Forgivenss does not absolve the one who harmed you. It does not lessen the need for justice. It does dissolve the power they have over you, releasing you, so you are free to be you again.
That is also true. There is a big difference between justice and allowing oneself to be dragged over to the dark side through being overtaken by hatred
Forgiveness and justice don’t go together, The act of forgiveness is an act of Love, justice is an act on the established moral code, an act of convenience so to speak and I may go as far to say hints on hate.
Justice is the number 9 in the traditional tarot, which is like the completion of the cycle of the Major Arcana, which is two swords balanced on the eternal scale, and so like a universal law.
Universal laws are divine laws and humans have no affairs in this field. A goddess is holding the scale and not a human. Justice is a divine act (read Karma).
Define human first, human is a divine being, but most humans act egoistically and NOT divinely, we are free and can do either, is our choice, hate or Love.
Seems like a tall order. I would probably default to the senses: I can detect humans and non-humans with uncanny ease. So the human is the ping on the sensor, at which point some part of me immediately begins to model the mind (and, with time, the soul) behind the flesh. But I agree it is a thorny process to explain.
I also agree we have choices. In fact, I think this faculty for choice is the seat of judgment, from which our capability to determine just results flows. Does that mean divine justice will always be achieved? No, of course not. Does that mean we shouldn't try? No, of course not.
The word forgive comes from forgo--to release or let go. Jesus, whom I follow, said to forgive even if it takes 7 X 70. One does not tell some perp 490 times they are forgiven. What 7 X 70 means is you let go or set aside the harm done you to be free so it doesn't control you going forward, that it can be hard work. He also said one should not cast pearls before swine. Forgiving someone is a pearl of great value. It is up your discretion whether to release someone of the harm they've done you, which is how moral justice and forgiveness are always bound together. To forgive the unrepentent is casting pearls before swine. Properly done, legal justice is a matter of safety and protection for society. Hate of the crime is the basis for the law.
Thank you Mickey. I am in love with this essay also. Your comment says it perfectly. Thank you again for taking the time to read, and hopefully absorb some of this. I know, I will read again, many, many, many times.
I have been thinking a lot about the concept of forgiveness lately. The difficulty seems overwhelming at times. This piece seems to have touched on the feminine (which is not to say "inferior") aspects of it. It speaks to me in some important way that I can't quite describe.
But there is a wall (and maybe it's a masculine wall) that I still struggle with. I get the sense that a lot of men feel it; the need to counterattack and prevail over the predators before forgiveness even becomes an option. I'm sure that way has its flaws (particularly when it comes to those nearby "flowers" you speak of). But as you say, each soul's journey is its own. Maybe both approaches are necessary.
Thank you Mark!! I think both the "feminine" and the "masculine" are beautiful and powerful in a good way when in balance, and less amazing when out of balance. As a generalization, out of balance "feminine" is a pushover, and an out of balance "masculine" is indiscriminate raging violence. In some older cultures, they had councils of men and councils of women, and the men didn't go to war until the women told them it was needed. And then they went to war and applied their extremely useful ability to be protectors in the most immediate way. On the other hand, unbalanced warrior energy is a disaster, just like unbalanced nurturing energy is not strong enough to heal. So we owe it to ourselves and to the world to do be balanced!!
These are all fair points. For what it's worth, I'd elect you to that war council in a heartbeat. Just tell me when to fight, and I'll promise to come home with my shield or on it.
I can relate to this, thank you for articulating it so beautifully. Something I have been struggling with when it comes to this mess we are in, and that you referred to, is all the "future forgiving" I know I will need to do. It's like my soul and nervous system know that this whole thing is a long way from over, and I sense the future pain in my bones. My heart feels sad about the future repair that may or may not happen in my lifetime.
Thank you Karri-ann! I agree. There is a lot of repair to be done, and the harm is still being caused on a massive scale!!! We need to pray a lot for healing. A LOT.
This one spoke to me, deeply. Thank you, dear Tessa.
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. Struggling to forgive family who are captured by the narrative. Who are so ignorant and judgemental. The pain is such that it feels like the love is gone. How can I be grateful for those who say they love me, but who also persecute me? A question for many no doubt. I choose to believe that time heals all wounds. But how much time? There are risks, age related as well as jab related. How many of us will see people we love die without having reconciled? I take heart that I know I am not alone in asking this question.
Thank you for your [as always] thought provoking post. I am grateful for you ❤
Thank you, Jan!! All this is heartbreaking, but we shall get though iit! In the moment, it could be difficult to understand but I think we can try to do what makes the most sense in the moment and pray for guidance!!!
Hi Tessa. I just found you through C and C. I loved reading this tonight. I yearn for an apology, but I am trying to let that go. Instead, I will adopt your prayer.
Thank you Lisa!!!! That prayer is a result of first hoping to receive an immediate result from my being "obviously correct can't you see" But we all find out that if "being correct" were any grounds for other people agreeing, they world would be in a much sweeter place already... :)
Beautiful piece. Although no mention of God or Christ, it should resonate with Christians.
I feel so irritated when I see parents (still) masking their children. I need to print this bit on a card and carry it close at hand: “If we waste our energy on being overly frustrated over strangers, we’ll be in a perpetual battle with thousands of people, and that’s not a happy existence.”
You can't do someone else's need to forgive for them. It is the child's responsibility to forgive the parent for the harm done by being forced to wear a mask. Find a way to put your irritation to good use. You're on the right page.
Wondering where is the line between the wobbly and the predator?
Aren't predator and prey context specific? Aren't we all in different contexts both predators and prey?
You capture the machine very well. Really. But then aren't we all part machine?
Not finding excuses for anyone. There are people and organizations that are doing horrible acts. Truth, accountability and justice are a must. Forgiveness is a must, and it can only start by us forgiving ourselves.
Forgiving and accepting ourselves is critically important. We were born for good things!! And really didn't deserve any of the abuse done to us. There might be an existential reason and we CAN turn it into strength, but we never deserved to be abused. Only to be treated with LOVE.
flowers in the wind, when sprayed with toxic chemicals, become toxic to those who eat them.
so it seems to me that our energy is most usefully spent if we disengage as much as we can from that deadly dynamic and find soil that isn't polluted. easier said than done, i know. but we aren't alone, even though a lot of the time it feels like we are.
and maybe it's time to do like dr. david martin has been suggesting and do some real building. like, with hammers and nails. or at least figuring out where we're going to get the nails and who's going to take turns hammering.
That is a rather perfect analogy!!! Flowers sprayed with pesticides... and of course they are trying to spray them on all flowers, literally and figuratively.
I really appreciate you sharing this, it’s exactly how I’ve been feeling over the last few days... we’re gonna make it through the darkness I’m sure. Blessings to you and our fellow humans :)
Forgiveness heals. It heals both the person who is forgiving, and the person forgiven. Failure to forgive means not only keeping yourself sick spiritually, but inflicting spiritual harm on someone else, interfering with their ability to relate to God's forgiveness.
We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it, turn away from the bad things, and let it be water under the bridge.
God has forgiven me, but some human beings refuse to do so. I am forgiven by the one Being Who truly matters in the long run. Who are we to refuse to forgive a person God has already forgiven? I am free to refuse the condemnation of someone for a sin Jesus already paid for, particularly when what I did had no real impact on someone else's life, but arises from a simple disagreement. We have to learn to agree to disagree. We have to learn to live and let live. It is not within my prerogative to build walls around other people's lives. Nor is it within the prerogative of anyone else to build a wall around me.
The problem of lack of forgiveness is especially egregious when the accused never did/said what he is accused of. This has happened to me frequently. It is an aggression and an attack on a human being made in God's image.
And so I strive always to forgive others, and pray that they will in turn forgive me.
Forgiveness is the action of a heart (soul) filled with love. Only a loving heart can truly forgive. This forgiveness also ‘breaks’ the karmic cycle and will be no repetition in coming incarnations.
One can wish another, who has commited wrong, even murder, "well", and can hold no animosity for that person (forgiveness?), while still taking steps within the structure of society to restrain that person, try that person, and facilitate societal acts which make a public example of the offender, "punish" him/her for the offense.
It's not "justice", as you point out, but it is often called that, and it's necessary for any society to attempt to manifest justice.
One might kill another person without malice when seeking only to prevent harm, perhaps on a NY subway, and then be tried for "manslaughter" in the "justice system". The Divine is never misled, and a fair number of people can recognize justice when they see it (though others are just spiteful/vengeful).
Well said John, and they have to protect their own (scumbag Hunter, per sex club -Snctm - owner Damon Lawner) from rogue conspiracy theorists like Tessa. :-(
I see these people as the adult children of alcoholics.
They aren't directly abusive, but have learned to placate the hard headed abusive system and it's leadership.
That's why a friend couldn't dare to think that her brother's lymphoma was caused by the jabs , even though the timing was spot on.
I told her about the Atlantic article of the doctor that got cancer from his latest booster and she felt like that's a rare story (even though it friggin happened to her brother!)
I had to look at her as a child to understand this illogical shit and not get angry.
In adults, I can't stand lack of common sense and sheer stupidity.
But seeing them as a child, makes it more understandable.
No wonder why the education system is the way it is... To keep kids from having freedom from having to "produce" -grades etc. This is what stunts them at a child level emotionally and intuitively.
Rob, I am very sorry about your friend's brother!!! And I agree, lots of people are stuck in the mind of a child, and looking at them as children is sensible, and it also helps to stay strong and sane.
Forgivenss does not absolve the one who harmed you. It does not lessen the need for justice. It does dissolve the power they have over you, releasing you, so you are free to be you again.
That is also true. There is a big difference between justice and allowing oneself to be dragged over to the dark side through being overtaken by hatred
Forgiveness and justice don’t go together, The act of forgiveness is an act of Love, justice is an act on the established moral code, an act of convenience so to speak and I may go as far to say hints on hate.
Justice is the number 9 in the traditional tarot, which is like the completion of the cycle of the Major Arcana, which is two swords balanced on the eternal scale, and so like a universal law.
Universal laws are divine laws and humans have no affairs in this field. A goddess is holding the scale and not a human. Justice is a divine act (read Karma).
I think I understand your position. But are you sure that humans play no role in the divine? Do we not have an aspect of divinity within us?
Define human first, human is a divine being, but most humans act egoistically and NOT divinely, we are free and can do either, is our choice, hate or Love.
"Define human first..."
Seems like a tall order. I would probably default to the senses: I can detect humans and non-humans with uncanny ease. So the human is the ping on the sensor, at which point some part of me immediately begins to model the mind (and, with time, the soul) behind the flesh. But I agree it is a thorny process to explain.
I also agree we have choices. In fact, I think this faculty for choice is the seat of judgment, from which our capability to determine just results flows. Does that mean divine justice will always be achieved? No, of course not. Does that mean we shouldn't try? No, of course not.
We all embody every archetype and that is the map of the Tarot.
Mark Passio talks about this
Name the archetypes please, and tarot is a metaphor. (many translations).
I work off the traditional tarot, which is at least 500 years old. And I am not your undergraduate research assistant ;)
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
Yes, Revenge but we camouflage it as ‘justice’.
The word forgive comes from forgo--to release or let go. Jesus, whom I follow, said to forgive even if it takes 7 X 70. One does not tell some perp 490 times they are forgiven. What 7 X 70 means is you let go or set aside the harm done you to be free so it doesn't control you going forward, that it can be hard work. He also said one should not cast pearls before swine. Forgiving someone is a pearl of great value. It is up your discretion whether to release someone of the harm they've done you, which is how moral justice and forgiveness are always bound together. To forgive the unrepentent is casting pearls before swine. Properly done, legal justice is a matter of safety and protection for society. Hate of the crime is the basis for the law.
We have the power to forgive, but only Hod can bring true justice.. and He will. Releasing someone to His justice is part of forgiving.
A beautiful, much-needed contemplation. Thank you, Tessa.
Thank you Mickey!!! If you only knew how many times I tried to write it, and how many versions of it I started.... :) xoxo
As you read the essay, you can feel the amount of effort and compassion you put into it. 💕
Btw, we should do another interview soon!
Great, I'll email you over the weekend.
Thank you Mickey. I am in love with this essay also. Your comment says it perfectly. Thank you again for taking the time to read, and hopefully absorb some of this. I know, I will read again, many, many, many times.
Chipped Paint
I have been thinking a lot about the concept of forgiveness lately. The difficulty seems overwhelming at times. This piece seems to have touched on the feminine (which is not to say "inferior") aspects of it. It speaks to me in some important way that I can't quite describe.
But there is a wall (and maybe it's a masculine wall) that I still struggle with. I get the sense that a lot of men feel it; the need to counterattack and prevail over the predators before forgiveness even becomes an option. I'm sure that way has its flaws (particularly when it comes to those nearby "flowers" you speak of). But as you say, each soul's journey is its own. Maybe both approaches are necessary.
Food for thought, in any case. Thanks, Tessa.
Thank you Mark!! I think both the "feminine" and the "masculine" are beautiful and powerful in a good way when in balance, and less amazing when out of balance. As a generalization, out of balance "feminine" is a pushover, and an out of balance "masculine" is indiscriminate raging violence. In some older cultures, they had councils of men and councils of women, and the men didn't go to war until the women told them it was needed. And then they went to war and applied their extremely useful ability to be protectors in the most immediate way. On the other hand, unbalanced warrior energy is a disaster, just like unbalanced nurturing energy is not strong enough to heal. So we owe it to ourselves and to the world to do be balanced!!
These are all fair points. For what it's worth, I'd elect you to that war council in a heartbeat. Just tell me when to fight, and I'll promise to come home with my shield or on it.
Thank you Mark!! You made my day. :)
I can relate to this, thank you for articulating it so beautifully. Something I have been struggling with when it comes to this mess we are in, and that you referred to, is all the "future forgiving" I know I will need to do. It's like my soul and nervous system know that this whole thing is a long way from over, and I sense the future pain in my bones. My heart feels sad about the future repair that may or may not happen in my lifetime.
Thank you Karri-ann! I agree. There is a lot of repair to be done, and the harm is still being caused on a massive scale!!! We need to pray a lot for healing. A LOT.
This one spoke to me, deeply. Thank you, dear Tessa.
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. Struggling to forgive family who are captured by the narrative. Who are so ignorant and judgemental. The pain is such that it feels like the love is gone. How can I be grateful for those who say they love me, but who also persecute me? A question for many no doubt. I choose to believe that time heals all wounds. But how much time? There are risks, age related as well as jab related. How many of us will see people we love die without having reconciled? I take heart that I know I am not alone in asking this question.
Thank you for your [as always] thought provoking post. I am grateful for you ❤
Thank you, Jan!! All this is heartbreaking, but we shall get though iit! In the moment, it could be difficult to understand but I think we can try to do what makes the most sense in the moment and pray for guidance!!!
Wow. Really beautiful and therapeutic too. And, I learned a new word: Wobblyfolk.
I can't wait for the book! But seriously, it's helpful. Thank you.
Oh it WOULD be a good name for a book. Thank you for giving me an idea :)
And of course, thank you!! xoxo
Hi Tessa. I just found you through C and C. I loved reading this tonight. I yearn for an apology, but I am trying to let that go. Instead, I will adopt your prayer.
Thank you Lisa!!!! That prayer is a result of first hoping to receive an immediate result from my being "obviously correct can't you see" But we all find out that if "being correct" were any grounds for other people agreeing, they world would be in a much sweeter place already... :)
Beautiful piece. Although no mention of God or Christ, it should resonate with Christians.
I feel so irritated when I see parents (still) masking their children. I need to print this bit on a card and carry it close at hand: “If we waste our energy on being overly frustrated over strangers, we’ll be in a perpetual battle with thousands of people, and that’s not a happy existence.”
You can't do someone else's need to forgive for them. It is the child's responsibility to forgive the parent for the harm done by being forced to wear a mask. Find a way to put your irritation to good use. You're on the right page.
Wondering where is the line between the wobbly and the predator?
Aren't predator and prey context specific? Aren't we all in different contexts both predators and prey?
You capture the machine very well. Really. But then aren't we all part machine?
Not finding excuses for anyone. There are people and organizations that are doing horrible acts. Truth, accountability and justice are a must. Forgiveness is a must, and it can only start by us forgiving ourselves.
Forgiving and accepting ourselves is critically important. We were born for good things!! And really didn't deserve any of the abuse done to us. There might be an existential reason and we CAN turn it into strength, but we never deserved to be abused. Only to be treated with LOVE.
@Marius ~ There may not be a line between us and the wobblyfolk and the predators, if you adopt the following perspective.
> "Selfishness is the source of all evil." ~ Nisargadatta
Perhaps everything we are experiencing (all the good and all the bad) simply lies on a continuum of the human experience . . . .
flowers in the wind, when sprayed with toxic chemicals, become toxic to those who eat them.
so it seems to me that our energy is most usefully spent if we disengage as much as we can from that deadly dynamic and find soil that isn't polluted. easier said than done, i know. but we aren't alone, even though a lot of the time it feels like we are.
and maybe it's time to do like dr. david martin has been suggesting and do some real building. like, with hammers and nails. or at least figuring out where we're going to get the nails and who's going to take turns hammering.
That is a rather perfect analogy!!! Flowers sprayed with pesticides... and of course they are trying to spray them on all flowers, literally and figuratively.
Agreed on the mails and hammering!!
I really appreciate you sharing this, it’s exactly how I’ve been feeling over the last few days... we’re gonna make it through the darkness I’m sure. Blessings to you and our fellow humans :)
Thank you Natalia!!! We will.
Forgiveness heals. It heals both the person who is forgiving, and the person forgiven. Failure to forgive means not only keeping yourself sick spiritually, but inflicting spiritual harm on someone else, interfering with their ability to relate to God's forgiveness.
We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it, turn away from the bad things, and let it be water under the bridge.
God has forgiven me, but some human beings refuse to do so. I am forgiven by the one Being Who truly matters in the long run. Who are we to refuse to forgive a person God has already forgiven? I am free to refuse the condemnation of someone for a sin Jesus already paid for, particularly when what I did had no real impact on someone else's life, but arises from a simple disagreement. We have to learn to agree to disagree. We have to learn to live and let live. It is not within my prerogative to build walls around other people's lives. Nor is it within the prerogative of anyone else to build a wall around me.
The problem of lack of forgiveness is especially egregious when the accused never did/said what he is accused of. This has happened to me frequently. It is an aggression and an attack on a human being made in God's image.
And so I strive always to forgive others, and pray that they will in turn forgive me.
I think it's impossible without prayer, so hugs to you. and let this mess pass the soonest!!
Thank you Tessa!
Forgiveness is the action of a heart (soul) filled with love. Only a loving heart can truly forgive. This forgiveness also ‘breaks’ the karmic cycle and will be no repetition in coming incarnations.
Your comment is interesting in light of Tessa's statement that we cannot reconcile with the predators in this lifetime.
Forgiveness is a divine act (from our divine Self) and the repercussions are immense, has the power to heal also.
A great book in this:
“The TAO of Forgiveness” by William Martin
One can wish another, who has commited wrong, even murder, "well", and can hold no animosity for that person (forgiveness?), while still taking steps within the structure of society to restrain that person, try that person, and facilitate societal acts which make a public example of the offender, "punish" him/her for the offense.
It's not "justice", as you point out, but it is often called that, and it's necessary for any society to attempt to manifest justice.
One might kill another person without malice when seeking only to prevent harm, perhaps on a NY subway, and then be tried for "manslaughter" in the "justice system". The Divine is never misled, and a fair number of people can recognize justice when they see it (though others are just spiteful/vengeful).
The current DoJ in the USA is a disgrace to the legal profession.
...but the Pride of organized crime...
Well said John, and they have to protect their own (scumbag Hunter, per sex club -Snctm - owner Damon Lawner) from rogue conspiracy theorists like Tessa. :-(
Beautiful words. Thanks for sharing.
Just look at how the comments lit-up. You hit a nerve--I mean you struck a chord! (Big difference there ;-)
I see these people as the adult children of alcoholics.
They aren't directly abusive, but have learned to placate the hard headed abusive system and it's leadership.
That's why a friend couldn't dare to think that her brother's lymphoma was caused by the jabs , even though the timing was spot on.
I told her about the Atlantic article of the doctor that got cancer from his latest booster and she felt like that's a rare story (even though it friggin happened to her brother!)
I had to look at her as a child to understand this illogical shit and not get angry.
In adults, I can't stand lack of common sense and sheer stupidity.
But seeing them as a child, makes it more understandable.
No wonder why the education system is the way it is... To keep kids from having freedom from having to "produce" -grades etc. This is what stunts them at a child level emotionally and intuitively.
Rob, I am very sorry about your friend's brother!!! And I agree, lots of people are stuck in the mind of a child, and looking at them as children is sensible, and it also helps to stay strong and sane.