We are the carbon they wish to reduce ☹️

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...and then all the trees will die who need the carbon we exhale to live and the other plants and all the animals who rely on the plants and the other animals who rely on the plant eating animals and, and, and...toast.

I'm moving to the woods and breathing on plants as long as possible...God Bless.

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Carbon credits. That's the plan. You have only so much carbon that you can emit (breathing...and farting) and other normal and ordinary human activity. If you exceed it you will be penalized, need to purchase credits from others who sell their excess. Not a problem for the wealthy.


Now imagine a world where they succeed with normalizing transhumanism, perhaps even human consciousness being downloaded into an "immortal" avatar. Where if you can't afford your carbon credits anymore and wish to maintain the lifestyle you're accustomed to without sacrifice, the option is given to become a less carbon-emitting version of human. And because the wealthy and politically connected have all of the money they need to purchase unused credits, credits given as rewards to their loyalists and managers, this "better" they're building back as will not affect them one bit.

Yes. That. That's where this goes. Unless we stop it.

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Not to mention the rich guys RUN THE CREDIT INDUSTRY.

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This is too funny but then if you look at daily mail's other articles you see that they're sensationalist all the time, 😂.

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They are!! That, they are.

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Funny, as i had told people that soon they will start asking humans to stop breathing to stop the co2, they looked at me as i was the weird one!

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That's what the masks were all about. Klaus Schwab promises smart wearable devices. They'll charge people for breathing.

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As usual, scientists are not the experts they claim to be. The problem is not breathing. The problem is exhaling. I am sure it is only a matter of time before these experts figure out a way to keep us from having to exhale. That will be the end of the climate change crisis.

Beautiful, free souls who lack bravery may not be really free. Those of us who are awake are in a much better place than those that are woke. If you are not engaged in positive action, you are part of the problem. Humanity, wake up. Time is short.

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Don't worry, there's a vaccine that will help with this!!


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😂😂😂😂😂 I hope I am eligible for this amazing vaccine,😂😂😂😂😂

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This has gotten insane. Does no one pay attention? Have independent thought? 2 friggin brain cells left to rub together?

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It was inevitable

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Obviously we should all put plastic bags over our heads and rubber bands around our necks. This would have the added benefit of preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses, including covid.

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The scientists are right. *technically* The percentage is very small - but 0.1% is more than zero, so...

Silicon-lifeforms rule. hahaha

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Sigh, I'll recycle my carbon and nitrogen back into mother Earth some day, but it's not nice to push people towards that. It reminds me of "Lemmings", "the woodchuck festival of peace, love and death".


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Dyson, the company known for making expensive vacuum cleaners and fans, has introduced a set of headphones that incorporates a removable air filter that they call a "travel visor". Fans in the earcups feed a stylized bar that goes across the face from earcup to earcup, covering (loosely) the mouth and nose. Filters in the earcups clean the air that is then blown toward the mouth and nose. According to Dyson, you can "breath pure air with the travel visor." I'm not kidding--here is a link:


Of course, from the practical point of view, this is an outright scam. The "travel visor" does not actually seal off the mouth and nose, and so has no ability to protect the user from the environment around them.

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They’ve been trying to stop us from breathing for decades... it’s just become more overt now...

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Anyone who believes that should feel free to wear the three mask fauci virtue signal

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as our good fellow neil oliver from scotland recently stated so succinctly in regard to the wokey brokey climate change agenda , the carbon the wilth are engaged in eliminating is us

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- Luc

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