Sometimes it is about picking your battles. In early 2024 I went back to Venice Beach California to show my older daughter the penthouse she grew up in, which she hadn't seen in 10 years or so. Our old neighbor still lived next door and he invited me and my two daughters in with open arms. I know he is Jewish and works in mental health services. He had in the past said things that made me feel that it was highly likely that we would be in strong and heated disagreement regarding both the Covid jabs and the Israel/Palestine issue. In this case I chose not to bring either up and we had a lovely dinner and night. He talked about old times and had a few old pictures of my daughter and introduced me to his wife, a lovely Chinese woman. We talked about affordability issues living in Venice and how many homeless were there during the Covid lockdowns and he cooed over how well behaved and beautiful both of my girls were (he had never met my younger daughter) as I chatted with his wife. It was a great night and we've been given a hearty invite back anytime which I'd like to take advantage of when the time is right. It doesn't always work to do things in this matter but sometimes you have to choose your battles...

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I hear you, Amy! I pick my battles also. And sometimes a deepened connection with something good in another person is the best victory!

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I feel for you in a dating situation though. I’d be trying to see where they stand on the jabs especially for obvious reasons. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable sleeping with someone jabbed. It’s different than an old neighbor or a roommate situation in that eventually it should go deep. So then it becomes how much is about exploring mutual attractions and deepening the connection before you get to really working on the hard stuff? It’s a challenge for the ages. Some bail right away and some suffer through. Others get past their differences

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A throw back to the good ol’ days when politics and religion were avoided.

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Your analogy of the individual as a sphere and the connections of those spheres is one of the best analogies of us as human beings that I have ever heard. May your profond healing light shine forth and may the divine always shine upon you. Thank you for your intelligent ,spirit filled analogies which poke beautiful holes in the chaos of the world.

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Thank you so much, Suzanne!! May your beautiful light shine forth, and the divine always shine upon you as well!

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Thank you for this very beautiful post, and thank you for sharing that soulful and haunting song.

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Thank you, J J! And we can thank Jeremiah for the song!

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Beautiful and timely.

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Thank you, Transcriber B!

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Beautiful, as ever. Thank you for your thoughtful insights, Tessa.

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Thank you, Metta!

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Right on! And our principal challenge seems to be: master our selves

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Thank you Tessa for talking about this in a way that makes it easier to digest. I’ve been aware of the puppet master, energy eating game for a while. The challenge I went through, still going through to some extent, is stepping out of the pull to fight “them.” Mostly because their game is a trigger for me. I had to clear much past trauma to really step out of the victim loop. That was overlaid on all the sundry triggers we all have, mostly somebody else’s issue imprinted in our space. That said, clearing the triggers and trauma IS my spiritual path, and has brought the most peace in my life.

Bonus points though for moving in and living with family, because right when you think your really above your trauma and triggers, some family member will rock you to your core. And if you live with them, you either spin in rage, run away, or see the opportunity for healing. There are a lot of teachings on this, some useful, most not, but the thing I had to learn for myself was to not engage in the fight. No matter how triggered I got, I would force myself to walk away and breath, then do something to quiet the mind spinning through arguments and blame. Usually a long hike in nature does the trick. The next step is to be aware of the trigger, and the underlying belief, and make a conscious decision to clear said belief. The vast majority of beliefs we get into fight over are not ours. This allows us a path to peace, versus constantly doom scrolling on X.

This is a process. It doesn’t always work as the triggers and trauma are too deep. That said, persistence and consistency are key. If you keep clearing, one day you wake up and find yourself not reacting like before. And that will be a truly beautiful day.

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the principle behind a church is that the power of prayer increases exponentially the more people are involved.

i think this also works when you get a bunch of wounded people together. it's a feast for the energy harvesters. easier said than done, but let's not feed the beast

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I think you are right!!!

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Tessa you continue to be a bright light in a dark world. This article brought to mind an encounter I recently had with an individual that I know and love deeply. During our otherwise cordial discussion she stated that she would hold anyone that didn’t vote in a particular way in the upcoming election personally responsible for the downfall of our nation. Obviously she was becked far into her idealogical corner and ready to fight.

Of course I did not comply with her desire to engage in an argument. Instead I just felt sad to witness someone I care about totally taken in by the tricksters. My feelings have not changed at all. I wish her the very best and I am determined to never let anyone convince me to turn against my fellow human beings. I think that my purpose in life is to be the best example I can possibly be. Like others I have certainly had my share and more of failures but I will not quit trying.

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What you said is so beautiful, William. I am grateful. And your friend is lucky to have your friendship!!

I have observed that the recipe could be "being grounded in one's real truth so solidly that other people's opinions don't shake you up. "Then loving others no matter their opinions does not lead to losing your own grounds. Big hugs to you!

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Well said. Thank you.

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Thank you, William!! xo

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Oh and the humans as Sphere's - yes! As an astrologer I feel this, too....all the different archetypes we are dancing with and expressing. We have dissonance within our own selves between aspects and also harmony and also polarization and stimulating aspects....and we all have Saturn in our charts somewhere (life lesson) and Uranus (trauma)...as well as a Spiritual side (Neptune) and a whole slew of other energies.....I have gotten pretty good at feeling what main signs/archetypes people I encounter have within them. My aspects interact with theirs and it's palpable! I always test it out - and ask people their birthdays so I can look them up and see if what I was feeling was true....it's a fascinating study, I have to say!

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Fascinating! I know nothing about astrology, so it sounds even more fascinating to me!!

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I love the sphere metaphor. Kind of a Venn Diagram of life. The more I hear of your life experiences and your reactions to them, the more I understand your focus on love. The energy of love has guided and nurtured your entire life and now you project that love to all. I’m going to start calling you the Ambassador of Love.

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Thank you, you are so kind, Mike!!! And I like that metaphor as well, it kind of came to me, I can't even take the credit. I think that visualizing our communications in this way may sometimes help us stay in charge or our reactions. When things come out, they were often in some way present all along, it's a matter of why it came out, and what we do with it.

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You also touched on the energy aspects. The sphere is also a good representation of the energy flows of those interfaces. Positive and dark energies intersect there. Positive drawn to negative and if you do not have a large pool of positive energy (love) then it is depleted or even subsumed by the dark. This weakens the individual and is also the conduit for those who wish dominion or harm upon us.

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Time for another Jeff Childers interview?

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Thank you for an excellent idea, Skeptic!

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I think the corrupt thinking of “the means justifies the ends” took over, became normalized. What started as a Marxist/Alinsky tool became a mainstream school of thought. Today the thinking by our “Overlords” is “by any means necessary to control and remain in power” which has also been adopted by cultural radicals. This I believe became the pathway to the evil we are experiencing today. Many other things are at play like Relativism, Wokeism, Sexual Predatory behavior becoming acceptable, abortion up to 9 months, etc. Now any tactic to disrupt, destroy, confuse, sicken, disarm, control, being lied to and many other similar tactics are being used to destroy us and our communities around us for the sake of power and control. Individually we must prepare for the worst and hope we survive. Head on a swivel and arming ourselves with the courage to stand strong against these forces or give in and be controlled and dominated. This is no longer America as we knew it. The Covid scam accelerated their coup and totalitarian control even they couldn’t have fathomed the ease to which people allowed them to do it, all over the world. Now it is up to us to push back against their overwhelmingly strong yet feeble attempts to stay in power. We are not the enemy, each other is not the enemy. We know who the enemy is and it’s not the myriad of factions at play such as all the differences of opinions, it’s the obvious push for ultimate control over everything we do and say by the powers that exist today. Each other are their prey.

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I completely agree, but what will we do with all the Trojans among each other who cooperate with and just pretend to be prey of the rationalist vandals? A very suitable like, by the way, to be included right here:


As their top-priority task, the radical joy specialists and other rationalist vandals want us to become unable to meaningfully communicate with each other, for example, and this way make us lose control of what they want to hijack from us, so via communication blockage in an addictive way they try to destroy our well-functioning communities first to break our resistance. The latter stage can't be done in public, of course, for that they need the means justify the ends in the shape of an authoritarian formal show, for example. That's my personal experience in Estonia, and the rest of what you've described is almost the exact copy here, because the US and Estonia are part of the same military block, I guess.

Regarding the post being commented on here, it pretty much sums up a few months of intense conversation, so before going offline for a while as it currently seems, let me sum it all up on my side, too. No offense, alright, that's just how I see and feel it according to my experiences, and it is important. No offense with everyone being very welcome to prove me wrong:

Although as a countermeasure against the satanic abuse of body and mind, it makes sense to e.g. avoid autism, cancer and suchlike by minimizing negative energy stress in our bodies, ignoring the severity of the whole problems as a whole we are dealing with, let alone letting down those who risk their lives or sacrifice their health for the common good, will most certainly make the problems we'll have to deal with much worse or likely unsolvable. If I were cooperating with the top-level rationalist vandals with the aim of compartmentalizing the dissidents in public, I would write articles exactly like this one, abusing the meaning of "divide and conquer" in order to interfere with keeping the rational vandals honest, for example. Fortunately, I don't belong to this club. The problem is that there is a positivist dogma inside - largely true, but full of small fatal security holes corresponding to the percentage play that I've paid a considerable amount of time to discuss already, so I assume that it doesn't need any further elaboration here. Positivism can be a trap, much like negativism. On the other hand, this club seems to have got the de-dominatoring part right, i.e. domination per se is usually the problem to deal with, not just a particular form of domination, so I give credit to them for that part of the story, speaking outside the domain of ball games and other reasonable exceptions of domination, of course.

Plain positivism (without reliability, percentage play and courage) won't suffice against rationalist vandalism, even if not being used to cover it up, and keeping the culprits accountable can't be a valid obstacle to stopping "divide and conquer" aggressions, obviously. Furthermore, sowing destruction among dissident camps by manipulating the meaning of one's language on ethical grounds is definitely not any way out of trouble, let alone a percentage play way out. In other words, we've got a Trojan here. All I can do for now is hope that it is accidental, but as I've kind of mentioned it before already, I am increasingly unsure of it.

As a concluding remark, let me point out that it all boils down to unreliability and the hypocritical usage of meaning again, being applied irresponsibly and destructively. That's largely the difference between the verifiable practice and yet another fraudulent theory. Lying about practice doesn't make anyone stronger on the inside in the longer run, and having been able to expose one more source of such destructive propaganda in the long run (or much sooner than that) is never a waste of time, so I am happy to have completed it finally before I go pretty much offline.

May such sources of radical joy and all the partial variations of this nature be healed with reliability (i.e. keeping the rhetoric reflect the real intent) and the other natural sources of soul health capable of providing all the natural joy among the many other inspiring emotions that we need for staying mentally strong and living a respectable and enjoyable life instead of frantic socializing. Until then, to be honest, what do we deserve?

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Thank you for saying that so eloquently about he supposed "spiritual battle of our time" - ugh - when I first heard someone say that a few years ago I just....did not. like it. It didn't sit right. And...I just didn't believe it! We are ALL souls living this three dimensional physical existence. That's what I believe anyway. And we all have our roles - I just have never subscribed to the belief that there are 'evil' souls. I believe we're all souls (souls are pure, uncorruptible, undamageable - I had a major active imagination that showed me this when I contacted what I've called my 'inner tortured guy' who has been filled with Rage (and sadness)) and we've agreed to play our roles 'good and bad and in between'...for a myriad of reasons including Experience....Earthly Experiences that change our Soul's Complexion... I often zoom out to that view when struck by the absurdity of what's going on right now....

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The people who want to steal energy and control this world are Evil. Or for those who don't like the word Evil they are successful narcissistic low empath psychopaths. I will just call them Evil

But what happens when Evil people , many of whom are billionaires and who are the top of Society are looked upon as Hero's and Saviors, and their Evil behavior is normalized as being acceptable and not Evil.

Wont the non-Evil people mimic their Evil Heroes and Saviors behavior and become Evil as well!

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