A quick uplifting post in case you can use some inspiration tonight
A very special and unusual song that I came across
I am writing a serious article that I will send shortly but this song came along, and I just have to send it out. Not only does it sound beautiful but also, it is rich and sweet. As the son is singing how he doesn’t belong here, the mother responds to him by signing how he belongs, and he is of earth, and life is his to enjoy. (She explains this here.) This is like a beautiful journey of a modern man—who has completely forgotten how to be anything but brainy, alone, and sad—back where he belongs, back home. I will leave it at that.
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Absolutely incredible, and also very timely for me today. Thank you Tessa
Awesome. Always loved that song and this was an unusual yet perfect fusion of two worlds you would otherwise think incompatible. Nice post.