COVID and the Great Reset
Here are some of my essays on COVID, transhumanism, 4IR, and the Great Reset. I became outspoken about the totalitarian nature of the beast in April 2020, and never looked back. In a funny way, these three crazy years became the years of the truth. Do you feel the same way?
The Great Reset for Dummies
What's Happening in the Medical Freedom Movement?
A War on (Free) Natural Immunity
Corruption in the Medical Establishment
The Last Squeeze: Digital Colonization as Manifest Destiny 2.0
Pandemic, Meet Panopticon. Panopticon, Meet Pandemic.
The Synthetic Age: Welcome to the Genocide
Emily Oster: The Broken Child. The Missionary
What Is a Conspiracy?
#BuildingBackBetter: A "Respectable" Conspiracy
"Killing Nurses of the Third Reich": A Stunning Documentary about Disgusting Things
Betrayal and Extermination of Property Owners: A Thought Experiment
Hello, Smartmask? Hello, New Normal?
First the Great Reset, and Now Happytalism
Hello, New Normal. Hello, Behavioral Modification
The Heart of a Child
Attack on Herbs and Supplements Is a Racket
Politically Homeless: How I Kept My Soul in 2020
What's in the Vials? A Conversation with a Team in New Zealand About Mystery Objects They Found
You Will Eat Ze Bugs and Mobsters Will Make Ze Money
Who Is the Terrorist?
The Physical World Is The Only World We Have
(It’s my first Substack essay from April 2020, and it is built on the juxtaposition of our real world, in which we interact with in each other in flesh, and the digital dystopia.)
Note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or to donate. Research and writing this Substack takes time, I put a lot soul into it—as well as all the past years of thinking, reading, and learning about the world. Thank you from my heart for your support!