This is a big deal. Whoever is running the show was forced to do it. The stars are aligned for good things.
After fifty (!!) years in jail, Peltier was promised today that he’ll be able to go home. He has not been pardoned, which is not right in my opinion, but this is better than what has been happening in his life in the past fifty years. And yes, I am aware that there has been intrigue and “controversy” around his life, and I am sure it will shortly appear on the 5D-chess lines but I am just happy that he can go home.
President Joe Biden commuted the life sentence of indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, who was convicted in the 1975 killings of two FBI agents. [Peltier has maintained his innocence.]
Peltier was denied parole as recently as July and wasn't eligible for parole again until 2026.
He was serving life in prison for the deaths of the agents during a standoff on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. He will transition to home confinement.
A thinking point: if one wants to understand the despicable great reset of today, one may want to look with honesty into the original American great reset, i.e. what was done by the globalists of the day (and yes, they were globalists, despite the “patriotic” marketing brochure) to the original people of this land. Methinks, we the people gotta stop believing the proverbial globalists waving different flags—and start being honest about who we are in this world as human beings, and whose side we are on.
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Well now. Isn't that something. Despite the disaster that is The Biden, protecting Fauci, allowing Ukraine to toss missiles into Russia etc, he does something most excellent in letting Peltier go home after all these years. Welp... there ya go.
In 1997 I solo cycled across the United States, from New York City to San Francisco. As I was reaching Missouri, it dawned on me that being an attorney I could stop in Fort Leavenworth and see Tommy Manning, a political prisoner I had met in New York when he was held there before his “Ohio 7” sedition trial in Springfield, Massachusetts. So with my attorney card I entered Leavenworth and dropped in on Tommy unexpectedly who of course was delighted.
There were only about a half dozen other inmates in the visiting room that morning. Suddenly my eyes popped out when who do I see walk into the room? Leonard Peltier! Even though I had had his picture on my desk for ten years I had totally forgotten he was in Leavenworth. He immediately observed me sitting with another political prisoner and to my amazement he walked right up to me and shook my hand! He wasn’t supposed to make contact with me because I was not his official visitor, but every time he passed us on his way to the vending machine, he stopped momentarily to talk to us. That handshake fueled me on my bike all the way to California!