A Reason to Celebrate YOU
You are special, important, you intrinsically deserve love, and your connection to your family roots is more important for your actual life than what celebrities choose to do
Recently, my understanding of reality changed dramatically, which made me even less interested in the endless (and circular) mulling over the news cycle than I was before. The key term here is “endless.” Sure it’s good to understand the general plot (yes, we are being dominated, and yes, Biden just pardoned his grown child because-he-can, and yes, Trump owns stock in Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and other lovable laborers of the Great Reset—because-he-can, too—and “America’s best ally” went ahead and allegedly blew up an ancient Christian temple in Lebanon, because-it-could … after all other things that it-also-could—and so what do we peasants do about all this in terms of relating to celebrity saviors? Shake our fists? Find excuses for them? Cry?)
Vital priorities
The people who want to control us and steal from us like it very much when our focus stays on the external world and “all the horrible things other people do.” Yes, there are plenty of horrible things to think and cry about, yes, true, I mean just look around!—but there is a giant caveat, too. The aspiring masters know how energy works, and they know that we have a lot of power to change things. They know that our power depends on our understanding of reality, and so they try to scare and wound us so badly and so thoroughly that we don’t have any life force left to even go there. They want us to be sad, angry, upset, terribly hurt, and glued to the television set, as if our their television set is gonna set us free.
Situational awareness is good—and by God, I try to create it when it comes to the things that matter in my opinion—but I don’t place my hope on them saving me.
I am sovereign. I am interested in what actually works. I am interested in the bigger picture, the underwater currents, the “what’s really going on” kind of thing. To me, “what’s really going on” is about understanding the invisible aspects of our lives—because by the time the plot gets to what comes out of the mouths of the talking heads, stuff already happened, and we are on a treadmill (a hamster wheel?) of commentary, chasing the tail of a snake that’s already left.
The underlying currents
The invisible aspects of our lives are energy. The energy that we genuinely and immediately have actual power over are our internals, our relationships, understanding where we come from and why we are here in this world, what our real job is. It starts with figuring out how to love ourselves in totality and thus, reconnect to our powers. And perhaps for some of us, it is our destiny to deal with celebrity faces-- but even so, our first task is to heal ourselves in a non-fake way.
Here is an example of an energy. I was thinking about writing a version of this article, and suddenly, from nowhere, I am sick, stuff comes up on my feed that tries to take me to a place of old pain, and I went, “Hmmmmm, I must be on the right track with what I am thinking… “ and so I shoved a very spicy concoction down my throat, blocked out the drama, and sat down to think and type.
And so, I would like to remind you to please love yourself (every part of you without exception, the parts responsible for accomplishments and the parts responsible for mistakes), and to please not place any excessive hope on the famous people in your television set. If they do something nice, then praise them, by all means, praise them. But they are not here to save you, they … ummmm… lie—sometimes —and your nervous system will thank you for relying on yourself more than you rely on them.
The most powerful person in your life
You, on the other hand, are the most important person in your life. You matter. You matter to God, you matter to your Ancestors, you matter in this world.
Relationships matter greatly (of course!) but your relationships with others start with your internal relationship with your ancestral roots and with yourself.
You came from somewhere. You are one and only. You grew out of your family roots. Those roots are your roots! We human beings are conditioned to only see a tiny slit of reality, and so we think sometimes: “My family is causing me pain, I wish I had a different family!” but in reality, our family is exactly what our soul chose before coming to Earth, and not everything is necessarily visible to us here (after all, we are having a human experience, and seeing love through pain is a stepping stone.)
So I say, our fight against the cruelty in the world starts with our work to heal ourselves from the inside, and our healing starts with understanding and thus inevitably falling in love with our roots (and by the way, feeling that love makes it impossible to denigrate other people’s roots… love removes the need to be “better than,” love make things enough.)
PS. The whole “myth of progress” exists to a large extent as a psyop that was, I believe, designed to trick us into disconnecting from our roots and into looking down on our family members from a long time ago. See, when we do that, we disconnect from a chunk of our powers—and the people who want to control the world know that!
Let us ponder where we came from. We all come from beautiful families that go back to time immemorial, and they deserve to be seen and loved. Doesn’t mean that there has been no pain. Doesn’t mean that we want to suppress our feelings that we actually feel. But it is beneficial—for real—to pray to understand our roots and to heal.
You are beautiful, I love you. Thank you for being you.
(Oh and please stay tuned for Part 2)
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To this I would add to remember to stay in touch with your body. Along with ancestors and other sources of power, modernity wants to separate you from your body. I've heard it said that our bodies are tuning forks that resonate with the frequency of the universe and I think that's true. When we become dissociated from our body sense, whether by accident or design, that's yet another way we can be cut off from our powers.
Thank you, Tessa. You are a treasure. This (and other recent posts of yours) resonates. I'm trying to create more balance in my pursuit of truth and healing, spending more time going inward. Writing in my journal instead of on Substack. I notice that handwriting and speaking channel the heart much better - help me access myself. Typing is something different. And typing on the internet externalizes everything... it becomes something for consumption.
Rooting into love really is transformational. I'm feeling that deeply. As always, your message is timely for me.