj mahal and we danced on Zoom for the timid, on lawns, in abandoned church halls, on the beach, around a swimming pool, and in parks until we got kicked out. Viva la dance!
I remember one woman flinching away when I went to say something, and throwing up her arm to ward me away. And this was outside! There's no doubt that the masks are meant to be a silent reproach to everyone polluting the air with their virulent breath ;-) But don't punish yourself by letting them win. Let them be self-exiled under their shields. The world needs your shameless and maskless dancing!
They said, "It's not acceptable for you to go outside, breath freely, decline an experimental procedure because you might make me sick and give me a 1 in 500 chance of dying." What is acceptable and not at all selfish is demanding the world shut down, forcing your neighbor into bankruptcy and homelessness, isolating the elderly so they die cut off from loved ones, traumatizing children and causing them developmental problems, and coercing others into getting crippled and killed from an experimental shot. All so the Covidians can enjoy a placebo effect.
This insanity we've been through needs re-framing. A lot of people need to see what they have done in a different light. Angry as I have been at them, they didn't know any better. But they need to be told how and why their actions were wrong so they can stop doing them. Or be given a chance to.
100% right you are!
Exactly this. x
Covid was a great way to shirk personal accountability for your own health. Pass the buck to the bureaucracy making the rules and those not following them. You don't have to take any personal precautions. The mass precautions were the kinds of things you could brag about on SM. Lockdown and masks and vaxxes were not personal and that's why I could see from the start they made no sense. If they work then they should work for individuals as well as the collective. If staying home saves lives then everyone staying home will be safe regardless of those partying or living normally getting the alleged plague and dropping dead. Ditto with the masks and vaxxes. And granny did not benefit from the lockdowns at all if she was trapped in a nursing home. The insanity did not protect the most vulnerable at all even by the logic They employed.
If more people would subscribe to or simply apply Course concepts, we all be much better off. Myself included. The ego in me can be strong! Continuing to do the work cause we really don’t have another choice. Beautifully written!
Thank you so much, Diane! We read many of the same people, although I should say I read a subset of your extensive list ;-) Something that I like about the concept of the Course is that one person can do it and it changes everyone's mind--since we're not really separate minds to begin with. I think of my role as a synapse, all I need to do is open the connection and it floods through the whole brain like dopamine. Dunno if that's a good analogy ;-)
I tried the Course in miracles, traded it in for the Bible.
Oh, the Bible has such a beautiful community around it. I miss them, especially the silent monastery in Big Sur where I was an oblate. For a decade I was deep into Biblical research with a global consortium of Bible scholars called The Jesus Seminars. But I kept finding things that wouldn't reconcile with my beliefs that all people are equal: women and men, slaves and masters, colonies and empires. And then I realized there was a reason--the story of Jesus was made up by the Roman Empire after the siege of Jerusalem to destroy the religion that had empowered Judea to revolt against them. I say this, not to discredit your experience of the Bible, but because it's important in how we're being manipulated. Here's my post on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops.
Hello :) I'm a lover of Truth, too!!! Byron Katie, ACIM, are two of my most constant companions as I live life. "One day at a time." "This is a God Project" Alanon "Everything is for our own best interest." And "Every encounter is a holy encounter." And so many more ... ACIM "Forgiveness is realizing that what you thought happened, didn't.” and so many more from BK. ((((Virtual ❤️ Hug))))
Oh! Those are such powerful quotes. I've thought that AA and Alanon are so consistent with the Course. And thank you for signing up for my Substack! I'm so looking forward to your thoughts on them, and it will be wonderful to have someone conversant in two big areas I cover! I sometimes attract people with one topic (Ukraine was a big one) who then drop off when it gets into the spiritual, or the feminine. When that happens, I think of it as refining my list so that those who stay are all BIG thinkers ;-) It's an amazing group and I learn new things from them all the time.
I hadn't heard of BK but I'll check her out (now that I know it's a her). I LOVE her definition of forgiveness. I've been saying that it's giving the benefit of the doubt forward, that the person is doing the best they can under their circumstances, or what they perceive to be their circumstances. And, as you quote, that the consequences are in our best interest so there's no harm to forgive. I've thought that instead of Jesus saying "Father forgive them for they know not what they do," the real Christ would have said, "Father forgive them for they do nothing." (another complicated topic where I lose people... )
I am SO happy to have you in my sphere. What a lovely Weds am gift. Bigs hugs back!!!
Yes Tessa, and I believe that you and I and many many more of us were good hearted children that grew into good hearted adults all the while managing the roadblocks along the way. Refusing to accept that the cruelty has everlasting power over us. I also believe, at least for me, that I have seen this before, have experienced this in a previous life or perhaps many lives. That each succeeding life has prepared me for the bad hearted that exist in humanity. It's a different rodeo this time around but somehow this cowboy is not afraid and knows who to trust and who to console and who to kick in the nuts.
Like one of my interview guests, Mary Otto-Chang, said, “be the drop that tips the bucket.” I think she is right.
I'm going to use this time to steal a line from Rex Hudler's mother:
Be a fountain, not a drain.
How about by Niagra Falls...or some falls bigger than that♥️
You've hit it out of the ballpark with this one. God bless you dear lady, and may He open everyone's eyes, ears, and minds to become pure-minded adults.
Thank you, Auntie Canuck!! Amen to that.
Your words are inspirational and extraordinary as usual. Thank you for sharing.
I find your story tells me we need to stand up, yes we ate dirt. Stand up and flee to fight another day. Beautiful.
That's the spirit!! Stand up and fight (and flee to fight, if necessary), for joy and for the respect and love we deserve!!
And thank you!! xoxo
loved this! so patience is indeed a great virtue and arguably mebbe one'a the only things separatin' us grownups from the children (bein' a bid kid at heart an' bein' a fan've all the many creative folks in the world that keep childlike wonder close ta them... like Jacques Tati or Chaplin !) The baddies can be patient too--I recall readin' how Amerika was taken over well more'n a century ago by the patient globalists--think about team Georgia Guidestone, the Rocky-fellers and all'a them old demons just bidin' (Biden!) their time... it's both sick and informative... but if we resist...actively... I think patience will be rewarded (an' hopefully in THIS dang lifetime as I have kiddos that do NOT wanna wait -- so much taken away already, right?
sending you roses-as-thoughts (flowers healing an' good fer the heart) for all your past griefs--it's SO easy for good folks to make a mistake that can unintentionally harm us because we cannot see inside others' hearts so easily and eyes (though windows they be... ) can deceive... I'll bet'cha we've all been deceived by thinking we saw love and mistook it (for a hat?)
Kindred spirit. I think those of us who've seen that the world is not the safe, just, honest place that our naive idealism would like, are the ones who saw clearly that something was wrong...that evil was running amok. The rest of the people who lived privileged, safe, sheltered lives just don't have the ability to fathom these cycles of violence. You've described a family's intimate violence and that is the microcosm. The entire world is the macrocosm of that model, put into action. I see no difference in the life I lived and tactics I saw used by a psychopath and a narcissist than what the world governments are doing. There isn't a single difference.
My coming of age was in realizing with the pandemic, that it's not me....I am not a magnet to these evil people. These people are just everywhere.
These people can't be loved. They just can't. They are too broken to fix, too broken to want or to feel love. I truly think they prefer chaos and pain.
Hugs!!! And yes, I think that the people who had already been suspecting that the game was rigged were the fastest to see through the scam in 2020.
Precisely how I feel about this. I agree with you both.👍
"I see no difference in the life I lived and tactics I saw used by a psychopath and a narcissist than what the world governments are doing. There isn't a single difference." truth. out of my own observations, born of wounds, and training as a counselor and healer, I saw the pattern of psychopathic abuse everywhere: including from those who were my friends and family--as in past tense. 99% of my community gone, and absorbed into the machine. That said, with some patience I have been, one by one, finding others of like mind, not entirely absorbed, and who love joyful moments, potlucks, and freedom. we will endure.
This is resonant af. Whew. Love all the way. Love bats last.
I like "resonant af." Great line. :) Thank you, love back to you!!
The machine denies the existence of love and spirit, while feeding from people's suffering, which is a spiritual perversion. If people deny that spirit exists, due to being taught that, they are defenseless against the predatory and life-force-parasitic perversions of spirit.
That is very true, Bother John!!! Happy New Year!!!
Sadly, what you don't know CAN hurt you.
A fruitful 2024 to You also, SisterTessa.
What a remarkable journey you have had Tessa. I am just so thankful that you are now able to share your hard earned wisdom with your readers. You have changed my life in a very positive way. I have learned that following my instincts is not necessarily the way to respond. Don't want to be a mini-tyrant :)
Thank you William!! Hugs to you!!! :)
If one is not taught to question everything then one will easily fall for anything. Most people I know accept things at face value. Live in reality….it is a tougher place to live but in the long run much easier than the pretend world most people inhabit currently!
Among the challenges we face is reminding ourselves that we live in a continuum of realities. The duality created by "red pill vs blue pill" thinking (coincidentally aligned with red vs blue politics) obscures that it is ALL true: the hatred, violence and omnipresent deceit (which starts by lying to oneself in order to fit in) as well as the generosity, humility, kindness and bravery to which we aspire, and fulfill, every day. A soul - or society - divided against itself cannot stand. Let us integrate all of these realities in order to achieve wholeness.
It is a challenge to determine what free will means in a world of constraints - what we can and cannot do; what we can and cannot control; even what we can and cannot know. It's the hero's journey to try to discern the truth, then work with/within it in a constructive manner.
The human desire to see the truth is our superpower. As Bob Dylan wished: "May you always know the truth, and see the lights surrounding you."
What's the saying...the darkness can never put out the light. When I feel hopeless in all of this, I imagine the total darkness I feel...with a powerful light breaking through and focus on feeling it spread and grow and consume the darkness.
Perhaps the universe is testing us to see how true to joy and love we are, can find strength to remain steadfast, even through survival mode. Find an anchor in your soul and hang on for the rough ride. Spoiler: it gets worse before it's over. Love wins. You are wonderful, Tessa, one of a human kind!
Thank you Sharon!! Hugs
Can adults play monsters like children do? I think it helps
Very moving. Glad you made it! Yes, the Machine starts at birth, the indoctrination starts at birth, we are all victims of this outrage. And many of us when we arrive at adulthood in order to survive have to play along working at barren jobs the Machine has made for us. Compassion for all of us, including the animals and all life forms under the same boot heel
Thank you Michael!! Your words are beautiful, and I agree!