#1. The self-betrayal of telling on your family members
I would like to start with the Soviet legend of Pavlik Morozov.
When I was a kid, I was taught that Pavlik was a “hero young pioneer.” He was supposed to be a role model for all good Soviet children. His heroic act was that he told on his “kulak” father, who was then rounded up by the commissars for being an “enemy of the people.” As per legend, Pavlik was then murdered by his family members, after which he became a Soviet saint.
Wikipedia is typically not a great source of information but it does a good enough job in conveying this legend:
Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (14 November 1918 – 3 September 1932), better known by the diminutive Pavlik, was a Soviet youth praised by the Soviet press as a martyr. His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year-old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family. His story was a subject of reading, songs, plays, a symphonic poem, a full-length opera, and six biographies. His politicized and mythologized story was used to encourage Soviet Bloc children to also inform on their parents.
To be honest, I have no idea what actually happened, and that is the real lesson, the way I see it—that you can live your life and take for granted a particular story—and then realize that you have no idea, and you may never find out for sure. Humbling but realistic!
For example, Wikipedia mentions that there might have been troubles between the boy’s parents. So it’s possible—if any of this even happened at all—that his mom was mad at his dad and reported his dad out of jealousy, and that the kid was then caught up in the conflict between his parents.
It is possible that Pavlik Morozov just sided with his mom out of love for her, and was then doubly betrayed by the state that made him “famous” as a ratting “hero.” It is one of those things where it’s really hard to know what actually took place, and I suspend my judgement of the boy, as much as I feel appalled by the legend’s plot.
The legend, however, carried forth a very clear story of a young communism-loving pioneer who righteously sided with the state against his politically incorrect father—because your real friend is the state, not your family members. And so, the bond to cherish is the bond between you and the state. The bond between you and the state is your life line, your identity, your inner ministry of truth, your religion, and your life’s purpose. (This is how proverbial vampires take over people’s life force, and then, once the scared or gullible people float in the air with no connection to their own powers, the vampires eat them.)
Which brings us to the first news item. Before you watch it, remember to not give any power over you to any person with piercing ice-cold eyes. They are their own thing, they are here to create torture so as to remind us of our powers to resist their vampiring. They feed both on our gullibility and our fear, and our job is to not give them either and to starve them out completely, and let the universe deal with them per their own deeds. They, as scary and disgusting as they are, do not deserve an ounce of our fear. We need to position our spirits above them and bond tightly and lovingly with the good powers of the universe that protect us.

I like this one:
#2. “Independent” (inspired by the tweet above, I am using Austin Powers’ air quotes)

#3. This one kind of speaks for itself

#4. The magical v-word
Cow burps are a huge source of emissions: Each year, the world’s billion-plus cattle have roughly the same climate impact as all the passenger vehicles on the planet. But new vaccines for cows are being developed that could potentially help shrink their production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
ArkeaBio, one startup working on a vaccine that could be administered to cattle, sheep, and goats, just raised a seed round of $12 million led by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, the climate-focused fund started by Bill Gates.
Cows and other ruminant animals have microbes living in their digestive system that generate methane. ArkeaBio and other researchers are working on vaccines that trigger cows to generate antibodies to those microbes.
#5. Speaking of kulaks and collectivization, this kind of reminds me…
From last year:
#6. You’ll own nothing and you’ll be “psychologically rich”
#6. The ongoing despicable saga of the WHO power grab
And this one is from some time ago but it has a still relevant section on how the WHO tried to pull off a similar scam with the swine flu—but at the time, the most they could accomplish was kicking off vaccine contacts for the pharmaceutical companies and helping them turn a nice profit. In that light, I wonder if the carnage done onto people in 2020 had to do with somebody’s calculation that visible carnage was required to make the entire “pandemic” topic more convincing. It is hard to prove but it certainly makes sense from the logical viewpoint of a tyrant.
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Tessa, I love you! Pavlik Morozov - I spit out my wine right there. I remember that school programming!
Cows generate varying amounts of methane (that's a very proper scientific way to explain it) depending on what they eat. Kind of like us. If we had a steady diet of nothing but soybeans and GMO corn I bet we'd be generating more methane too.