Brilliant Piece by Catherine Austin Fitts
I agree wholeheartedly. I was going to write a piece along these lines but Catherine beat me to it, and I am happy about that
This is a really eloquent and on-point description of what is going on, by Catherine Austin Fitts.
If you have not seen it, read it now please. And, by God, the whole “divide and conquer” business is designed to make us take turns falling asleep, then waking up to yell at the useful idiot du jour, then fall asleep again, then wake up and fight with each other again over multiple sets of carefully crafted talking points.
This is how it happens: “Oh I agreed with you on COVID and thought you were smart because you were smart enough to agree with me but you just said WHAT about transgender? How dare you think this wrongthink, etc. etc.”
That is all on purpose. The attack on the God-given human ability to think in complex terms and to gracefully disagree with other sincere thinkers is by design. Those who are out to steal all from all sides are laughing at how readily people fall for this ancient trap.
Anyway, here is the brilliant piece by Catherine Austin Fitts.
And, for even measure, here is my Great Reset for Dummies that I wrote nearly five years ago but it still stands.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
There's more money in bets than in actual assets. This economic system has been a huge scam to fleece people from their work.
The solution is not Marxism or Capitalism.... Those are prior theories.
The solution is direct democracy.
You want to buy my vote? Pay me. Why do we have representatives who regularly vote against their own "ideals"? Compromise? Haha
It'll cost them more to buy our votes if we all have a vote instead of idiot representatives.
And if one is worried about the average being low... Check this out..
There's this experiment where they filled a jar with gumballs. Then they had tons of people guess how many were in the jar. When they looked at the average of the guesses, it was very close to the real number!
The group senses things differently but the truth shines out. No more politicians.
“If you follow the herd, you’ll end up stepping in shit.”
― Wayne W. Dyer