What incredibly beautiful words. Thank you so much.

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Thank you, Zoë!! xoxo

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I tried a bunch of times to do an annual subscription but it keeps screwing me around - first declining, then making me do like a thousand captcha's and in the end, declining my card! Can I send you an e-transfer?

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Thank you, Zoë!! Oh wow, I didn't know about this issue, thank you for letting me know! I will email you.

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Thanks - it could be just because it's me - I objected to Substack maintaining my cc info but I thought they told me too bad - maybe I'm being punished?

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Oh, Tessa, your heart and your voice are so beautiful and filled with light.

I can't wait to listen to the interview.

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Thank you, Sheila!!! xoxoxo

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I have a vivid example triggered by your words...

I remember as a toddler a kind adult bending down to tie my shoelace. I got an incredible, warm fuzzy feeling of being loved and cared for in the pit of my stomach that buzzed and permeated through my whole being. Lovely!

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That is a beautiful story!!! Sometimes the smallest act of love and understanding make the sun shine on us, and it makes such a difference!

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Love is the answer!

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It is important to be loved as a young child. Bullies were stupid. I would explain that. I would get punched, and I would fight back. (Bullies grew faster than I did, and came in 2s and 3s, so I ran through the forest sometimes)


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I can relate! :-)

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Tessa it was my great joy and pleasure to catch the radio show :)

You mentioned that the middle managers (politicians, bureaucrats etc) are more afraid of their bosses than they are of us and I agree 100%. So how does this relate to the idea that the depopulation crew are different from the covid-industrial complex? Are the various teams siloed to the point where nobody sees what the other group is doing?

You brought up another issue I had not considered which is that if you feel love for yourself, you feel compelled to give that love to others. Seems to me, tragically, that you are in the minority and that in general people become hoarders of self-love. they overdose on it. I think that's the scarcity myth taken to its sick logical conclusion.

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As far as self-love, my person definition is that self-love is synonymous with understanding of your soul's purpose on this planet. If a person understands it, it is almost automatic that one would love oneself, and in the state of loving yourself, it is much easier to be kind to others from the position of strength.

That is very different from selfishness, which expresses itself as "being dicks to others." Selfishness is kind of self-love but not a very elevated kind, and it may have nothing to do with understanding one's soul.

What is your observation?

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i think what you call "self-love," i would call "self-actualization." a truly self-actualized person (who has done the hard inner work and reflection and seeks to understand what their purpose here is) would not be a dick to other people and would want the spread the love around...

self-love can also be...ummm...something a selfish person would do alone ;)

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It has been my observation that in most cases where self-actualization is for real, self-love, self-respect, and total respect for other people's souls is almost automatic. The thing is that self-actualization doesn't work very well from theory, it has to come from within as a very strong desire and a lot of work. Our society, going back centuries, is trying to beat the internal knowledge out of people and shame them for it, so it's difficult, like it is difficult for the grass to grow through asphalt. The society is ruled by maniacs!! But the grass still grows, and grows, and eventually breaks through the asphalt.

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ok, my understanding of self-actualization is a 100% internal thing. maybe i need a new term, it has been hijacked and then monetized by a lot of people who I suspect are not very well self-actualized themselves!!

relates to alicen's post today https://alicengrey.substack.com/p/virtuous-blindness-why-the-third

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Thank you!! And sorry I am just responding now, I wanted to think this through as this is such a complex mosaic of everything!

I think that the middle managers on the level of even country presidents are more afraid o the mafia that has them by the balls than they are of their own constituents. They used to have to pretend to care about the people, that ended in 2020. I think the depopulation crew is tight and small, and I think we are also looking at some older documents (like the famous 1974 report). By now, it is maybe only in Africa that the population is actually growing significantly, in the so called developed countries the problem is that there are more and more old people and not enough young people, and even fewer young people in good health (and the robots, hype notwithstanding, are not very good, so as much as they want to replace pesky people with obedient robots, they can't do it very well at this time). They are probably after Africa at this point mostly in terms of trying to control the population growth, while continuing to rob the continent and loot the riches into their shameless pockets.

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my sense is that the core cabal (hardcore psycho genocidal fanatics) is very small. including the first layer out - central banksters, silicon valley velvet mafia, the crew who go to all the event 201's - and i don't think we're looking at more than 10k people. maybe as few as 5k.

did we ever talk about Stephen J. Shaw's documentary Childless World? https://rumble.com/v2okppk-birthgap-childless-world-by-stephen-j.-shaw-part-1.html

he unpacks the ongoing global population decline - and all this is public data so it's impossible that the weffies aren't aware of it. just as you mentioned, most of the world is not reproducing at replacement level and hasn't been for quite awhile

here's a good tara henley interview with the filmmaker https://tarahenley.substack.com/p/a-childless-world#details

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Sep 8, 2023Edited
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Jesus commanded us to lie others as ourselves. The unspoken, but obvious next statement is that we must learn to love ourselves. Today,we have far too much evidence that part has never been understood at all, and people ARE loving others just as they do themselves, which is not at all. The "self" is the essence of who you are, warts and all. The " love" here is agape, the Godly love, but that love does not extend to condoning everything about us, it involves correcting the warts. The closest human equivalent is "tough love". You can't live another unless you can first love yourself despite the imperfections, but that doesn't' mean you don't work at correcting them, to become the "self" Yhwh God created you to be, how He sees you through the blood of Jesus hen you have been redeemed. Those who never paise or thank Him, or speak of loving Him, may not be among the redeemed, but again, this love is not the eros or philios we share between ourselves and fellow humans either. The "universe" isn't a living entity, so not capable of giving or receiving love. And once again, if one doesn't properly love oneself, there can be no love for anyone or anything else. This love is less emotion, and more act of the will.

When I properly love myself, I can choose to act in love toward others, even when they are behaving in hateful and abhorrent manners; but without properly grounded self love, that becomes virtually impossible

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Sep 8, 2023Edited
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I respect your honesty, it's refreshing these days. So to answer your question... The answer originates in the OT, in Leviticus. Since I don't know your level of acquaintance with any of the Bible, I don't mean to be condescending if you are familiar with all this, but it is the basis. In Leviticus, there are lists of animal sacrifices for various sins or circumstances, including a feast day called the day of atonement, the Israelis were to practice henceforth. In explaining all these sacrifices, and the attendant rituals, God, through Moses, declared there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. This was the pattern set forth.

With the birth of Jesus, there is a shift. Even though the Sanhedrin ( the ruling Pharisees and Sadducees), and the bulk of Israelis of his day, refused to recognize Him as such, His coming was the fulfillment of many prophecies concerning a long promised Messiah. He was also called the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, or Paschal (Passover) Lamb ( an earlier animal sacrifice to protect Israelis from the Angel of death passing through Egypt, taking the lives of evry 1st born male, and which is celebrated annually still with a seder, every spring). The blood of that lamb placed on the door posts and lintel of Israeli homes formed a cross, foretelling the cross on which the final sacrifice would be made. But the reason it must be Jesus, whose blood was shed is that only He carried the untainted by sin blood of His Father, Yhwh God, and only that blood could become the remission of all sin, for all time, to those who chose or will choose to repent their sins and seek it's covering. Another of Jesus' names is Emmanuel (God with us), reminding us His blood alone was pure. An human baby almost invariably has a different blood type than it's mother, unless hers is the same as the father's, and if their blood comingles while the baby is in utero, the mother's immune system will attack it, causing ABO and/ or Rh incompatibility, and frequently kill the baby, if the co-mingling happens early enough in the pregnancy. If it comes later, in the 3rd trimester, the baby may survive, but must be treated for the incompatibility. As a nurse, I've seen cases of both incompatibilities. So even though Mary was His very human and sin tainted as we all are, mother, His blood was, as always, from His Father, and His Father was not an human. That's why His blood had to be shed on that cross: He literally bore the penalty due each and every human who has or ever will live, all of it, and then shed His blood to cover our sins in the presence of His and our Father, so that we can enter His presence once again, without dying for doing so.

I hope this meets your need in terms of explanation. If there's something I haven't been clear enough about, please feel free to ask. I sometimes assume knowledge not there, because I know what I'm taking about, and forget not everyone has my background. I won't take offense. Honest curiosity is a pleasure to answer. If I don't know or am not sure, I make that known too.

Have a blessed weekend, Raphael ( God's healing, the meaning of your name in English).

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Sep 9, 2023Edited
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One of the things I have learned in my later yrs is that, for most people, truth is too scary, Like the Jack Nicholson line in "A Few Good Men", they generally can't handle the truth ( not that that to which the line referred was truth, or militarily sound, for that matter). Even in small doses it scares them, and if you knock over a sacred cow? YIKES, do they come unhinged!

Some call that the "God shaped hole" in us all, only He can fill it. I've had my ups and downs with Him too, mostly caused by other people and my own expectations of them, which don't materialize because I expects modicum of actual Christian behavior from them when they profess Christianity, If it helps any, God would love to have a relationship with you too.

I grew up in "Mafia country" so I know exactly what you mean about confession and then starting in again. We used to see the body guards in our ER regularly, call the police to report the wound, as required by law; they never showed up. I can imagine what those priests heard every Saturday. And I can imagine the shock on faces when they hear "I never knew you, depart from me, years wicked", at the Bema seat.

I'm glad you did ask, and I'm open to answer any other questions, if you like. As I said, if I don't know, or am unsure, I will say so. And I'm glad your Mom chose that name for you. I've seen some real doozies slapped on innocent babies.

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Brave Heart + Brave Soul = Tessa Lena…..

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Thank you, Larry!!!! Same to you!! There are so many of us who fit this description, and in that, there is hope!!

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Happy Sunday Tessa.

Yes, many of us are on the journey from the Head to the Heart, and to the Divine Soul………..

a Souling we go……. Lantern Cove.

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That is way too much.

Over-the-top writing!

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Free will is a beautiful thing! :-)

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The spirit of the Valley never dies,

the mystic mother whose pregnant womb

gives birth to All things.

That’s why she is called the root of nature.

Simply hold onto this, and

you will not need to work to understand.

—Lao Tze, 6th century BCE. (from the Tao Te Ching), China.

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This brings up a very interesting point about the importance of experiences we had as infants. As our present culture doesn't seem to have much of a heart connection to infant rearing, with all the best of intentions we create some disastrous conditionings which have long term effects on our happiness and our cultural structure. Very briefly, infants need to have their needs met, and caregivers need to understand what those needs are. If needs, for example - need for attachment, is not being met repeatedly, the body will eventually have a trauma response to that lack and shut down. The body learns that it won't get what it needs, and learns not to trust that it will get what it needs. This knowing is in the body. When cognition comes along, the infant learns to deal with this issue cognitively, but that does not change what the body had already learned. But we want to be happy, so we look outside ourselves to find happiness: material things, success, power, distraction after distraction. But we never get enough - we confuse 'pleasant distraction' with happiness, which comes from the inside. Years ago I read that Gandhi and the Dalai Lama said that once our basic needs are met , happiness is an inside job. And if you want to understand the science of it all, please read Gabor Mate's recent book, 'The Myth of Normal'.

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What does it mean to be “in the world, but not of it”? As spiritual aspirants, “How does this apply to me in my life, and is it really possible, especially in today’s technological world, which can be hective, invasive, confusing, and stressful and dangerous at times”?

When the weight of the World feels heavy or overwhelming, Jesus said, “Wear the World like a light garment.” In other words, you notice it, you experience it, but it is not your ultimate destination…it’s only transitory. The idea is not to sacrifice the Soul for the mortal body. There is far more than this earthly life.

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“In the World, but not in it”- Jesus said to wear the world like a light garment. In other words, you notice it, you experience it, but it is not your ultimate destination…it’s only transitory. The idea is to not sacrifice the Soul for the mortal body. There is far more than this earthly life.

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Sep 10, 2023Edited
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A balancing act; the Physical & the Spiritual as one…

“Science without Spirituality is lame.” " Spirituality without Science is blind.” A. Einstein.

Hawaii time, 3:10 AM. Thanks for your analogy. Good Morning.

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We were not born to lose ourselves in activities. Our purpose on Earth is to give and share the gifts our Soul desires to give and share….

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Sep 10, 2023
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Sharing is caring. Caring is sharing.

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Life is an endless creative experience, and we are shaping at every moment by every decision we make.

Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. If it chooses to leave your heart or the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and nothing you should do. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. If you keep your heart open, it will surely come again… Love Cove...

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Sep 9, 2023Edited
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Hyper Consumer Culture transforms all of Life into Commodities, objects, nouns, etc.

LOVE is defined and expressed as a thing, object, commodity, a packaged gift, etc.

To Love is an activity, a verb.. We love, rather than we “make” Love. Love as a commodity? LOVE for SALE!!! To love unconditionally. Remember the popular song,”?" Where is the Love?

In this case, Love is an object someone is looking for. Or, how about the song “Feel Like Making Love,” This is the manufacturing of Love. Industrializing Love...

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Sep 10, 2023Edited
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Right on, Raphael !

Coming soon, the Air we breathe will be a commodity. Air for Sale...

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Sep 8, 2023Edited
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That's the globalists' method! WE are not the power in creation! He Who created us is. He created each of us with a purpose in mind, and whether or not we find and fulfill that depends on our fre will choices in this life. But many in rebellion against Him seek to usurp His position, power and authority, by totalitarian control, yet He chose to give each and every creature free will, to choose the path to follow.

We are all connected, by virtue of having been created by Yhwh God, but we are not "related" to inanimate creations in the same way we are to living creatures, nor are we related to "lesser" creatures in the way we are connected to fellow humans or our Creator. The "Divine Presence" is not found in the lower forms, in the same way, and is not some mystical glue. He is the Holy Spirit, and He is only present among the redeemed.

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Secular Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud displaced the spiritual concept (the Holy Trinity: “the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit), with “The Ego, The Id, the Super Ego).

Also, Freud redefined the concept of Eros as “Libido.”

To go deeper into the Mind of Freud, read: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 1920. And, The Ego and the Id. Also, Civilization and Its Discontents, 1930.

Happy Sunday from Lantern Cove.

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I got acquainted with Freud, Jung, and others, during my student nursing days, back in the '60s, but I was Biblically oriented well before that, so I understand how people tick, but from the "God's eye" view. The Bible is, perhaps surprisingly, full of sound psychology.

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Carl G. Jung,one of the best of his era. I read all of his books.

After writing a Thesis on Sigmund Freud, I concluded he had a dark side, which motivated him to write: MOSES and Monotheism, copyright 1939.

Dr. Freud was very popular among the Hippies (the counter-culture). Every where you go, the concept of Ego is ubiquitous. In a college debate team I was known as the anti-Freud guy. The pro-Freud students hated me, because I won every time…

Good night Sandra,,

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Yes, Freud as a very sick man, in fact, IMO. One lesson learned early in my psych rotation, at a state hospital (we still had those), was that the majority of people who go into psychology and psychiatry do so in an effort to understand their own broken minds, and self heal, or find ways to cover up and excuse that brokenness; the latter has become dominant over the past several decades, and in excusing themselves, they're doing so on a general basis. By almost universally denying Yhwh God and our spiritual component, they can ignore free will choice involvement, and sin, both, as components in the brokenness, and make the absurd claim they were "born that way", the go on wild goose chases for "science" to back that up, while not fixing the problem at all. It's a sad statement on humans that Freud's theories still are popular in many circles. Good for you, seeing through his issues to the fact he was as sick as those he purported to "help".

Blessed night, and peaceful rest to you, Larry.

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Thanks for blessing me.

Did you know Judith A. Reisman past away? www.DrJudithReisman.com,

www.DrJudithReisman.com/video. I recently read her last book: STOLEN HONOR-STOLEN INNOCENCE: How America was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad “Scientist.”

copyright 1998, 2000, 2003, 2014. Previous editions were title ,KINSEY: Crimes & Consequences.

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Thank you for sharing Sandra. I was born in Hawaii 1951 to a secular working class family. In college I studied all the different “Brands” of Psychology, including the Paranormal (ParaPsychology). I wanted to be a Psychologist, however I shifted to Comparative Religion / Linguistics.

I would like to suggest a author: Neil Douglas-Klotz is an internationally known scholar in the fields connecting religious studies (comparative Semitic hermeneutics) and psychology as well as a poet and musician.

His latest book: Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus: The hidden Teachings on Life & Death.

“The Aramaic translations of Neil Douglas-Klotz cut through the rote & bring us to the deeper meanings of Jesus’s teachings that can still touch our hearts, and move our Souls, and ignite our action.”- -Matthew Fox, author of Original Blessing.

Happy Sunday Sandra, from Lantern Cove

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I'm originally from MO, but relocated to TX now. I will look this author up. I read a select group of truly Bible oriented teaching authors, . Since you're interested in the Aramaic, you might like to check out George Lamsa's translation if the Bible itself, from the Syriac (Aramaic language) version. There are some interesting variations from the typical translations into English, that I find intriguing. It's available on Amazon. I do find Israelite who have come to know Jesus too, to be very enlightening, when they don't stray too far out of the Torah into the Tanach teachings. Thanks for the tip; I haven't run across this author in my "travels" as yet.

Have a lovely blessed evening and week to come, from Irving.

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Good evening Sandra, thank you for tip: George Lamsa.

I came across Neil Douglas-Klotz @ batgap.com, (Buddha at the gas pump)Podcast by Rick Archer. The video featured Neil Douglas-Klotz interview discussing his latest book.

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Sep 8, 2023Edited
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That's a pretty good start. Maybe more than I have in common with most of the 2-legged critter on Earth....

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Sep 9, 2023
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Couldn't agree more!

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How many Christian Leaders actually obey the Ten Commandments?

How many Christians do you know, who remember and can repeat the Ten Commandments?

What are Christian Values in America today?

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Sep 9, 2023Edited
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