The ACLU is the ACLU in "name only." It is otherwise philosophically unrecognizable from even 20 years ago.

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Unfortunately that's true!!

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I suspect many of their most important donors threatened to withdraw funding unless the ACLU got in line with the mainstream narrative. Certainly the ACLU's change of position is not justified on grounds of civil rights or personal liberties. Your characterization of their tweet as "going full Orwell" is spot on.

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Corruption is a powerful motive.... and thank you!!

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This is excellent. You did it perfectly.

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Thank you James!!

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I was just now writing about something very similar, thinking about how officials had embraced an irrational containment strategy of lockdowns, barriers, closures and restrictions and the only treatment they offered was a 2020 version of the iron lung. They are coming at this with force. No understanding. No science. Your friend saw the face of the Machine. But his injuries are being hidden and explained away. This week the Machine is trying to stop people from accessing life saving medicines. It worked before with HCQ and Trump. So they are trying the same script with ivermectin and Joe Rogan. That can't land as well. Their lies are falling apart and soon everyone will see them for what they are.

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In the early 70's my college peer group thought of the ACLU as the protectors of fairness. Another acronym goes bust. As for our situation today, many like me have been wondering what it's gonna take before folks wise up to the lies. I have been hearing the phrase "pandemic of the unvaccinated" again. Remarkable. I had previously reluctantly come to the conclusion that it would be the immediacy of harm. Sadly, very sadly, this seems to be true for your friend.

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Right on, sister.

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Thank you Casey!

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Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy reading your message. Keep the faith. Spread the Love.

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Thank you!!! We need the Love!!

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There might be a few civil libertarians who are still a part of that organization, but the ACLU as a whole is clearly no longer interested in promoting civil liberities.

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Seems to be this way...

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If you're interested outside of this particular context, the story of their role in Charlottesville and especially what happened in the aftermath is pretty illuminative.

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The one-size-fits-all disaster response package is the ratchet to total and finely granular control of the minds , bodies and resources existing on our fair planet.

Any disaster will do, really...

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Yes indeed!

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I'd look to see where their major donors get their money. And, as a fallback, this: "Second, the state, by its very nature, takes a centralized approach to solving problems. It is true that a welfare state is not necessarily a completely centralized state. The USA and the Federal Republic of Germany—both of which are welfare states—have substantial federal structures, and these federal structures can lead to competition in regulations and in dealing with the source of a mass hysteria, which leads to better solutions. Moreover, the existence of competing states on the international level allows experimenting with different solutions. During the COVID-19 crisis, for instance, the approach of Sweden provided evidence of the results of alternatives approaches [76]. Generally speaking, the more decentralized the political structure, the more intense the possible competition.

In any case, the state, by its very nature, deals with the source of a hysteria, such as the perceived threat of a deadly virus, in a centralized way. The state is the monopolist of coercion in a given territory [77]. As the state imposes its solution to the problem, there is no or only very limited experimentation of alternative ways to solve the problem. People that oppose the state´s approach to the problem because they have not succumbed to the hysteria are suppressed. They cannot demonstrate alternative ways to solve the “crisis”, as these alternative ways are prohibited by the state. When alternatives are ruled out, groupthink increases. Groupthink is a psychological force that fosters consensus, suppressing dissent and the evaluation of alternatives to the collective narrative. Groupthink has been considered responsible for political fiascos such as the Vietnam War or the Watergate coverup by Irving Janis [78]. Lockdowns during the COVID-19 crisis may be another fiasco candidate as their effectiveness is disputed [79,80]. Group pressure can modify and distort judgments as has been shown by the Ash experiments [81]. The human inclination toward conformity aids hysteria spread. Indeed, groupthink helps to explain the phenomenon of mass hysteria [82]. Mass hysteria can be considered to be a form of groupthink [83]. Due to group pressure and groupthink, hysteria feeds itself, as no alternatives are shown to people. The information necessary to address the problem cannot be generated in a decentralized way in the market, which is a problem inherent in socialism [84]." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7913136/ So, perhaps more socially-enforced conformity...

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The true nature of the mindset behind the ACLU can be easily discerned by examining the name itself:

Civil: of, or relating to citizens or to the state as a political body

Liberties: freedom of thought and action as defined by the state

Union: a collective of like-minded humans organized for legal and political purposes

In other words, the ACLU is an organization sanctioned by the state to tell its' citizens (who are regarded as state property) what the word "liberty" means within the framework of state law.

"It means whatever we want it to mean and we can change it anytime we deem it necessary."

The state, being based on the anti-human, insane concept of authoritarian rule has always been Orwellian and always will be. Somehow we all hold this notion that it can be "done right"? As if this nutty idea that one human being (or group) rightfully owns (controls) another by means of superior deadly force is going to result in anything but human tragedy on a grand scale.

Crap in, crap out, folks. Our demented merry-go-round goes on. There can be no solution that does not take into account the original source code.

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The illustration for ACLU Opinion piece in the New York Times is hurting my brain. What the hell are we looking at there?

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Pretty simple really, HOV-- it's an amorphous, fat human with no head or brain riding blindly, facing backwards on a gene therapy syringe which is breaking through the constitutional chain that was designed to keep the state apparatus in check but now has been completely broken.

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Okay, I can work with that. Thanks EAP.

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Tessa:”Generally speaking, philosophy is where my mind is at..”. Me personally, I have problems to shift my brain in higher gear. It is not easy to get detox/deprogrammed( older). All this chlorine, fluoride, chemicals, metals in our drinking water and other crap in our food…Am I Zombie? Who is telling us that junk food is good for us? Bankers front mens? Now, we aren’t sitting in coffee house, somewhere in Vienna around 1900? Golden age of human brains? That brainstorming was tolerated inside Habsburg monarchy, but not much outside? Easy peasy, just find some hot bloodied, would be revolutionaries( Gavrilo Princip and team members). And give them 10 brand new shiny FN Brownings, Model 1910, some sandwich money and New Unordered World is settled…. Cheap “Regimes change” for them? In muddy(sick) water is profit… Sadly, materialism beats spiritually to oft ( just add fluoride). Uups, Graphite…

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Thanks for this! I first heard this PDF mentioned on the Liberty Lockdown podcast. Curious, did you learn about it from there as well?


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Thank you! No, I saw it on Twitter somewhere but it wasn't this podcast.

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