You have probably heard the story of the baby snapped out of the parents’ hands in New Zealand, so I’ll be brief and to the point. Here is what happened, based on available information:
The baby needed a heart surgery.
The baby’s parents had concerns about giving the baby a blood transfusion from a possibly COVID-vaccinated donor (and for good reasons—which most of us would likely agree on if the actual safety data weren’t so heavily massaged and censored).
Parents did their part to make it easy and found willing unvaccinated donors.
The not-fascist-at-all administration of the health facility felt like allowing the parents so much control over the medical decisions concerning their baby would be an unacceptable blow to the public trust in the medical establishment.
To solve the public trust problem, the health authorities filed a court case seeking to strip the parents of their parental rights for the duration of the surgery.
The not-fascist-at-all court sided with the not-fascist-at-all establishment, citing all the familiar talking points about the vaccine being obviously safe and effective for the reasons of it being obviously safe and effective.
The parents were stripped of guardianship for the duration of the baby’s medical care.
The not-fascist-at-all law enforcement then came in and just took the baby away from the baby’s wailing mother and protesting but helpless father.
On a side note, in Germany, you cannot even get a euthanasia nowadays unless you are vaccinated for COVID. The authorities really care not only about your health but also about your soul.
No, no, this is not fascism. We are fine. So many have complied with the medical tyranny on the global level to get here, and we are here. Slavery is freedom. Freedom is torture. Parents are known enemies of their children. The state knows better. War is peace. Up is down.
[Insert a scream here.]

UPDATE from comments (thank you):
(Prepare to take a shower)
In the past, there were other awful occasions when children were forcefully taken away from their loving parents and fed to the Domination System. It’s been done to the indigenous children who were snatched out of their parents’ hands and deliberately traumatized away from their culture and their innate spiritual powers, it’s been done to the children of dissidents, and it’s just been done to this innocent baby. Shame on the abusers. Shame on the abusers.
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Some very good news on this story.
Parents speaking after the operation. Keep 🙏🙏🙏 for Will. 💜💜💜
this is tragic and heart breaking.