I agree, Cat is a fearless researcher, a freedom activist, and a kind, intelligent, compassionate human being.

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Thanks Cat! Thanks Tessa!

Mandatory Borg Membership, anybody? Everybody?



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Thank you John!! And thank you Cat as well!! xoxo

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The pandemic paper “ https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fnorberthaering.de%2Fdie-regenten-der-welt%2Fsalesforce-deloitte%2F&prev=search&sandbox=1” shows that we have not even gone through half of the new measures that will come our way. On April 6, 2020 (!) “Salesforce” and “Deloitte” published a paper entitled “The world remade by COVID-19: Scenarios for resilient leaders”, which deals with which scenarios will occur in the pandemic. This report was prepared under the supervision of Peter Schwartz (SVP Strategic Planning - “Salesforce”) and Andrew Blau (Managing Director, US Leader, Signature Issues - Deloitte Consulting LLP).

Norbert Häring reports about Schwartz: “Ten years earlier, in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation, he had designed the very similar and at least as clairvoyant Lock Step pandemic scenario, also a scenario of intensified, technology-based population control. The Rockefeller Foundation and Schwartz have worked on its implementation ever since. "

“ Lock Step”: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fnorberthaering.de%2Fdie-regenten-der-welt%2Flock-step-rockefeller-stiftung%2F&prev=search&sandbox=1

—— It is not about future politics, but about plunder and submission.—-

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Klaus Schwab told us to “look” east. Also BlackRock looked. And invested. That China made “nervous” from to big to fail bloodthirsty Global monsters?

Translated from German DWN:

“China is building a stock exchange for small and medium-sized companies. The Chinese securities regulator immediately said they were enthusiastic about the plans and would examine the president's proposal carefully and implement it resolutely. "Small and medium-sized businesses can do great things," added the regulator. The stock exchange could help to improve the capital market systems. The Beijing government is currently stepping up supervision of companies that are listed abroad. The market for IPOs in the USA is likely to be hit hard by China's actions, experts predict. "

Another second reason maybe, why global shipments aren’t up to speed?

China is using dollar reserves ( I think 1.1 trillions), made with US trade (funny money economy), and to preserve value, it is investing in foreign countries, mostly 50-50% ownership, building infrastructures, industries, shipyards (Africa, S. America, Silk Road, etc). Piss race? Or? USA grounded ( 1946?) IMF, got “thanks to emerged Cov-d 1984”, also 1 Trillion dollars or 707 billions SDR, borrowed or provided from member countries. Reading from internet, fake or thruth, that for countries to get IMF Cov-d emergency billions, you need to lock down economy and follow procedures?

I think most of the BRICK’s countries didn’t take money, but, by not taking it, I see them to to oft” in WEST MSM news…

Taking the debt and not be abble to repay it, guess who is going to own you later?

Two weeks ago, in the news, that IMF added 650 billions to war chest. It was long time ago, when SDR money was chained to dollar, and dollar was 0.9 grams of gold….

China knows that it is going to lose much of the IMF indebted World in near future, so it is slowing export accordingly. Same with USA receiving ports. 45 container ships waiting in one port to be unloaded! IMF interese is priority to put more indebted countries in Global basket? Venezuela refused World Bank and IMF long time ago, and what then happened? China could use 1 Trillion dollars to destabilize USA, but they chose smarter to invest outside competing markets. New World Order or two?



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You will not believe… Ad for the New World Order( start from 4:00)….


“ * Heard “New World Order” about six times, I will really count

* End of globalization, but Papa Schwab has already taught us that about two years ago.

* They’re totally improvising and they’re as confused as we are, just as I predicted. These psychos are disconnected from humanity, emotionally underdeveloped, intellectually dense but primitive.

But there’s more to it, ambiguity included, listen carefully because this dude is dropping some serious inside intel, unlike more famous alphabet soups. He does it on command, of course, but he gives us priceless clues nevertheless! You have to understand he’s a sock puppet and the Rothschilds need the peasants to hear this. What actual facts triggered this reaction from the overlords? This is the first question you need to ask yourself when you watch official communications from your masters.

My best hunch is that they got tired of Europe, too many problems per square foot, so EU is on its own while they go in a honeymoon with China, as their other puppet parties in the White house now. But I don’t know that, as of now, just rings most plausible, given all I know so far.”



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by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu


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I posted before about timing of “Gold Window” and Klaus Schwab grounding of EMF/WEF in 1971. I see so much propaganda about that time, that it get me thinking….

“1971 Nixon shocks world: “Gold window closed”…”

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=https://www.goldseiten.de/artikel/505919--Die-Zaesur-des-15.-August-1971.html%3Fseite%3D1&prev=search&pto=aue Translated: The Turning Point

1971 is also year when Karl Schwab founded EMF/WEF, where he sought to introduce European firms to American management practices.

First 450 executives meeting was In February 1971. And 5 months later, Nixon torpedoed 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement (Gold Standard). Some shaky grounds for Klaus or “new” opportunity was made?

“As soon as Nixon announced the changes that Sunday, he called his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, to help keep America's alliances intact. Kissinger and Nixon then did just that - sometimes behind the scenes, and sometimes in high-profile meetings.”


In 1967, Klaus Schwab gained a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland as well as a Master of Public Administration qualification from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in the United States. While at Harvard, Schwab was taught by Henry Kissinger, who he would later say were among the top 3-4 figures who had most influenced his thinking over the course of his entire life. Henry Kissinger and his former pupil, Klaus Schwab, welcome former- UK PM Ted Heath at the 1980 WEF annual meeting. Source: World Economic Forum( picture deleted). https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/

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“At the same time, awareness of global interdependence increased, which led to the founding of the G5 > G7 (1973-75) and increased coordination on global issues such as energy, food supply, population development and relations between developed and developing countries.”

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Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) say things.


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This one realy boring, but somebody needs, lawyer


This work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Government of Estonia, Fondation Botnar, the State of Kuwait, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The views of the funding bodies have not influenced the content of this document.

Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status — Technical Specifications and Implementation Guidance, 27 August 2021.


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Tessa: Great Reset isn’t New World Order. NWO will came after dust is settled in PostEurope?

Translated from German newspaper DWN:

“Is the collapse of the EU and the collapse of Europe a done deal? Is there a threat of ethnic and religious wars on the continent? Some US geopoliticians argue that all of these horror scenarios will occur. "It is all too reminiscent of the 1930s and Germany, when a little man with a mustache showed up."”

“The US think tank “Chicago Council on Global Affairs” comments on some statements by US geopolitician George Friedman, who consistently propagates the disintegration of Europe and the EU, with the following words: “The problems in Europe may be largely economic in nature and primarily around them Turning the future of the euro. But George Friedman said there are historical and cultural demons lurking deeply hidden that could destabilize the European Union and Europe itself. In the last century, from 1914 to the end of World War II, Europe fought wars with 100 million dead in battles, genocides, famines and the Holocaust for 31 years. Under American pressure to unite, the continent formed the European Union in 1992 with its promise of post-national peace and prosperity. 'But is it really over in Europe?' Asks Friedman. 'Is the carnage that began in 1914 over? Has anything changed? Will the EU survive? And if not, what's next? '"

“The German business news had warned in their magazine from December 2020:

“It should not be forgotten that it was actually inflation that sealed the death of the Weimar Republic and the democratic constitutional state. The great Austrian writer Stefan Zweig writes in his work, Die Welt von Bayern (The World of Yesterday: Memories of a European), which was published posthumously in 1942: 'Nothing has the German people - this must be reminded again and again - so bitterly, so hatefully made as ready for Hitler as inflation.'”

“Addendum: In the case of George Friedman and some other US geopoliticians, the observer repeatedly gets the impression that their prognoses are wishful thinking. Many of these American foreign policy thinkers are die-hard anti-Europeans, and this attitude is particularly pronounced in Friedman. It is becoming clear again and again that there are circles in the USA who have no objection to ethnic, religious and political conflicts in Europe, and the question arises to what extent they even want to actively provoke them. The fact that people of all races and religions on the "old" continent - which produced a culture that is unique in human history - live together peacefully is clearly not the aim of these bellicists.“”

Great Reset isn’t nothing else then Regime Change in Europe ( WARS), and then come Transatlantic savior in power next 80 years again.

New little man with a mustache is Klaus Schwab and his armies of corrupt cockroaches. Front man and Teacher.

Inflation and savings? “Super Mario”, savior of the Euro[Mario Draghi President ECB 2011-2019 (KLAUSIN)], implemented bailouts, negative interest rate, QE in EU to, same what they did in crisis in USA 2007/8. Angela Merkel ( KLAUSINA), invited Laurence D. Fink to teach Europeans how to devalue Euro with printing press( Quantitative Easing), with American management practices. Instead of solving problems with big to fail, bad actors. And before that, Morgan Stanley cocked Greek books to be time “BOO..” later. Now I understand, why Charles De Gaulle was big inspiration for Klaus Schwab and his "politics of grandeur". De Gaulle was against England coming in EU, because that would make new transatlantic power to strong and make EU weaker. Also, he was against NATO and etc. For NWO, inspiration was actually anti-inspiring.

Nobody wanted to listen to De Gaulle.

Enough time will pass, that when the thrifty Germans accumulate huge sums for the old days and forget the old memories, that the time will come again to save someone from too deep water. And in return, they will dive to the throat for the next 75 years or more. One can call it the “Great Reset”. Back to 1929.

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