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Why fall the trees when you can just burn every forest on the planet instead? That'll fix that pesky "carbon" problem. You know, these monsters in the "green" movement have been pushing so much of this nonsense my entire life and, unfortunately, it looks like they actually might succeed in convincing enough people with "power" to impleme…
© 2025 Tessa Lena
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Why fall the trees when you can just burn every forest on the planet instead? That'll fix that pesky "carbon" problem. You know, these monsters in the "green" movement have been pushing so much of this nonsense my entire life and, unfortunately, it looks like they actually might succeed in convincing enough people with "power" to implement their life ending policies on the planet! After all, "they" know better than God and/or nature/mother earth, right? We can't predict what the weather will be in a week, but they are confident that they know what the weather will be in 200 years and, by golly, they're going to do their best to *make* it happen the way they want it to. Then, there's the attention span and memory of the public which can be compared to a goldfish. The same public that can't remember that in the late 1970's and early 1980's we were all going to freeze to death and can't remember that according to Al Gore, we should all be underwater right now because of the melting of the icecaps. I feel like I fell asleep one day and woke up in a whole different dimension. These people have lost their minds. The worst part? Lots and lots of people actually agree with the insanity! Heaven help us. Thanks for your work Ms Tessa.
They have indeed lost their minds, and they are working very hard to turn everyone into their food!! To which I say, may the eat each other rather.