Cancel this, cancel that

Don't discuss

– or question that

Be afraid

Don't offend


Let's pretend

Lipstick pretty

Putty good

Bubble gum

Together stood

The most magnificent looking chair

Golden splender

With leather flair

Springs and metal

Twisted knots

It all appears

A million bucks

But when you go to sit on it

It falls apart into little bits

And you get shards and daggers in your arse

Welted faces

Shattered glass

Lying there you feel so wronged

The mirage vanished

Siren songs

Led astray

Shattered rocks

What was wrong

With what was got

Wooden chairs

And tarnished chips

Shut away

Thrown in pits

Cast aside

No light of day

Cancelled to make

The new one stay.

And now we have a whole world sitting on golden chairs, falling to bits each day and every day.

Because we cancelled all the sturdy ones

And sold them lipstick and bubble gum

Dressed in gold

Wrapped in leather

Feeling oh so very clever

...But not anymore.

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🤩 I’m instantly transported back in time and ‘stack space, to ‘nother masterpiece @ amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-honest-doctors-story-made-national/comment/14860233 🔥

💬 I guess I was in an inspired mood after reading the post. It seems to work that way.

You really should let your exquisite muse out into the wild more often 💖

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Thank you.

Yes I'll take that on board.

These just pop into my head sometimes, although I spent a good portion of time reflecting on false images and cancel culture and I dunno why a chair came to mind as a metaphor but it did and it stuck.

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Cf Harold Pinter in his Nobel Lecture (nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2005/pinter/lecture) ↓↓ 🤸

🗨 I have often been asked how my plays come about. I cannot say. Nor can I ever sum up my plays, except to say that this is what happened. That is what they said. That is what they did.

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Oh wow that was actually very interesting.

Probably the best thing I have seen or heard today actually.

It leads you in, then drops the bombs in such a sobering way.

Then, dare I say, shows you how small you are and the great size and scale of what we now face.

This is not their first rodeo

Whoever runs the deep state.

It is not their first rodeo and if men like this can make speeches and reach thousands.

Yet reach nothing or no one at the same time.

It's all quite frightening really.

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Glad this remarkable speech landed well; I knew it'll register with you in all the right way 😊

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bob marley channeling his inner russian: "dem belly full but mi hungry, a hungry man is an angry man"

but your song is exquisite, can you translate the lyrics for us?

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The most ketogenic verse is this one: Dzoon dnem taven khashem

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:) Thank you for posting the link!!

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:)) Thank you!!! Oh the lyrics are as usual, it's an Armenian romantic song.

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Not allowed to use your brain !!!

°If Regina Dugan , from Darpa & Wellcome trust , would have her way : 80% of the kids would be conform to the AI generated Ideal brain model within the first 1000 days of life. They really want to perpetuate the hierarchy. . . If the RED coats cant subdue you, the British White Coat will. . . . To me that's what W.H.O. represent. Glad your having fun posting. I checked your youT page an hour ago it's so Throttle almost memory holed ...sigh

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Tessa, you have a beautiful voice!

Thank you for sharing and for all

that you do.

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Thank you, Anomalous Anonymous!!

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Cold chills from your beautiful sad song.

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Thank you!!! Well, to be factual, I definitely didn't write the song. It's an old Armenian song that I found. xoxo

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Well yes, but it was the powerful effect of your beautiful voice, the acoustics, and the music itself. Cold chills are involuntary, you know. So. I couldn’t understand a word of course, and if you could translate it, that would be wonderful. But it was stunning even without knowing. Maybe even more so.

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“The one whose tummy is full doesn’t ‘get’ the hungry one.”

That statement reminds of a joke my nephew told me. Some people may find it offensive. But... this is Substack! So, here goes:

Food is like dark humour. Not everybody gets it.

If you're offended... you're welcome! :^)

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Sounds very similar to Russian humor, actually

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Censoring speach is absurd. Censoring people is criminal.

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“The one whose tummy is full doesn’t ‘get’ the hungry one.”

Great saying! I'm stealing it.

No matter what anyone says the answer isn't, "...so stop eating!".

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Another really great essay Tessa.. I chuckled as I realized that I had been stuck in the "oh crap still more of that" phase of my journey for quite a long time. Now I have come to realize that genuine heartfelt love is the source of authentic world changing power. We just need to be patient and focus on doing the right thing, always. You have been a great help in moving me forward.

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I hear you, William!! And yes, I am of the conviction that love is the only way that allows us to eventually get out of the "more of that" phase. Lots of things don't make sense on a logical level, in a linear way, like why not hate the ones causing destruction? But it makes sense from the position of love. It is interesting that self-defense is also love because we are important parts of the puzzle and deserve love, and are responsible for loving ourselves. But it does not need to come with hating the ones who are messed up. They are in their journey, and it is sufficient to make sure that don't create messes in our way!!

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Good points, all. The ruthless psychopaths who handle the levers of power on Earth are simply unaware that they have a real Heart, have no idea what real love really is, and live as Hungry Ghosts with an insatiable appetite for power, wealth, and notoriety in a vain effort to satisfy the appetite for love that their own heart perpetually aches for.

If they were aware of their own heart they would not do what they do or say what they say! If ALL of us were truly aware of our whole heart, everyone would CARE - as our inherent Design specifies. We each have one, but no matter how skillfully we mouth the words and act out our parts, there is more love to know. to share. to BE!! The plan of the times is this awakening.

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Thank you, my dear, and I wouldn't have been able to figure out that song without you!!

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Thank you for your voice, Tessa. And for advocating for love.

Also, so much THIS: "And the shock I experienced over not being shadow-banned on Notes made me realize just how absurd and—I am going to use use the emotional word—traumatizing, it had been to be treated like an enemy of the people on the internet for the past few years."

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Thank you, Dana!! And yes, I did actually feel shocked, and it just made me realize how far the "new normal" has eaten into organic human interaction (previously known just as "the way people talk to each other when no one tries to mess with them")

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Opinions on their own are not good or bad. Everyone is entitled to theirs, so we can either read or watch or not. Agree to disagree without being disagreeable. Those who wish to censor others do not seem to understand the constitutional right we have of free speech. It can not 'legally' be taken away.

If it is taken from us it is done so by an illegal act. Illegal acts are punishable by law. Those elected officials take an oath to uphold the law and our constitution, when they do not, they are breaking the law. If they break the law by not enforcing it, they have no authority over any of us regarding any matter what so ever. They become null and void, just like a bad contract. They have broken the contract they have with the voters and taxpayers in this country.

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"An important side note here: I am convinced that wokism is a successful brain child of the alphabets, and that the poor souls who fall for it had been played. I am also convinced that the attack on natural human ability is by design."

On the money, Tessa. Thanks for your voice. Love and hope...

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Hi Tessa, the left's reason for pushing for censorship is a rational one, although I disagree with it. Any unmoderated discussion area will eventually become strongly right-leaning, which Salon admitted in a pretty interesting article (even though they tried to smear the general concept as “fascist”):


Therefore the left must censor, and censor hard, or they will lose and lose badly.

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And, on a separate note, don't get me started on the "left." These are my people, and they are acting like somebody has seriously poisoned their soup! I don't care much about labels but at least in theory, the left are supposed to care about freedom and be skeptical of big pharma... where did that go? :))

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the cabal pulled a very sophisticated update on an old psychological operation to prey on the inner kindness of those nice lefties and twist it into a perversion of real compassion.

the imperialists forced their perverted pseudo-spiritual worldview on indigenous populations the same way.

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Yes, it's a psychological operation without a doubt, and the notion of compassion has been turned upside down!! In fact, it can be summed up by the trendy slogan from several years ago that I knew was going to used for something like now. Remember that slogan, "punch a nazi"? An arbitrarily defined nazi, too, meaning, "anyone I don't like."

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yeah let's all show the world how peaceful we are by starting a brawl.

dylan in 1974, being prophetic:

"now everything's a little upside down, as a matter of fact the wheels have stopped

what's good is bad, what's bad is good, you'll find when you reach the top

you're on the bottom"

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It well may be a high noon for a quote 😇

💬 Wokism is a deliberate and malicious rerouting of the innate desire for respect.[...A] strategy to weaponize the wounded and the pissed-off against the dignified [...], to keep the dignified in check [...], to level the dignified to the wounded. ~~Tessa Lena

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Hi Daiva, yes it is, and I think the blogger Spandrell with his concept of bioleninism fleshes out this concept more fully: https://archive.is/tAJVX

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this guy has read a lot but anyone who throws women and blacks into the same category as pedophiles is falling for the same divide-and-conquer he criticizes. huge blind spot.

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Ty once more, won‘t be too many 😉 It was a riveting journey back in time, and prescient like hell at that. Though def not devoid of [speculative] controversy—just ask @nymusicdaily 🤭 To borrow from the brilliant Mary Harrington, it's always worth complicating your perspective.

That said, it‘s only natural I feel compelled to repay in kind 😊 --> newcriterion.com/issues/2019/10/leninthink. Numerous parallels with our daily boots-on-the-ground experience are... what, eerie?

🗨 what’s mine is mine; and what’s yours is negotiable <-- soviets' negotiating style acc JFK

Mercifully in iterwebz exchanges, ↑↑ morphs into ↓↓

🗨 what’s mine is yours, and the other way round 🤸

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Hi daiva, nice link, well written and explanatory, thanks for sharing.

In a similar vein you might like Solzhenitzyn's Gulag Archipelago, which (I found to be) a very difficult, but comprehensive read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gulag_Archipelago

Also, the movie "The Death of Stalin" really does a great job of conveying both the atmosphere of total fear in Soviet society, as well as its incompetence because of the total fear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_Stalin , which we are increasingly experience here in America now...

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It doesn't have to be either/or, more like iridescent sheens of the same chameleon when watched from different angles 🙂

Ty, I'll look into Spandrell's treatises; sposta be a worthy read a cursory inspection informs me.

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You're totally right and I meant to write "fleshes out this concept more fully" instead of "more accurately", my apologies - I updated!

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The right and left leaning media was praising and promoting vaccines for decades. It was the Christian National rightists and Crunchy Hippy Liberals who were the vaccine skeptical vanguard.

It went with Trump warp speed and Biden democrats get your vaccines...

Then the left overs found each other and lots of feelings of LOVE!! :)

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I love the last line!!

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Thank you for the link!! An interesting take!

Historically, censorship has been done by every authority of every persuasion, from first institutional religions to defenders of every ism. My observation is that it's driven by the desire to win at any cost, and talking points could vary greatly. Today's "left" is rather diagonal, too. :)

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To salon, anything that isn't part of the party line is fascism. How ironic.

The same "left" call those who want the war to end "right wing fascists".

These days the terms right and left are showing that they're just constructs used to divide us.

The truth is that we should unite by class, not labels that are artificial.

Notice how the right used to never question war, but the left did?

Now it's the other way around. Why? Because it's a working class issue, money is being wasted while we have less and less we can afford.

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Hi Rob, you wrote "The truth is that we should unite by class, not labels that are artificial."

This is exactly correct. The central bank owners utilize the media to separate everyone on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation in classic divide et impera tactics so the masses are too busy infighting to focus on the central bank theft. The hyper focus on the latest division, the child tranny stuff (which is indeed freakish and awful), just shows how well the central bank owner tactics work.

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"...or they will lose badly." True. Power is about mind-control. If you want to control people, you must control how they think and as well what they are thinking. Free-flowing ideas are the enemy of control and so censorship becomes an indispensable tool-- its' ultimate goal being total cult-like uniformity of thought where, ideally, censorship becomes no longer necessary.

All political thought is fascist and insane. Nothing it does is rational. "Left" would have us all ruled by gun-wielding thugs controlled by sweet, gentle, humanitarian puppies and kittens. "Right" would have us all ruled by gun-wielding thugs disguised as, well....gun-wielding thugs. Just ones who call themselves "patriots" or "god-fearing soldiers" or what-have-you.

The reason unmoderated, uncensored online forums appear to "degenerate into fascism", or, more accurately put, "degenerate into the type of fascism that salon.com writers find personally offensive" is because the "right wing" fascists are simply bold-faced, proud and outspoken bullies whereas the "left wing" fascists are unaware of their bullyness, believing their variety of fascism to be "the only sensible and loving way to rule".

The only way to win a battle against a bully is to become one yourself and the lefties are loathe to become aware of their own bullyness. "I am a sweet, gentle bunny rabbit that does not like fighting." So lefties largely abandon these bastions of nasty exchange, the free online forum, leaving only those who enjoy bashing away at each other to occupy the place. Kinda like the biggest, dirtiest animal wins by walking into the bunny rabbit meadow and leaving a huge, stinking pile of crap. The bunny rabbits wrinkle their noses and leave the bully fight imagining still that they are not bullies and hop off to DC where the idea is to infiltrate the halls of power and take control of the guns (law) which are, ironically, in the hands of the same beasts who crap in the rabbit meadows. But ah, these particular beasts are utterly and completely mind-controlled to obey their white-collar masters.

Either way, the parasites win, drawing blood from the necks of both big, dirty beast and bunny rabbit alike creating a tragic scenario where everyone else, those free-minded animals called "human", find they are forced via power of collective madness into suffering the same fate.

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See which phases of human journey arc don’t have a child in their description? The ones concerned with intentional acting, whatever the time horizon (short or long doesn‘t enter the equation here). Tells a thing or two about being an adult, doncha find? 😊

To zoom out again,

🗨 Humans are the most versatile and useful tools on the planet. They can achieve a lot, and if they can’t achieve something they can build another tool to help them achieve it. Humans are the ultimate tool. Which means if you master controlling humans as your tool, you can achieve anything achievable.


ETA an extra couple of explanatory notions.

🗨 An article or TV show is a tool, written by a human tool, to control other human tools, who each trace their marching orders back to a master meme, that is playing that game.

🗨 The blue tribe has a ceiling.[...T]heir only option is to undermine the red tribe’s intellectual abstractions. Religion, individual agency, “muh freedoms,” and the core of traditional western thought must be brought down for the blue tribe to win, because they can’t win by force.

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