I apologize for the long silence, I have been re-evaluating how the world works, and I have so many insights to share that I wanted to organize them in my head in order to do a good job. In other words, I have been practicing what I preach: taking the time to think and expelling the super-squeeze!
And I think that the world is more interesting and less scary than what we have been led to believe, and I also think that we are in a time when honest soul searching can really help every single one of us to effectively navigate the artificially created chaotic maze that we are being lured into. We don’t have to go in!
(If you participate in our weekly Friday 2pm calls for paid subscribers, I will be sharing some of my current insights today, and as usual, if you want to join but don’t have the $ now, please send me a note to be comped, etc. Here is the link to the paid subscriber chat for the call that’s about to start.)
Meanwhile, I would like to zoom in on the framework and energy pattern I think about a lot, the framework we can use for looking at about every conflict that is happening around us, the game of musical chairs.
The game of musical chairs, an energy-mining game
The people who want to control the world have been conducting a divisive and confusing game of musical chairs—with great success so far—and they have been doing it for a long time. The game of musical chairs is an extremely effective way for the currently-wicked-minded ones to stay in power! It’s a trick and aa military campaign. As a part of that game, they temporarily “elevate” different groups of people over other groups of people, then they swap the roles and watch all suffering people go at each other’s throats, blame each other for suffering … and do nothing about changing the energy patterns that allowed the game of musical chairs to exist in the first place!
First, the controllers choose one group to play the role of “superior people.” They let the temporarily “chosen” ones to occupy the chairs, with the idea that they will believe in their superiority and endorse the game.
Meanwhile, the people from other groups are forced to stand uncomfortably and serve. If they rebel, the rebellion is met with force—and because the controllers rarely fight with their own hands, it’s the “chaired” people who foolishly fight against their “subhuman” brethren on behalf of the overlords. Then the overlords pull the plug, swap the roles, yank the previously “chosen” people off their comfy chairs , and sorta elevate the previously extra-abused ones by encouraging them to push more of the previously chosen ones off their chairs.
And so it goes, red ants, black ants, etc.
The people who want to control the world utilize different aspects of the game of the musical chairs (the game that they run and that other people choose to particulate in), to keep the status quo of their power.
The illegitimate controllers may make a particular group of people stand for a long time and sustain prolonged abuse (and be dehumanized to make them unrelatable and invisible to the people in chairs)--but when the controllers decide to shake things up and swap the roles, they bring the spotlight to the story highlighting the abuse, and they do it in a manner that offers no healing and no moving forward, just anger and victimhood. And then they use the anger and the pain of the standing people as a source of energy to yank the previously sitting people out of their chairs.
Like I said, they rarely fight with their own hands. They provide the framework and an energy push, and then the people (who have a free will and who can choose whatever they want) supply the bulk of the energy to keep the Machine alive.
They, the controllers, supply the blueprints and the initial energy push for all ingredients of the game: the dehumanization of the standing, the complacency of the sitting, the stories about both the dehumanization and the arrogance, and so on. They also do a lot of work (24/7) to usher the energies that they bring to the game toward the dysregulation of human psyche, toward the undermining of the natural power that balanced, spiritually connected people have inside by birth (and that the people can use to end the trolling game of musical chairs and toss the controllers out).
That is the key takeaway, as far as I am concerned. We don’t have to play the game of musical chairs. We don’t have to comply with the energetic patterns of the game of musical chairs. We don’t have to comply with the predators who want to control the world.
And in order to break out of that very sticky and destructive game, the first step is to reach out to our own soul and to the loving spiritual forces who have our back at all times, with love, and who have had our back every moment of our lives. We are loved, we are needed, and together, we do have the power to stop the game.

A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
We can start by blocking their access to our minds through not watching their shows or reading their periodicals or using their platforms. Most who resisted the Cooties 19 propaganda did not own a TV set.
The label that came to me while reading is "essential workers". What a sick game, labeling some as essential and thus others as not essential, unimportant, not needed. Thank you for your shared thoughts.