Happy New Year to YOU! A Few Thoughts on Contagious Empathy and New Beginnings
It’s a good day to remember how important you are
This story wrote itself this morning, as I was very innocently planning to just have a cup of tea and maybe write down a few words that were coming to me. :) It is more of a prose poem than an “article,” my personal philosophical answer (as of this moment) to the question, why we—as a human organism as well as individual human beings living here and now—have been dealing with so much crap.
There are different myths about it in different cultures, this is my own personal feeling about it. I believe that the long-term story of humanity has to do with our gift of contagious empathy, and it goes like this.
First, the human organism chose to teach the universe about how to overcome hard challenges and be victorious over adversity without losing the warmth and aliveness in the heart, another word for which is “empathy.”
To make it happen, the human organism plunged itself into a circumstance whose initial experience was of being abused and enslaved.
It’s a process, and we are in this process now. We are in that experience, still, because we are working on our finding way up.
In its essence, it is a high path even when it feels like a low path, but that statement can be confusing and misleading if absorbed as just a theoretical talking point.
So, if a soul is temporarily in a place where all this crap feels just wrong and unjust (and it is), a good strategy is to, first, figure out the best protections, but also focus on internal sensory processes and figure out the movements of one’s individual life and the reason why things went the way they went, and what desires and energy went into that, and really focus on the sense of “self” in all that. Tap into memories, while praying to the benevolent and truly supportive and nourishing spiritual forces for clarity, and for help to see. And then see what happens…
My feeling about it is that the motive of the human organism (and of individual people born into an abusive circumstance) was pure love. And since everything in life exists in many dimensions and on different levels (I think), the motive was possibly to give an opportunity for reconsideration to individual "villains" (something that so far, has been a near-impossible task), as well as to tap into new internal and evolving mysteries of God, and also to teach empathy to different energies in the universe whose tremendous power and technical knowledge makes it harder for them to emphasize with the 'stumbling" and the "weak."
There is a caveat though. The challenge for the beings who dive into sewage—even if it’s out of pure love—is that doing so does not feel good at all. It really doesn't. And it's overwhelming. And confusing. And it feels wrong once the senses are overflown with crap. And so the task is to remember why we find ourselves in this collective situation, and how to not get overwhelmed too much while we are swimming out of it and home.
I think in the process of doing so, on the background, the mystery happens, and we expand our energy, expand our contagious empathy, and we do what we promised to God to do. The “day-to-day” of it is not an intellectual process necessarily, It's a kind of knowledge that comes in doing.
Which is to say, please keep swimming out of it and home. You are really here for a reason.
As you are swimming toward answers to all your questions, the loving,, motherly, all-nourishing eyes of the mysterious Creator are on you, you are loved completely, and your swim is not a solo swim. You are for real.
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You're getting at the essence of it all, and I feel you are "downloading" very clear messages for humanity, and I feel similar shifts, sorry for the over-used word. New Year's Eve was a day of exactly this happening for me too. I chose strength instead of injury. Without disclosing details, I got over myself, in a situation with my son. No brooding. I chose simply to be in a great mood and give love and find reasons to rejoice.
I put on a sparkly waistcoat…and a pink (yes, pink) coat. My small act of defiance against my own dullness. Love was everywhere, and the shadows were banished.
The better part of healing "the world" is ceasing to be aggrieved. At the family New year's party we danced until 2:30 am. They still dance here, every chance they get. Are they uniquely equipped to dance in Spain? No! We all have the same two legs, those of us who still do, and as we know, many do not. Many have neither legs not families nor homes nor futures.
Is dancing a betrayal of all the suffering people?
It's a language of freedom.
Laughter. Dance. Music.
Dance for those who have lost their legs, humans.
We must use, express, activate, all that we have.
America must get together again, as a dancing people, a musical instrument playing people, a party-throwing people. Fauci wanted us to identify as shuffling prisoners in shackles practically. Remember when he said don't have barbecues on July 4? He is a SOCIAL ENGINEER of the darkest order.
He is now defeated.
Happy New Year Tessa and friends! 💃
A "Happy" New Year to the woman of big heart and intelligence you are !