Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thanks Tess. I'm with you on the ' I don't like being sarcastic about nature being poisoned '

I worked for parks and environment as a contractor for revegetation and weed control back in the early 1990s. When I worked out that there was nothing we could do to stop the capitalists poisoning EVERYTHING ( with the blind consumers not giving a shit) I gave up hope

In the world being able to survive such an unenlightened creature that is man. What animal poisons itself and the world for a lollypop. I want. Gimme now. Me big boy.

I spent the last 30 years drinking myself to near death. Got sober now with hope after people finally waked up- only took genocides in plain site for the dummies. This is a cleansing of stupidity. Idiot people did this to themselves with their spending choices, and choice to pick the low hanging fruit. Sorry.. got a bit emotional cos nature is all and everything. Dumb science, dumb tech. Dumb humans.

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Thank you, Justin, your words are very powerful, nothing to be sorry about. And big hugs to you!!

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History channel is running a 2nd How Food Was Made, The first was an eye-opener, but the 2nd is worse, brainwashing via TV. All I saw was junk food, being made, that turned kids and adults into sick people. Since its inception, more chems, dyes, and GMO products have been added. I taste the metal of the cans, especially in food. Bought a small bunch of bananas last Friday, on the green side, half of them were black inside. And turned spotted yellow in 3 days. Those packaged baby carrots you snack on have been full of Slimy water.

We became addicted and lazy about preparing meals from fresh foods.

Biden is killing off 'feral COWS, Kill order for New Mexico feral cows issued by US officials - ABC News


Scanning the news ran across what looked like a nonsense article on why the Shortages of Tampons and pads, turms out the drought in Texas's devastation destroyed the cotton fields of TEXAS. Our biggest producer. MSM HIDES THE INFO. ANOTHER DUST BOWL.

Heffington’s farm is about 40 miles northwest of Lubbock in the state’s High Plains, an area that stretches from Lubbock to the tip of Panhandle and covers 42 counties. The region produces an abundance of cotton and cottonseed, accounting for 66% of the state’s total yield. It’s more than a third of the nation’s total crop. It’s 4% globally.

Texas’ cotton industry is facing its worst harvest in years — costing…


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I see the NYT is still pushing the idea that distrust of government is (1) a Very Bad Thing, and (2) is strictly associated with those evil deplorable MAGA-hat-wearing right-wingers. I'm old enough to remember when lefties put "QUESTION AUTHORITY" bumper stickers on their VW vans, but now these same people are totally fine with the authoritarians. (I used to think of myself of as leftie, too, but now I seem to be politically homeless.)

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I would be hilarious if it weren't so say. Seriously, since when, in what they tell us is "our democracy," questioning authority is a bad thing?

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, I agree. "Distrust of government" is now some kind of sin to them. Ironic, since the same EPA stood there at ground zero at 9/11 and said the air was safe to breathe. It wasn't and many NY-ers got very ill and died from the poison air. Short memory at the NY Times.

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"Short memory at the NY Times." And apparently among millions of New Yorkers.

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"We're all right wingers now." And "W" is a liberal.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

lots to share

Why did the CDC update its page for vinyl chloride nearly two weeks before the Ohio train derailment? The CDC edited its profile for vinyl chloride just recently, removing a section on how the chemical affects children.https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/cdc-updates-profile-vinyl-chloride-before-ohio-train-derailment


the east palestine ohio fire dept was pushing digital health ID, including for issues of "difficulty breathing" in oct 2022


and both dewine in ohio and shapiro in pa signed off on the burn https://thepostmillennial.com/we-made-the-decision-gov-dewine-admits-he-and-gov-josh-shapiro-signed-off-on-controlled-burn-in-east-palestine

Sherri Tenpenny recommends zeolite, NAC, Milk thistle (for liver) https://drtenpenny.com/poisoncontrol/

greg reese on predictive programming https://gregreese.substack.com/p/predictive-programming-and-the-ohio

john trudel on east palestine https://jtrudel.substack.com/p/487cadee-2798-4300-8787-c788df71f5c4


a video timeline https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/02/14/video-timeline-of-east-palestine-ohio-chemical-disaster/comment-page-1/


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Thank you!! All great links!!!

About the Digital ID, they are pushing for those everywhere, so that in itself might have been a coincidence (maybe, maybe not). The CDC though.... I meant to include it and forgot to add it last minute. Thank you for pointing that out!

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The NYT really is a joke. Right wing this, misinformation that. Then they just print the unquestioned propaganda of the establishment, as news. The sad thing is the coastal snobs that still read that fish wrap think they are sophisticated and well informed. I'd say thick chemical clouds and spilled toxic chemicals would require extensive testing, and done over time before we know the true ramifications. Not the NYT, the EPA says its all clear, so that means it is, and anything else is right wing misinformation. Send this "reporter" there and have him drink a glass of tap water, maybe camp for the weekend within a mile of the burn sight, and live off the land. Do that, maybe id believ a word this fool printed. These corporate media drones just keep insisting that people not believe there lying eyes, how long can they exist with this strategy???

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

W h a t ?? "A chemical odor lingers because people can smell the contaminants even when they are far below hazardous concentrations, according to the agency". That is absolutely profoundly backwards. At least, for the chemicals Chris Martenson went over in a recent video, from at toxicology perspective, they were toxic way way way below what could be smelled .. the point was if you smell it its beyond toxic already.

And isn't it extra painful, after 2 - 3 years of useless (or mostly useless) mask theater - near the chemical burn, there are no serious respirators, (besides The Highwire reporter). Residents lining up for a town hall, no P100 + masks. No one should even be near there, but at least that small thing, could have been given. No, actually, everyone should have been evacuated for a long distance, and good masks given much farther away.

No, actually, it should not have been burned. To avoid "Shrapnel" going for about a mile? Evacuate the mile. Wow.

Love you, Tessa.

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Love back at you, Ellen!! xoxo

And you are right!!! I didn't even think about the mask aspect of it, you are so right!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes. No masks. No FEMA. No Sierra Club. No buy anything "authorities" say.

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Poisoning has become normalized. Just a small example: in my suburban area nearly everyone sprays their lawns with pesticides, from March until November. They use landscaping companies that are required to put up a yellow sign that says "Warning Pesticide" so the whole neighborhood has these little signs. You can't walk five feet without the acrid, disgusting smell of lawn chemicals. Businesses even spray. When it rains, the chemical smells emanate from the ground. You can see kids and pets playing on the poison grass.

In the past decades, I've noticed that there are fewer birds, insects, and general overall life forms. So it makes total sense that the same establishment who has normalized everyday poisoning says that the air is totally safe to breathe 'even though there might be an acrid smell of chemicals.' It is all so horrifying.

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Wow, this is so heartbreaking, I didn't realize how widesspread it was in the suburbs. I guess, in New York where I am they just spray without signs... (which they do, of course)

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

It seems to be the landscaping companies trying to make the lawns look a certain way to please the customer. I talked to the guy who mows my lawn about it. He said the chemicals make his guys sick. Even amongst the homes that don't use landscapers, I see people out there spraying. I just can't wrap my mind around how crazy it is. It does seem to be a normalization of poison and a progressive desensitization of living in a chemical soup.

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It is crazy. People could be growing food instead...

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Clarified butter (ghee) has been shown in a study to be able to remove dioxin. FYI: In one study with 88 subjects, 48 of them underwent a 7-day detox of ingesting ghee (clarified butter) while on a no fat, meat or dairy diet. The researchers measured 9 different environmental PCB dioxin toxins and 8 pesticide toxins.

They saw a significant reduction in the 9 PCBs and the 8 pesticides after the 7-day ghee protocol: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12233802/

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Thank you, Roman!!

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For sure! I'm not sure how feasible it is to detox dioxin, but these studies showed some promise. The cow really is holy (: Plus grassfed butter has DHA - which allows our bodies to regenerate by using our own DC electricity: https://open.substack.com/pub/romanshapoval/p/the-best-brainfood?r=1iykap&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

That's very interesting. I know fats, lipids, are used to stop poisonings, in cats for example. This seems a new and interesting field of study.

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Celia, thank you for sharing this. Ghee would seem like a double-edged sword, as dioxin accumulates in fats, but the fat that we get from animals can save us. Grassfed cows could be the ticket. I'll be looking into this further, as I am fascinated with how DHA from grassfed butter can help the cytokine/stress response in our bodies.

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What we are being told/sold to manufacture our consent is pure unadulterated BS. How far we have fallen. Protests at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial are not going to change this. We need more fundamental change at grassroots level.

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Ver good post.

I still have some doubts about the reality of this. But I wonder if the people who say "there is no problem, I have friends there and they tell me there is no problem, it's another psyop" would admit they are wrong if they are proven wrong?

Having said that, people have taken a like to video pranks. Like posting a video from 2010 in a lake showing weird stuff, and pretending it is from this event. And other things, like pretending deers are losing their antlers because of this. Wolves and bears and insects don't eat the antlers. And, as part of their growth, some animals leave things behind as the roam the forests. Due to all that, there may be pranks linked to this disaster.

So I'm not 100% convinced. More like 98.5% convinced. But it is a good comparison between the disaster in the USSR almost 40 years ago, and the current situation. Authoritarianism always lies, it is always absurd, it always brings forth the worst of every individual, unless the individual refuses to allow their sacred souls to be corrupted by power.

Much respect, Tessa. Keep speaking up. You rock!

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Prank-sharing might itself be a part of cover-up psyop: flood the ether with confusing messages, poison the infowell so to speak, so nobody knows what to believe. Tried & true propaganda tactics. You don't need to persuade per se, you only need to sow uncertainty & scepticism, so ppl just give up trying to figure stuff out.

How deep does the rabbit hole run? Me happens to wonder 🤔🤦

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Very good point!

I always recommend to be skeptical of skepticism.

Or sceptical of scepticism, if you prefer that.

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

I very much prefer skeptical (for it echoes my native tongue)—but the frickin' spellchecker is of firm British English persuasion, and stubbornly keeps adding those red wiggles I passionately detest 😁

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British English spellcheckers are the worst!

What person in her right mind would write "programme" with those useless "m" and "e" at the end?


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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

I dare to respectfully disagree 😝 I can see non-zero utility in differentiating between programme and program in BrE—which AmE lacks 😇

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Tell me more, I don't get it.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

It is a really really big deal .. see the highwire last week, they sent someone to OH (with an actual respirator. ) The pictures from the sky. True sometimes random pictures float around without origin. But this is really big. Dioxins. . .

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If this is later shown to be false by people not dying or not becoming ill, can you imagine yourself admitting to being wrong?

I say this because the exploitation of our pessimistic bias seems to be a favorite tactic of the enemey in this psychological war.

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I think the reality is, we don't know anything for sure, and we can just accept it as a constant in our lives. Anything is possible theoretically, but practically, it seems like there is, as of this second, a bunch of evidence to the effect that it did happen, and that it is disastrous. Time will tell (or maybe it won't). But it is also true that the amount of poison is tremendous, for many reasons, and we need to survive anyway.

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Crossing my fingers and toes so that people's livers can process those poisons. I prefer laborious survival to confirmation+hysteria+death, if those are the only two choices.

What a nice occasion for people to find a real cure for cancer, in spite of their enemies.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa are you and your mom ok? staying in?

some water bottled before 2/6/2023 maybe?

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Yes, thank you!!! As far as bottled water (and produce, and eggs), this thing just seems like a total disaster, in addition to of course being a disaster to people actually on Ohio.

I hope you are doing okay, too!!! Hugs!!

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Also, this has class-action lawsuit written all over it, no? Anyone with legal expertise know where to begin?

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Does anyone have any guidance on how to properly measure one's local soil / air / water? I'm waiting to get ahold of someone at Biochar Now.

I live in Rochester, NY and it seems fairly certain that the cloud from that burn did travel over this area. (Rochester is 60 miles east of Buffalo and on the other side of Lake Ontario from Toronto.)

Apologies if this was covered already. There's just so much information and it's a bit overwhelming.

I see 2 links from @nymusicdaily below for remedies, and I've seen Tessa's re-posts about water filtering, but if anyone can point to any other treatment resources, can you share them?

My 5 year-old daughter had uncontrollable coughing fits a few days after the burn, and I've had mild headaches and - before I knew anything about the vinyl chloride - an odd feeling that I'd eaten plastic.

I've thought about contacting the local Department of Health to ask "What are you doing to ensure the safety of our soil / air / water?" but given their response to covid I hardly have high hopes for anything resembling competence.

Lastly, should any of us attempt to organize all the best info we have into some kind of master document that we can spread around? This is clearly going to affect millions of people.

Anyone's welcome to DM me on Twitter @sabyrk_ (with an underscore at the end)

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Saby, I am so sorry about your daughter's coughing fits and your own feeling unwell!! The bastards don't care about how any of us feels, do they?

I am making plans to interview Nikki (the wonderful human being who knows a lot more about soil purification than I do, and who sent an email recommending Biochar Now). I think it will be a tremendously useful interview.

Air filters for your house are probably a very good idea.

Before you look into my common sense thoughts about detoxing, please check the safety for kids. NAC / milk thistle is supposed to be good for liver. Drinking a lot of (clean) water is considered helpful. Colonics (sorry) are supposed to be very good to take out the toxins of different kinds. Also Zach Bush says that his products help the body fight glyphosate, I heard lots of good things about his products, maybe can't hurt.

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Thank you - it could be a lot worse. I just hate the idea that something serious could be lurking health-wise for so many people (not the least being my daughter) if we don't get pro-active.

THANK YOU for posting these resources!!

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Basic primer on dioxin "for people who are new to dioxin but suddenly find themselves having to know a lot really quickly": https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/dioxin-resources-page-for-citizens#details

(I haven't vetted any of the info, but this looks promising.)

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Thank you, yes, Eric did a great job. I linked to it in the article, too.

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Ah, sheesh. Apologies for the redundancy. I need to slow down and slow-chew the info. Listening to Eric's "basic intro" audio segment now.

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No worries at all!! There is so much going on!!

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Great piece of writing Tessa. Your unique perspective, bright mind and command of language really shine today.

Thank you.

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Thank you, Bacon Commander!! xoxo

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I'm a bit annoyed that people aren't running their own tests.

I keep seeing the same videos of the river and dead fish... Ok yes, get results... Don't believe the agencies to be honest with testing!

Also the irony of Chernobyl is that at least they evacuated that and relocated people.

A kid in my high school got relocated and they gave people special medical care.

What do the people in East Palestine etc get? Nothing. They gotta find lawyers etc.

Again, why the heck am I not seeing test results to secure a chain of evidence?

It reminds me of the Twitter files: proof by screenshots, except this time it's videos.

People, get data!

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After Chernpbyl, they relocated people but it was not completely immediate. And I agree, running tests would be a very good idea on every front!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Since I am at a total loss for my own unique words on this horror show, I'll just drop this quote here, written more than a couple of decades ago by the inimitable Wendell Berry.

“We Americans are not usually thought to be a submissive people, but of course we are. Why else would we allow our country to be destroyed? Why else would we be rewarding its destroyers? Why else would we all — by proxies we have given to greedy corporations and corrupt politicians — be participating in its destruction? Most of us are still too sane to piss in our own cistern, but we allow others to do so and we reward them for it. We reward them so well, in fact, that those who piss in our cistern are wealthier than the rest of us.

How do we submit? By not being radical enough. Or by not being thorough enough, which is the same thing.”

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

And here is the root cause that underscores the tiresome lather, rinse, repeat cycle of "unforeseeable" tragedies such as 9/11, Deepwater Horizon, Exxon Valdez, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, and most recently, poor Palestine:

“...once we build beyond a human scale, once we conceive ourselves as Titans or as gods, we are lost in magnitude; we cannot control or limit what we do. The statistics of magnitude call out like Sirens to the statistics of destruction. If we have built towering cities, we have raised even higher the cloud of megadeath. If people are as grass before God, they are as nothing before their machines....

Wendell Berry ~ The Unsettling of America

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Both are such poignant quotes. Thank you, Neo!!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The irony is not lost on me that I have submitted these poignant quotes within the very belly of the Machine that we are "nothing" before. We humans are such contradictions!

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I think that the entire "system" is a joke, but since we are here, and this is the only world we have at is moment, we do what we can!!! I mean how else do we go about our lives? it is good to say, drop everything, live off grid, toss your phone in the ocean (wait what about toxic chemicals in the phone?) And in some cases, going off grid may be the best option. But I think that if we get to a point of commissars expropriating property (I hope we won't), they can find people off grid and take their stuff anyway. So it's a matter of making choices that make sense to a person making them, in the moment the choice is made. That's the only thing we have!!!! And in a way, this is the way the world has always been, except now, it's run by crazy power-hungry maniacs.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Maybe "American Chernobyl" is a misnomer. Wasn't Chernobyl an accident? Some say -- and multiple data points indicate -- East Palestine was no accident. This podcast has a ton of interesting information from intelligent folk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcWOeYlR3w0

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In my last link (to Chernobyl), there is a pointer to a theory that maybe, Chernobyl was not an accident. I am humble about this, I will probably never know for sure. But it seems logical....


Here is the direct link


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Agree regarding the podcast. Found it very provocative.

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