Moving forward: what happened four years ago feels more like four lifetimes ago, no?
Curiouser and curiouser, it gets.... and things on the outside change but somehow remain the same?
First, my punchline: whatever stories we are hearing about “the most important thing to know” and “the most important thing to do” are usually not it. They are usually an attempt to push our sincere well-intended selves into a hamster wheel that is freshly decorated with symbols of our choice. That is my opinion, take it or leave it, I feel pretty confident about it, and I also feel pretty confident that the “most important thing to know” for real is who you are and why you are here on this Earth. And once you sort that one out in earnest and without lying to yourself, “the most important thing to do” will present itself, and it will make sense and work for both you—and this world. And, once that happens, the aspiring masters will have a much harder time trying to eat you up. But we all gotta make that leap and figure out who we really are and why we are here….
I am mildly annoyed by the amount of crafty noise pretending to be “the most important freedom song” but that is the name of the game, I guess … it is my job to deal with my feelings and to stay focused on what I personally consider my most important freedom song…
(I have a practical method for evaluating the viability of whatever it is that I want to say or do. I have been using this method throughout the past four years intently, and it is simply asking the questions: “If I do this, then what? What is the likely impact? Are people ready to hear what I want to say? Is it likely to create the change that I want to create? Is it likely to contribute to aliveness and love in this world, or simply feed into the receptacle of talking points that the aspiring masters have cultivated in each of us for a very long time?” You get the idea. It’s always about the realistically possible impact, not about turning people into followers of a trendy talking point … yikes, that.)
As an example, here is the story of my own evolution over the past 4.5 years.
So four years ago, out of love, I wrote The Great Reset for Dummies. I just wanted to share what I had been researching, and do it gently, intelligently, without spook, without dirty fear mongering. I felt like we were in a critical time, and something needed to be done.
I had 89 subscribers at the time. I had no expectations—except it felt good to let my song out—but something inside me was urging me very loudly to write a piece that connected the dots, and do it with kindness—so that sincere folks who were not familiar with any of this would be inclined to hear.
And then suddenly, I started getting messages and emails from friends telling me they had read my essay on Zero Hedge etc. and I was like, "What Zero Hedge, what are you talking about? Oh wow.” All of a sudden, people were reposting my essay (with and without attribution, lol), making videos about it, it was translated by strangers into different languages, and ever since, I have been blessed to hear from different people that it had really helped them in 2020. That is the best part to my heart, it brings me great joy to know that my humble work helped people to gain some clarity and confidence at a time of great chaos and confusion.
Suddenly, people wanted to hear what I was saying, and I was saying more or less the same thing I had been saying before for a number of years, to the deafening sound of crickets and the even more deafening sound of my hurting artistic ego. :-) One thing that changed for me in 2020 was focus. Previously, during the peaceful times, my focus was on getting heard please-please-please. In 2020, my focus shifted to getting $hit done because OMG, something needed to be done about this, it just had to be.
And then, I discovered that when you do things that have a potential of making a difference, there is gonna be opposition, and they aren't gonna to be very nice about it. That was not a happy discovery. A part of me felt wounded about it because I don't care what enemies think but sometimes enemies corrupt friends and work through friends, and that hurts. But there is not much I can do about other people’s choices. I can pray, and I do. But I am not going to twist my friends’ arms or shake them vigorously for clarity, they gotta sort things out from the inside, so…
Since 2020, I have evolved my understanding about what is going on in the world many times over. And I mean, I really evolved it. All this surface level talk is kindergarten stuff at this point, the essence of the standoff is about embracing the alchemical power of love. And it is love that the aspiring masters want us to betray in favor or fear or pain or arrogance—or anything, really, as long as we agree to betray the very thing that can unlock the cage we are in and set us free from their influence.
Since 2020, talking points about the horrors of transhumanism have gone mainstream—and I think the only reason they went mainstream is because the aspiring masters want it this way. It does not endanger them. They want it this way because those talking points are harmless to them now, they are onto the next thing. I mean, of course, the Digital ID is bad for us. It is not a big secret that it is bad for us. Aaaaand? What are we doing about it? Does it help anything to feel superior to the so called "normies" because we know about Digital IDs? (Spoiler alert: “normies” is a Trojan horse of a word, designed by the people who want us divided, hurt, and arrogant—and popularized very surgically by various associates of the aspiring masters who are versed in the art of manipulation of human psyche. In reality, there are no "normies," everybody is a spirt on a journey here on Earth, we all have our challenges and bumps in learning, and anybody who is actually on the good side and has any idea about how things work in the world, knows that. And that is true despite the fact that we may go through moments of pain when we use ineffective words to relieve our pain. It’s okay, we are not logs of wood, we have feelings, but there are still no “normies” and no “covidians,” just our fellow travelers on their own subjective journey on this beautiful Earth.
What is NOT harmless to the aspiring masters is when we refuse to be arrogant. It is NOT harmless to them when we refuse to stay hurt even if we have been hurt. It is NOT harmless to them when we refuse to judge and dehumanize other sincere people based on their views, ancestry, religion, etc.. It is NOT harmless to them when we insist on genuine love, genuine understanding, genuine unity, because those things have the power to break through the aspiring masters' spell, for sure.
And so they breathe into existence painful and confusing circuses with ponies and fireworks, they trick people into fighting with each other, into getting married to their wounds instead of working through them and becoming free. It is all on purpose.
I guess what I am saying is, it is good to understand the technical side but that is just one baby step toward understanding. What makes things effective is real love, confident love, love that does not feel dejected.
I am working on it. Let us say a prayer for each other for our love to glow radiantly, and if anyone wants to spoil the prayer, whatever they are attempting to send, will turn around and hang out with them instead, on Creator’s terms, not on their terms.
May it be so.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
*** BREAKING!! *** is the giveaway. Thanks for writing this, Tessa. It's a call for vigilance. Clickbait's gonna clickbait and sometimes you find yourself hanging off a hook. Oops!! The psyop is everywhere at this point - and it's probably been for decades, only now we see it - so staying in the heart and in love is imperative. It's the most important thing! BREAKING!!! Stay in love!!!
Yes, yes, yes. JOY is the key.
For me, making beauty is the specific key to JOY. I know when I've done it because it gets exactly zero reads. When I write random stupid observations about trendy topics I get a few reads, but when I do a Tech History Piece or salute a Lost Place, even my few semi-regular readers carefully avoid it.