"not being able to see other kid's expressions due to the masks". Even when I believed that COVID was a lethal new virus with an extremely high R naught, because long ago I was a parent to 3 kids, I knew masking small kids was absurd. Given my current understanding that masks on adults don't even work and that kids very rarely get sick anyway, and that safe treatments are largely effective, this requirement seems to me criminal. But alas this whole bizarre theater is criminally operated. I mean, they just keep outdoing themselves - different PCR cycle counts for vaccinated and non-vaccinated??? They can get away with anything, it seems.

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But Tessa, as you correctly say in your interview, if folks pillars of beliefs are different than mine, then they in good conscience will consider my conclusions crazy. Based on that, the only way to get through is to improve the knowledge set. Haven't had much luck with that....

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This is exactly why I am leaving public education. The cognitive dissonance is more than I can handle

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It’s great you’re finding other musicians/artists to connect with — she’s got a lovely singing voice!

I can’t help but feel incredibly upset at artists & especially fellow musicians who completely bailed on what it means to perform music (in front of real people, not a webcam) and how essential that is for truly living, and they dropped it at the first sign of trouble and possible discipline by state authorities. All the artists who self-aggrandized and claimed during the Trump years (and well before) that they answer to a higher law than that of bureaucrats and that art transcends human laws, stuff like that — turns out they were just talking big, because as soon as a *slightly* higher % of people were getting sick & dying this year vs. last year and some soulless suits declared “Pandemic”, they hid in their homes and behind screens and helped perpetuate the awful idea that we “can’t” get together.

As a musician I’ve most looked up to the other musicians/artists I consider to be fearless: unafraid of death, unafraid of being crushed by oppression, unafraid of really *living*. I can’t think of anything LESS “rock and roll” than making crummy YouTube music videos where every band member is playing in their own home, followed by a strong message of “Stay Home and save lives, also you’re a contagious piece of shit so hide your face when interacting with strangers!”

All these hangups, and all this fear mongering & deference to authority are so antithetical to the purity of music & art in general, the way they speak to our souls on such a primal level and remind us of the things all the advancements of civilization/medicine have obscured — namely that we’re part of this world (not unlike a virus is), we’re all alive for a short time and then we die, and nothing lasts forever.

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Anais is stunning!!!!! And I hear you, I also think that artists have a duty to investigate the world and defend spiritual freedom and dignity. Artists promoting social distancing.... yikes!!!! It's not like the information is not out there. One can get curious and actually, I don't know... follow the science... which is in no contradiction with the heart as far as the safety of human contact is concerned.

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Indeed. Maybe I’m just too rigid (I’d call it “principled” but I’m certainly mule-like in my stubbornness haha), but even if “the science” isn’t in favor of human connectivity and enjoying each other’s company, it’s better IMO to reject it and face the consequences. Letting science even hold sway one way or the other over fundamental living/spiritual matters feels like a sure way to let our lives become cheapened into intersecting data points, and interactions — in all their beauty & complexity — reduced to transactions subject to cost/benefit analysis.

Maybe I’m just too much of a romantic in that I’d rather get sick being with people than be healthy without them, and I make a point of refusing any notion (“scientifically proven” or not) that might remotely change that about me. It’s irrational when I put it like that (basically high treason in today’s world) so I certainly don’t get much buy-in from other people, but to me the alternative is subjecting my personality and my soul to fast-evolving data like I’m some kind of machine. Not very enticing for me, at least.

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My outrage at what I believe to be the perfidy of the state is very small potatoes compared to the horror and anguish I would feel today as a parent of young children. Parents without exceptional means are very vulnerable to the state. Kids need kids, and almost all Parents have to struggle to stay afloat and consequently have few alternatives. The system is getting progressively more disfigured.

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I agree!

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I've been trying to make sure people keep getting hugs since this nonsense started. Refuse to let go of our humanity. Thanks for this video Tessa, will share it with folks I know who have kids, I know they'll appreciate it.

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Thank you!!!

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