Smart words:

"“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

Hehaka Sapa, Oglala Lakota Holy man

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Well, on my way to God in the sky, I also encountered the tree of life and the angel of death.. First I kicked the tree a little and then Azrael said: Are you afraid to touch it too (that is, the tree of life) in response I said to Azrael that if I touch it, something bad might happen, but the angel of death kept secrets and I touched the tree of life and then continued my way to the seven heavens! Anyone who thinks that all people succumbed to death because of touching my hand during Covid is very wrong and according to the king, if you want to seize my hand or take my hand from


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Great share! Thank you, Tessa!

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Thank you, Jeryl! xo

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This is great. Thanks to Kevin for putting the poem and the song back together. A shaman once told me that the world is in turmoil because the poem and the song have been pulled apart. They were originally one. I don't understand exactly what he meant, but I believe the law used to be a song. As long as the law was a song that everyone knew, justice reigned. And all the fictive writ that lawyers produce today, reams and reams of paper, is essentially bad poetry that has no song to go with it. I would also include a lot of academic writing and scientific writing in the category of bad poetry.

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Wow, I like the way you put it! Thank you. And yes, Kevin is amazing.

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Is it possible to heal without admitting that we are hurting? We are all hurting, whether we admit it or know it, or not. But it is very humbling to admit it, to drop the social masks we all have learnt to wear and reveal our broken hearts, for all to see.

If we could all do this, if all of humanity could do this, if it could let go of its defenses and reveal its profound and universal vulnerabilities, a healing of the heart and peace would naturally follow.

But we first have to shed our tears, and be authentic with each other, be humble, be real. We are all broken, we are all in pain, we are all suffering, let's start with this, without blame or judgment, without pointing fingers at anyone, without seeking "justice" or retribution. Healing is not about justice, but about mending wounds.

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Thank you, and Kevin is amazing!

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Thank you, but know, "that prayers without faith are futile wanderings in the mind." :)

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When you personally pray, do you have faith?

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I do. I know. I know because I have seen miracles. You have too. People from "pampered upbringings" seek faith. People from the gutter have it naturally or we would never get out. Some people pray to be seen. Who prays when nobody is watching, or when everything is going great? Not many, they only call when in trouble. I call always.

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I am learning for myself that the sentiment of assuming that others are misguided, too broken, and so on, is a way of mind control, too. Pain-driven mind control. I assume that everyone is capable. If I see anyone who I think has a challenge, and they ask for my opinion, I would give them my opinion. I write to give my opinions, obviously. But I know with certainty that everyone is capable and, now or later, will do what's in their best interests, and by God, all of us have a spark. No one is too stupid, or too this, or too that, we are all God's spark.

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What I am saying is that people "pray" but they don't really have faith and a testament to that is their deeds. One can "pray" all they like and have a dark heart, therefore their prayers are just futile. Can people change? Sure. To deny that would be to deny the Power of All Mighty God. Are all people stupid? No, but a lot of them are or we wouldn't have nothing to write about. The shortcomings of others is what drives us to do better. How so? As examples of what not to do. As examples of "our favor" because we are not like them. Goodness carries a reward, "favor." Sometimes we forget, and we are reminded by the lives of others. :)

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Thank you, Jean-Baptiste! I think I understood you correctly (or close). What I mean is that the observer effect needs to be taken into consideration, ad the spiritual path that I try to walk is simultaneously having situation awareness and no arrogance whatsoever because, the way I perceive reality, we are all God's energy, no one is better, no one is worse, we are all the same thing. You are me, I am you, but because it can get overwhelming to the senses, we have this game. And in this game, situational awareness is important, but also watching out for not letting our lack of faith in other people ability to be their best selves influence their ability to be their best selves. You know what I mean?

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Yep, I know what you mean. But know, don't take my "rough words" to heart, I often type them while smiling. I'm a humble soul, just rough. :) Your words hold value...

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People aren’t basically stupid…they… like all of us are…sinful…evil human beings! We don’t think we are… until we measure our thinking ….deeds and lives… against the perfect standard.. of good…God Almighty's standard! It is there we see how very sinful we all are! Change only comes… when we are made right… in Gods sight.. through faith… in Jesus Christ! He alone gives true peace and joy…through faith in Him…and His cross work! He alone offers forgiveness…abundant life…and everlasting life! Without Him we’re like

The blind leading the blind…raging waves of the sea…forming up shameful deeds and corrupt minds! Jude 1:13

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@Lorraine I think that concept was invented by those who tried to get people far away from the actual God. You and I may disagree, which is fine, of course, and at the end of the day, God is unknowable to human beings, so we can only be feeling and guessing what God wants (and books are published by people, it has always been the case). That said, it is good to have an honest exchange!

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I love it!

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