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But that’s the fraud of our manipulated perceptions created by monsters; good vs. evil extremes, which traps humanity to the fraud of war and false choice. The problem is most do not understand these frauds, particularly overpopulation, scarcity, chronic diseases, militarized peoples and other life such as viruses. And all of it has one …
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But that’s the fraud of our manipulated perceptions created by monsters; good vs. evil extremes, which traps humanity to the fraud of war and false choice. The problem is most do not understand these frauds, particularly overpopulation, scarcity, chronic diseases, militarized peoples and other life such as viruses. And all of it has one major component—bad lawyers protecting those who’ve created a world of ignorance, all for profit for just a few money/power junkies. Anything can be for profit—with limited regulation allowing for honest labels and choice, but not Everything should or must be for profit—such as an abundance of natural electrical energy, clean water and our utility infrastructures that would allow for naturally-occurring peace.
I intend on changing all of this, and not by building more prisons and wars for profit for the few who keep humanity trapped to the “illusions of scarcity” and delusions that an offensive-defensive kill program fixes it. We must stop fighting each-other, end the Left vs. Right paradigms in politics killing & consuming us and then mentally-institutionalized the very sick money junkies and their satanic lawyers, with the understanding that this solution will always cost less to humanity, without the bloodshed, than the lawyer-created conflicts and wars they trap everyone to every generation.
I will NEVER give up, Raphael, just as those who refuse to give up all their stolen wealth from war, meanwhile continue to brainwash the people to accept generational warfare to never truly be free. So I guess well see.
Totally agree. We evolved on earth for over a million years now, “with” a diversity of life that has never been at war with itself. And unlike all other life, humans can rationalize and build to accommodate others, including non-human life.
Carl Sagan used to often say in reflection to humanity’s plans to trek off into space, ‘life at war with itself is a dead organism;’ that it’s not normal or natural for life to be anti-life looking for reasons to kill itself.
Can you imagine if we terraformed Mars with lush forests and diversified, evolving life only to show up with herbicides, pesticides, depleted uranium ammunition, nukes, blueprints for building prisons, GMO seeds, unfair trade & business schemes for a few to profit off currency use, war, disease, manmade scarcity by forbidding free electricity, intentionally polluting clean water, spying on and manipulating everyone while forbidding free communication rights—to intentionally keep people fearful of each-other? Then to make matters much worse, allow these same few monsters to militarize viruses and create terrorists—all for profit for just a few money junkies?
Humans can just as easily build utility infrastructures that would allow individuals to always have intelligence and rights to save themselves, and for much cheaper than the right to obstruct freedom, creating stressed out, discontented societies always at war with each-other.✌🏽❤️🗽—sincerely, Not as an idealistic hippy, but a realistic problem solver who “understands” humanity’s ability to thrive at a fraction of the cost of ignorance & war.
Raphael, the problem is called “Compartmentalized, generational, psychological slavery.” It’s complex and multi-faceted, but not impossible for humanity to overcome without war.
I’m writing an economics-war encyclopedia in which the introduction will have several chapters that takes a very deep-dive on this topic, which stretches back in time for over fourteen thousand years. But for now, I direct my subscribers and guests to a home-pinned publication titled “Most Important Video-Audio…” (link below, please share with Everyone), in which I have Rothschild’s Protocols of Zionism—a three hour audio describing who and what keeps so many people over such a long period so mentally-enslaved. There are also many other recordings and videos that will enable anyone who’s “open to the truth,” without conspiracy hype, to not only free themselves, but also help others they care about who just don’t get it. If you haven’t seen Jones Plantation, it does a great job explaining the psychological trap of slavery and the methods used (I have the link for that, too.) Also, I highly recommend the 5 hour John Gatto interview, who was an educator and philosopher who does an exceptional job explaining America’s corrupt educational system and why so many are so trapped to the Eugenicist, Rockefeller education systems that plague the entire world. I suggest just starting from the very top and work your way down all the videos & audios, many of which are short, and I promise you will learn more about the problems of the world from this publication than any other source on earth. Eventually it will also include my unpublished books and the war encyclopedia—all for free; no need for a subscription. But if you haven’t subscribed and do, I’ll upgrade you to a free lifetime subscription so you can comment in chat, freely, and never get banned, plus other benefit unavailable to non-subscribers over time.
I’d love to have you help me help others wake up and stop believing it’s all hopeless. I do not support blind faith, especially end-of-times, but I do support intelligent understanding of the truths; an honest understanding of the problems and the intelligent solutions.