It's called 'projection'; accusing others of what you're thinking and doing.

The article is especially fitting at the moment when 20 US House members are being labeled as 'insurrectionists' and 'terrorists' for not being willing to endorse a top mafia hack as Speaker.

It's all good, because as you say Tessa, they continue to show themselves. Every day more people are seeing what the ruling class has become, and that's necessary progress.

And, there's truth in what they say. The situation really has developed to the point that protest is meaningless. Appealing to the mafia will not gain freedom from the mafia, nor will the mafia reform itself because they're asked nicely.

The trap in the piece is the old Hegelian dialectic: There's only two options, peaceful protest or violence. Obviously they prevail and profit either way. The rational way is neither of those. It's completely withdrawing consent and cooperation, and creating a new, local social structure from the ground up that doesn't include the predatory state and its allies.

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I think the value of peaceful protests is in displaying fearlessness, being outspoken about it, and building camaraderie. After all, the truckers were convincing enough in Canada, and supposedly the protests in China did a good thing, too. It doesn't mean that the tyrants forever retreat, they do what they do.

Parallel structures are much needed, of course. But then at the same time, as the history of my birth homeland shows, if the powers want any parallel structures to stop existing, they can do that if the people feel isolated and helpless enough. It seems like history keeps telling us again and again: don't betray your fellow citizen under any circumstance.

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I'd agree that protest may be beneficial if the goal is limited to camaraderie. But most people aren't that realistic. People invest hope, and they feel even more powerless and depleted when it produces nothing positive. For that reason it's a big negative. It reinforces powerlessness, because all of the focus is outward, requiring some non-desript 'others' to act and to implement 'change'. And it advertises to the state mafia that people are still respecting their power and acceding will and responsibility to them.

It's a very small display of fearlessness; a very low bar. I think a much more real display of fearlessness is to turn your back on them and consider them illegitimate leaders, and give them nothing more. No more attention, no more acknowledgement, no more money; nothing. What that does is free the individual's creative power to actually do something meaningful and real in their own locality, with no drain from expecting others to do it. When that personal responsibility and local action becomes infectious, people become unconquerable.

Who cares if they send thugs to disrupt you? At that point they're getting weaker and humanity is getting stronger. At times there's no avoiding a fight. Do you refrain from doing your part to create the civilization you want just because there's thugs out there who want to rule over you?

We've become a mass of cowards, and its time to snap out of it.

The 'don't betray your fellow citizens' part is real, and I think there's an important lesson there. The positive lesson is that it really does take the cooperation of people everywhere to maintain a brutal police state. We must not let that happen again. People betray each other like that out of fear and cowardice, and the antidote for that is showing people that they're stronger than that, and that they don't need to grovel at the feet of tyrants in order to be 'safe'. That old American ideal that real safety is only created at home and in the local community must be reinvigorated.

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Your key statement here dear Tessa, is, "...if the people feel isolated and helpless enough..".

As Arendt and others have discussed in the past, that's how the totalitarianism door gets kicked in every time. The crack that opens it is the populace sense of disconnection, loneliness, isolation and hopelessness. This is why the generational repetition of poverty is so systemic and hard to break. Not lack of money, infrastructure or opportunity as political and bureaucratic policy creators moan for more support($$$$), like to tell the world. Likewise, with the privilege set.

The sense of seperatesness that comes with poverty is a mirror reflection of the sense of seperateness elitist wealthy absorb. Neither can understand each others experience without experiencing it, yet negative aspects of both stem from isolation. One can be poor but happy, and one can be rich and happy because the material is secondary to the soul important experience of connectedness.

Which is why we are experiencing this $#!% show in society at this moment.🤦‍♀️🤔😐😑😱

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deletedJan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
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Yes, I agree - it's only short term. No one owns property in the US... we only lease it. Try not paying your property taxes. I expect many parallels will be squashed simply by not being able to use their currency...or function without their ID system. Remember who won in Waco.

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Thank you Tessa and David.

Part of the wake up is to see that we have been living with obedience to authority Stockholm syndrome: doing our best to appease a system most of us thought was certainly unhealthy and doing our best to remain out of the direct line of fire using various peaceful techniques - organic food, alternative health practices, and the like.

Greed and power is more stupefying than sex, however, and so the cabal have chosen to open fire on all of us in their effort to steal and hoard the entire planet for themselves without giving us nonconformists a realistic place to hide. This is an old cycle, taken up to a massive scale.

Question: is it violent protest to wake up to our having unconsciously accepted Stockholm syndrome and now waking up to it enough that we are choosing to reject it? Fascinating. Violent protests are at best a weak effort to do that and, I think, really a method that actually supports the obedience to authority paradigm by capturing the illusion of hope within another structure of authority called 'anti-authority.'

Great writing, Tessa. Thank you.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Author

When talking about Igor's article, I meant to say that I am JUST going to share it, I had a sentence in there that said "I am not going to pontificate and just going to share it," and a few words got accidentally erased. :)) Since I shared Igor's great article right after saying I was NOT going to share it, hopefully you got a good laugh out of it.

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They say "Protestors didn't gain anything", but I see "Protestors realized government didn't care about them".

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A very important realization, at that. And I think many of us already knew that. Great point!

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"Asking for a friend." You are so funny, Tessa. And I think that 4 out of 4 people know someone who's died from the vaccine, it's just 1 in 4 who 'sees' it.

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Thank you Tereza!! xo I think laughter is one of the things that melts the monsters. They can't stand our laughter.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The Bloomberg article makes a valid point that old school protests are virtually impotent in today's world IMO - their assertion that we need to get physical strikes me as a plant to form people's thinking that serves some purpose for the Technocrat controllers. At this point, the control of information is so omnipotent, sophisticated, and powerful that they don't need to care about protests. What they are already doing transcends anything a protest might hope to turn back. The subliminal messages in this and the sorry-assed NYT article is to give in, make yourself small, and most important - OBEY!

The most important thing we can become aware of is that this is 5th Generation (information) Warfare (5GW) being conducted by wealthy, powerful elites who are accountable to no one. Robert Monroe illuminates 5GW in a recent post we would do well to review and/or look into the linked resources. We must unite and act a some new way in this modern stealth context.

"In the information war, nothing is what it seems, and your mind is the battleground.....The battleground is consensus of the swarm and your own mind"


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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Author

Great observation on the additional implication of that article "make yourself small and obey"!!

An additional comment on the whole 5GW thing, people have been messing with enemy heads forever and ever. We here in the West are trained and conditioned to make an intellectual thing out of everything to feel smart but really, this is not an intellectual thing at all. It is a matter of spiritual integrity, humility, joy, self-love, love for others, and most importantly, never accepting the temptation to allow ego get the best of you. Writing a thesis about 5GW does not make one any less vulnerable, practicing good habits and praying for help from a place of love, and not allowing any fear, do a better job. We come from a spiritual place and a part of us is always there so being loyal to one's soul is far more important than keeping up-to-date with the latest framework, etc. Of course, this is not mutually exclusive but watching out for the ego is important, one can decide one "understands it" and get tricked. We, human beings, always depend on the higher powers to be safe from crap, no intellectual understanding can replace it.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Agree with most all this. The reference to 5GW is entirely about awareness of it - our spiritual place serves itself with awareness of its phenomenal context. Because of exactly what 5GW is, most of are under its spell, and already past being vulnerable to it. The magnitude of its effectiveness is unprecedented.

Your notes re ego, higher powers, etc. ought to resonate with the post linked below. Do let me know:

ultimately, there is just ONE problem.....

....resolve this ONE problem, and all our other problems fall like a house of cards!! Each of the myriad resolution proposals put forth these days is arguably fruitless without addressing this single root issue. History bears this out.

The problem itself is no revelation, nor an original idea. The diagnosis is readily accessible and easy to agree with. Yet, the very notion that this problem can be directly addressed, let alone resolved, lies beyond what most of us believe is possible. Herein lies our greatest challenge.


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Yes that’s my interpretation as well.

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🐴 Rachel? Rachel? Are you there?🐴

Yes...🤷🏻‍♀️where IS Rachel??? I've been wondering about when she'll be airing her feature on the latest Rasmussen poll 😂.

Probably tonight.

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Probably tonight. :)

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Re Bloombergs article- incitement to violence is how "martial" law gets normalised for the future.

#rightonschedule #dontfallforit #connectnotcapitulate

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Oh gosh Bloomberg would be hilarious.. if their satire was deliberate.. peaceful and dignified, yes.. personally I like shorter people.. and have mated with at least one.. but I don't think it did anything to save the planet from carbon catastrophe.. on the other hand I don't believe it brought on such a thing either.. these writers are getting too crazy.. they get paid for that??? xx

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I suspect the writers, unless they are famous, are getting paid barely anything at all, journalism income was murdered by Big Tech in the most simple sense of things, but then of course, there are other things that influence how journalists think. :) I think people of all heights deserve love and respect but that call to mate with short people for the planet is too funny.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Great montage! I was just listening to Ed Dowd on Aubrey Marcus and it's chilling. The peaceful / violent bit also reminded me of the few seconds long videos I saw of protests in china. Were they real? ANd is the CCP really backing down?

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Thank you!!! I think there is no way of knowing whether anything is real unless you have seen it with your own eyes. That is the philosophy I live by, anyway. :)

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes you are right. Definitely not going over there right now!

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As a 5’9 (barely) male, I support #2. 😁

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These entitled sociopaths think they can run the world.

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We must keep the magnifier on the narrow-minded, se;lf serving Pinheads - terminally focused on themselves. That thing from Canada really needs world-wide magnification. THANK YOU Tessa for keeping that razor sharp magnifier lens of yours so perfectly focused and on target!

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Thank you Dwight!! xo

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

According to Leonid Bershidsky "functioning democracies are responsive to peaceful protests." I agree. Therefore, the U.S. and Canada are not functioning democracies, because they are not responsive to peaceful protests.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa

Many top orchestrators of global events (not their straw men minions) have realized that the current system has ended already irrevocably and the new cosmic era will not allow any old to exist. So some of them they may try to dominate by violence and prolong their existence (this will be a repetition of the last years of Atlantis if it happens). 2023 will be a year of more darkness and crisis, but my hope is that the people’s love and forgiveness will transform this negative energy and re-unite us all and the fall of Atlantis will not be repeated.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I liked your comment on choosing to remain peaceful and dignified. That is my choice as well. I also appreciated your observation that history has taught us over and over to never betray our fellow citizens. Your insights are amazing Tessa.

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Thank you William!! And good for you!

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"But a modern-day Gandhi or Nelson Mandela risks never making it out of prison in thoroughly coup-proofed autocracies like Russia, Belarus, Iran, Cuba or China. "

Um, like the Jan 6 protesters who are still in jail in the US, or the prison camp still operated in Cuba by the US? Some detainees have been there for 2 decades. Bloomberg is a very punchable site.

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Loyal to the sentiment I expressed earlier, I don't endorse punching them but their logic is indeed very perforated, I agree. :)

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Punchable was the most peaceful thing I, the "Peace Mom" could come up with.

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Nice to see you on here Cindy. You were such a prominent anti-war voice during the Iraq War!

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Thanks, still antiwar, the voice has been predominately silenced though.

Follow me on substack!

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Yes, I’ve been lamenting where all the anti-war liberals went during this Ukraine propaganda.

Been thinking it’s time to revive the anti war movement, though it wasn’t all that effective the last time around...

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