Trudeau on His Loyalty to the British Crown and Love of Dictatorships + '2020 Initiative' from 2005
Plus, Schwab loves Lenin, apparently.
I am trying to finish a thoughtful article about conspiracy theories but irresistible news keeps coming in—and since I can’t resist, here are a few things to ponder.
#1. A video of Trudeau pledging allegiance to the interests of the British Crown and promising to keep matters secret, if necessary.

#2. Another video of Trudeau praising the benefits of a political dictatorship.
Granted, many of us have at one point or another made a joke about how wonderful this world would be if only we were a dictator. But here’s the difference—we didn’t then go ahead and invoke the Emergencies Act!
UPDATE: Here is Schwab introducing Trudeau in the context of promoting the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
#3. Schwab loves Lenin, apparently. (Check out the bust on the shelf.)
#4. An interesting bit about Young Global Leaders from 2005, namely the 2020 Initiative.
I would like to point out that today, their words sound more than a little ironic—and that’s regardless of whether one believes in conspiracy theories.
They are talking about ”a better world in the year 2020.” How did that work out?!! Actually, sorry wrong question—so let me paraphrase. Better for whom?
It reminds me of how in 1961, Khruschev delivered a famous speech in which he promised that in twenty years, the USSR would achieve full-on communism. He said the following: “We are strictly guided by scientific calculations. And calculations show that in 20 years we will build mainly a communist society.” Here we go again with following the science!!!
By “communism,” he meant a moneyless society in which everyone would own nothing and be happy… sorry wrong script receive what they need and contribute what they can.
It seems like both predictions have worked out fantastically great… at least for some people.
Anyway, here is from 2005:
A quote from the from January 11, 2005, press release (archived).
“We would like to integrate those Young Global Leaders into processes which will allow them to have a real impact on global affairs and to make sure that global decision-making preserves the interests of the next generation,” said Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. “The Forum of Young Global Leaders will be a strong force from all walks of life to shake up traditional thinking and to bring a bold, forward-looking approach to the world.”
The Young Global Leaders will engage in the 2020 Initiative, a comprehensive effort at addressing together the complex challenges of today to shape a better future for our world. The Young Global Leaders will meet for the first time as a community at their Inaugural Summit in Zermatt, Switzerland, 24-28 June 2005, where they will assess current and future trends, risks and opportunities both at global and regional levels. The Young Global Leaders will then develop global strategies and put forward concrete actions to be taken today in order to advance towards a better world in the year 2020.
The Forum of Young Global Leaders, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is in the process of being incorporated as an independent, not-for-profit foundation, under the supervision of the Swiss Government. The Forum of Young Global is comprised of leaders, aged 40 years and younger, committed to shaping the future. The Young Global Leaders include leaders from each of the seven geographic regions and from the worlds of politics, business, society, learning, arts and culture. Each year, around 200 Young Global Leaders are nominated to serve for a period of five years, ultimately forming a community of 1,111 by 2009. The Forum of Young Global Leaders was created by Professor Klaus Schwab in 2004 and acts in close cooperation with the World Economic Forum in their joint commitment to improving the state of the world.
By the way, a philosophical thought about conspiracies. Directing “global trends” toward a desired outcome does not always require Dr. Evil props (although Schwab seems to be born for the role). Education is a powerful tool in itself!
Creating social clubs around prestigious educational initiatives is a great way to influence. People are social, we like to be praised and elevated—and so a person with a lot of money can accomplish a lot by getting ambitious young people together, praising them, telling them they are special—and gently guiding their bright but malleable minds toward a particular way of thinking about the world. This has been done time and time again all throughout history.
A human being needs a very strong spiritual grounding in order to make responsible choices and walk a balanced line when tempted with personal glitter and prestige—and whenever an educator happens to have an agenda, it is not that difficult to first, select the most likely candidates to love that path, and then to influence them in a direction of corruption. Even the cruelest inquisitors probably thought they were doing God’s job—and their peers approved!
Which is why I personally believe that while on the surface, it’s about the reform, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset—underneath, it is really about the heart.
But—back to Earth for a second— some names on the list of Young Global Leaders are just fascinating. Stephane Bancel of Moderna? Alicia Garza of Black Lives Matters? Tom Friedman, the author of books that I just couldn’t finish and equally insufferable op-eds? What a club!
#6. More about Neil Young.
Seems like after all the drama that transpired, his music is still on Spotify. So much for his principled stance on… well, something.
Regarding these monsterous "young global leaders"... What if some of us don't need to be "led" by *anyone*? I'm sick of despots thinking they know what's best for 7 billion people. Thanks for the update! 🙂
Tessa, a friend in Canada told me that tomorrow they are voting in Parliament and Trudeau needs the votes to pass or continue the emergency act and they are already freezing people's bank accounts ... we need to make noise and pray, too, thanks.